Knitting Khima Beautiful Female Socks Socks


Knitting Khima Beautiful Female Socks Socks

This knitting knitting scheme is one of the most popular.

You will need:

- 50 g of yarn of different colors (white, light gray, orange) DUAL REGIA COTTON (200 m / 50g);

- 5 spokes number 2.5.

Soles size: 36-37 (38-39).


Knitting Khima Beautiful Female Socks Socks

Knitting Khima Beautiful Female Socks Socks

Knitting Khima Beautiful Female Socks Socks

Socks knit facechair (LH): Persons. Party - persons. Loops (LP), isna. The side is rented. loops (IP). Circular rows (cr) - only LP.

Basics of work

Knitting schemes - 2-color semi-trituent pattern (CR):

1st - LP, thread - white;

2nd - IP, thread - light gray;

3rd - * 1IP, 1LP, to enter the back of the previous row. Repeat from * to the end of the row.

After the 3rd row, repeat the rows 2 and 3 again.

Knitting density: 10x10cm - 30 p. 42 p.

Strips alternate: 6 rows - white thread, 2 rows - light gray thread.

Knitting Socks: Stages

1. To dial 15 p. On each needle - only 60 - orange thread and to peel their LG 5 rows;

2. Go to white thread and penetrate a 2-color semi-trituette pattern 21;

3. 1 Cr (LH) - white thread;

4. 2 kr - orange;

5. 1 Cr - light gray;

Knitting heels. Light gray thread. Loops on the spoke 1 and 4:

1st row - LP;

2nd row - double loop (DP): thread before work, remove the 1st loop (like IP), tighten the thread back, making the 1st loop - DP. Next - IP;

3rd row - 1st loop - DP, hereinafter - LP, to the last DP. Turn the job.

4th row - 1st - DP, the rest of the IP, to the last DP. To turn.

Repeat the 3rd and 4th rows until there are 8 loops between the DP on the spokes. Then all 60 p. Slit 2 rows of LH. In the dp pick up both parts - to lie down.

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The bottom half of the heel (at the end of the rows turn turning):

1st row - 20lp;

2nd row - 1 dP, 9IP;

3rd row - 1 dP, 8lp, DP to peck "invalid", 1LP;

4th row - 1 dP, 8IP, DP to tie an IP, 1IP.

Repeat rows 3-4 until the heel is fully fulfilled.


1. All loops together: * 1kr - a thread of light gray and 2-Cyrus - orange *, repeat the rapport ** on the height of 18.5 (20) cm from the middle of the heel;

2. 2-C. Orange thread;

3. Tooch to fulfill according to the general rules of knitting sock;

4. References: 1 time in each 4th cr, 2 p. - In every 3rd cr, 3 r. - In every 2nd Cr, until the end of knitting - in each kr.

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