Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)


Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

To build a house from firewood and clay or cement with your own hands is not at all difficult, but the materials are cheap and can be found. They call their grimar. Many people dream of their house, but not everyone knows what to start work. Of course, the plan of the house, the materials, and went went ... Have you ever thought of having your small house among the forest, which would be made of wood, and merged with general nature?

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Such buildings are called Grinurki, and now we will get acquainted with this design a little closer.

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

What is "Grinurka"?

Surely, the word is not all known. This is the name of the category of small houses made of pieces of wood, and stored with various types of solutions. Abroad in Canada, such an option of houses is called "Cordwood", in our area "Glinocurka".

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

The construction technology of the construction is as follows: the solution is done and it is placed on it, bold firewood or other pieces of wood. In fact, the width of the walls in the house will depend on the length of the pad.

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Interesting is the fact that, despite this method of laying a tree, it is well preserved and serves a long time. Do not believe it, but in the US states there is such a house, which was built back in 1880 and was preserved in good condition to the present day.

The advantages of Globurka

Before you decide on the construction of such a house, it is worth find out what all the advantages he has before other options.

  • The first and most important item will be the fact that the design is completely eco-friendly and natural.
  • A fairly economical option of the house, if compared with other structures in terms of material (brick, log house, etc.). In principle, the price of Globurka will depend on the scale of the construction and availability of available materials in the nearest surroundings. Another double bonus, if you build it yourself. Of course, the forces will be spent a lot, but the result is worth it.
  • Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

  • Savings on warmth, because heating the house once, warmly will keep well enough, and most importantly - for a long time. It warms it quickly, if compared, for example, with brick houses.

    In the summer in Globurki cool enough, at the time when the heat is standing on the street. There is no strong temperature jump between the day and in the evening in the room.

  • Before the construction, it will be necessary to make all permits to take you a section of trees under cutting. This may take some time, but as a result, the monetary costs in terms of materials will be minimal.
  • The construction itself is slightly easy and simple. No need to have any special knowledge in terms of architecture or construction. Even a simple person who has no specialization in a building will be able to build an independently given design.
  • Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

  • Undoubtedly, after completion of construction work, you can experience pride for your creation and invite friends and loved ones.
  • Despite the fact that it would seem such a house a fairly flammable is not so. According to the International Conference, tests were carried out during the fire of such structures. They showed that the wooden house with clay, built on all the norms of "Globurki" completely burned down just three days later.

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Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Disadvantages of wood and clay houses

Undoubtedly, if there are advantages, there are disadvantages. Consider what nuances may be.

  • According to time and work, this is quite volumetric work, especially if you do it yourself with your own hands. In principle, cash savings are due to their own free time.
  • If you need to sell the grogurkurk, it will be practically impossible for it, well, or quite difficult. Few people want to buy it, because the informativeness about such versions of houses and technologies is almost zero. Especially if such a house will be unknown where (far from civilization).

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

These are the main nuances that can be encountered. In principle, they are very insignificant, compared to the fact that we will get excellent economical and environmentally friendly housing.

Handmade Gnocharka: Step-by-step instructions

We have already met that it is this kind of buildings. Now let's find out how to build it with your own hands.


First you need to stock materials for the construction. Do not forget that materials will be used extremely natural origin.

We will need:

  1. Wood. It can be any kind of tree, even waste from sawmills and fallen bric. It is recommended to use a coniferous tree, since its resin impresses the trunk so much that the process of its rotting is reduced to a minimum. In addition, the house will smell a pleasant coniferous aroma.

    In fact, it is not a fundamental choice, you can use any other breed.

  2. Clay.
  3. Hay.
  4. Sand.
  5. Opil

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

From the primary means that may be needed while working:

  • Bucket for clay.
  • Saw or ax for tree splits.
  • Gloves to protect hands.

It is important to note that clay and wood have a similar moisture absorption, so they have almost the same moisture return. This contributes to the emergence of a fairly unique microclimate.

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Preparation of clay solutions

The solution itself should be more plastic than masonry. It is necessary that he retained the porosity - it will make it possible to "breathe" the walls.

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

There are many options for the preparation of the desired solution, here are some of them:

  1. The classic solution is 2: 1 clays to the sand and 3-4 rods of the root or sand.
  2. Woody - clay and sand 2: 1, and 3 parts of sawdust, pre-closed in water.
  3. Cement option - 1: 3 cement to sand, 4-5 pieces of sawdust or chips.

There are some more options for a solution, but these are the most popular and simple.

It is better if the solution is a bit dry, but it will be good to keep the form.

The construction process of Globurki.

When wood and solution are ready, go to the main part of the work is the building of the house.

  1. Laying the foundation. Not necessarily to make it classic rectangular or square. Alternatively, the house can be a round form, because it is your originality, they differ among other options.

    Something special laying of the foundation will not differ, the main thing is not to forget to make a layer of waterproofing along the top surface of the base.

  2. Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

  3. If the form is square or rectangular - you will additionally need to build a carrying frame for binding of angles. To do this, we put the beams in the corners, in the ratio of 90 degrees to each other. The space between such racks will be filling the wall.
  4. A solution is applied to the foundation and chock is laid out. The distance between them should not be greater. After this distance is additionally filled with a solution and a new layer of chocks. And so, until the full wall of the desired height comes out.
  5. Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

    Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

  6. Do not forget to leave a place under the door and windows. It is important to take into account in its preliminary work.
  7. When our walls are already made, they will need to close for a time with a tarpaulin or a good durable film. Note that it is necessary to close, and not clog the walls (they should be able to ventilate).

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Fully dry our house in about six months, so it is best to start construction in the spring, about mae month.

Facade Finish House of Train

Usually everyone leaves a house in this form in which it is after the construction. But if you would like to make it a little - no question. For wood, there is an opportunity to use varnish, a veil or a special facade paint.

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Clay can be disappeared by pebbles, or any other decorative trim.

In fact, the fantasy is endless, and you can invent anything. Just remember that with each decorative element, the true naturalness of our facilities will be lost.

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

And so, our house is ready, and we can safely settle in it, especially in those moments when you want to run away from the city bustle. It is very cool to have such a place, especially if it is made by its own hands. Globurka will become an excellent economically advantageous option to invest its strength and energy.

Grinurki: photos of wood houses

We also collected for you a large photo gallery of houses made of wood and clay or cement mortar. Here you can learn ideas for inspiration, finishing options, see how to put an angle or decorate the wall inside or outside the house when you build your own gyling. Such a house can be built with your own hands at the cottage - above was step-by-step instructions and recipes for the solution that firewood are fastened. By the way, in this way you can make a fence in the country or in a rustic cottage, and not just build a house. And now watch photos:

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

Grinurka: houses from the woods with their own hands (38 photos)

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