Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]


One of the eternal trends in the New Year's decoration of the apartment is considered a decorative fireplace. In combination with garlands and christmas wreath, he is able to give the interior the necessary entourage and emphasize the festive attitude. Stylish variants of a decorative fireplace can be built with their own hands based on breed materials.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Cardboard False Fireplace

For the manufacture of the design, it is worth drawing a drawing and based on it to prepare the boxes of the appropriate size.

Tools and materials:

  • Cardboard boxes - 2 large or several medium;
  • Roulette, marker, stationery knife;
  • glue or tape, stapler;
  • Decor - colored paper, paint, wallpaper under a brick or with imitation of plaster.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Sequence of work:

  1. Make a base-podium from a large narrow package.
  2. Top to build a flue compartment from the second large box. To do this, marine a rectangular or arched opening, cut off the stancel knife. Further install the cardboard firebox on the podium, lock the stapler.
  3. Remove the surface surface with the selected coating.

Tip! It looks great to imitation of the hearth with decoration in the form of a masonry of red bricks or texture plaster. The inner wall of the furnace can be made by appliqué of colored paper or foil.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Corner portal

With the help of an angular fireplace portal, you can stylish free space near the New Year tree . The imitation of a cozy homemade focus is easy to perform from a cardboard box, foam or drywall. If the packaging was performed at hand from under large household appliances, construct a trend attribute of winter holidays from it without prejudice to the family budget.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Sequence of work:

  1. Cut one of the sides of the square cardboard packaging, give the box a triangular shape, join the scotch or stapler.
  2. On the facade surface, lay the furnace. To do this, it is necessary to draw a square or rectangle, the top can be made by a semicircle to get an arched opening. Do not cut, generate the resulting parts to the rear.
  3. From the remnants of the cardboard packaging, cut the inner walls and part for the design of the bottom surface, mounted the elements using the tape or glue.

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Corner Fireplace Portal Install on the podium from the foam, top designs make it from the same material. The surfaces of the product should be separated in accordance with the design of the New Year's interior.

Tip! As a universal version of the facing of the imitation of a homemade focus, it is worth considering the stylized wallpaper. If you wish, make a flat decor made of cardboard plates of a rectangular shape, glue a layer of white paper napkins from above, or paint the water-making paint.

Decorative focus of foam

The fireplace portal of polyfoam is performed easily and is cheap.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Materials and tools:

  • Paints of the Polympoth;
  • cardboard;
  • marker, roulette, knife, glue;
  • Primer, paint, polyurethane decor.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Sequence of work:

  1. Cut from the cellular material of the workpiece in the form of 2 side elements of the erzaz-fireplace, lower and top base, rear wall.
  2. Fix the parts with each other with glue. If you wish, the furnace will place the arch, cutting an additional element from the foam.
  3. Cardboard cut the rectangles, they need to puncture the surface of the foam design to simulate brickwork.
  4. After drying the embossed coating, apply primer and paint in the desired shade.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

The angular protrusions of the false fireplace are decorated with decorative elements made of polyurethane or improvised stucco from cardboard or foam.

For decoration of the symbol of the home of the hearth, you can use New Year's desktop compositions from needles, cones, tangerines and Christmas balls, decorate garlands, candles and other attributes of a fabulous holiday.

False fireplace do it yourself. 60 photos of decorative fireplace ideas (1 video)

Decorative fireplace in the interior (7 photos)

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

Decorative fireplace with their own hands [Stylish ideas]

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