Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)


Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Private house is not only the opportunity to settle all the family, but also to arrange everything on your taste. In particular, it will concern and the design of the kitchen, which we will issue.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Design Stage Kitchen

One of the most difficult tasks in this process will be the time of proper layout and location of all items. It will be necessary to think about how to place the table, a worktop for the working area and other necessary things for kitchenware.

To begin with, it is recommended to take a pencil, a blank sheet of paper, and draw a project of a future kitchen in a private house.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Options forms of kitchen premises and their design

It by itself, that every home is individual, therefore the square, as well as the form of the kitchen room will be different. Accordingly, the options for arrangement and design can also vary.

Narrow kitchen in a country house

This option is considered the most inconvenient, because when planning will need to take into account all the laws of ergonomics so that the atmosphere of comfort and comfort will be preserved in the room.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Experienced designers recommend creating an interior of kitchen furniture in the form of "g" or "P" of the shape for a private house. Which one to choose will depend on the total area of ​​your kitchen and its width.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Another secret will be a decrease in the depth of kitchen cabinets. Standard depth is 60 cm., But if you make 40cm - it will save you a lot of space, while you will not lose the comfort and functionality of the furniture.

In a narrow kitchen in a country house, it is worth using the sliding door of the lockers, which in turn will also allow to avoid passing the passages and will be quite convenient for operation.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Speaking about the color design - it is better not to experiment with bright shades, but take advantage of the classic tones of a light palette.

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Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Square kitchen in Kottez

If your kitchen has a square shape, or at least close to it - you are lucky enough. In this embodiment, it is much easier to position all the interior items in the cottage, while reaching the most comfortable atmosphere.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

The only nuance that can be is the location of windows and doors. At the same time, designers recommend using non-traditional curtains or curtains for windows, but rollwalls or blinds.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

It will be reasonable to use a bright apron or stylish accessories that will complement the kitchen interior. It can be contrasting doors, a countertop or additional elements in the form of towels, tanks or kitchen causes.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Touch kitchen

It happens that in a private house a kitchen can have two inputs and outputs, respectively, it will be considered a passage. In this case, your main task will clearly separate the working area, while using furniture with the same facade. In such a layout, the kitchen table is recommended to put somewhere on the borders of the kitchen and the corridor room.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

If the side passage is wide enough - it is possible to arrange the rack there so that the work area seems to be visually insulated at the same time. Thus, the hostess in the kitchen will be much more comfortable to work.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

An important point will be covered here. If it is missing, be sure to make additional backlights.

Open kitchen layout

Very often in private houses kitchen combine with the living room area. This gives a huge expanse of design ideas, because you need to think over a smooth transition and all moments of design of this type of room.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

For the visual boundary of the zones, the version of the "island cuisine" or partition in the form of a bar counter is mainly used.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Important moments and tips for kitchen design

It is not always possible to take into account all moments that are so important for creating an interior and kitchen design in a private house.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Here are a few items in the work that you should draw your attention.

    1. The most important point is to think through the details of the distribution of kitchen furniture so that work in the kitchen is not in a burden, but in pleasure.
    2. Take advantage of the "P-shaped" arrangement in a large quadrature kitchen. This will help you save enough space to accommodate other things or items.
    3. Remember that the integrity of the countertop creates a certain sense of the integrity of the room, regardless of what size is your kitchen.
    4. If you decide to combine the kitchen and the living room - use the bar rack option, which can be performed both in color and wooden style.

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Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

  1. Alternatively, the work surface can be combined with a working, and place along the wall.
  2. It will be very beautiful to look at the kitchen, performed in the classic style, while when the bar counter will be placed diagonally.
  3. The kitchen is decorated in Loft style also unusually and contrastfully fit into your private house.
  4. Remember that if the kitchen has two inputs, you must clearly highlight the boundaries of the working area.
  5. Do not forget about the ceiling finish on which wooden beams can be made. This will complement the interior of a stylish kitchen in your home.

Errors in the design of the kitchen interior in the outflow

Typically talk a lot about how to equip the design and interior of the kitchen. But do not always remember often repeated errors that can be avoided.

    • Floor. In the kitchen, active action on cooking and washing dishes occur. This may affect the appearance of coatings, including the floor surface.

      Given these moments, it is not recommended to use:

      - laminate (from moisture of its seams can be deformed);

      - wooden materials (absorb liquids and fat stains, poorly carry cleaning with chemicals);

      - Ceramic tile Economy option (Schools remain after a random drop in objects).

      It will be best to make a porcelain coating or use the reliable sturdy tile.

    • Insufficient lighting. This is an important point, because from the lack of normal lighting in the cooking process, not only your dishes can suffer, but also vision.

      Therefore, in the first stages it is desirable to mount the backlight in the form of point lamps. If it is already impossible to do - think about hanging a sconting or put table lamps.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

    • Microwave over tile. Incorrectly hang a microwave in this place, because then you will not only be constantly washed off from fat spots, but we will not be able to put a normal extract. And this is just an unacceptable option.
    • Plate near the window. This is another mistake that can be allowed during the kitchen planning. She threatens to you that there may be the danger of the ignition of Tulle, as well as permanent oily splashes on the window and the windowsill.
    • Work zone without installing apron. No matter how strong is the hood, it will not fully protect you from cleansing the surface of the walls. That is why it is recommended to put apron, moreover, it should not be in the form of wallpaper, but in the version of tiles or glass panels.

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Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

  • A lot of open shelves are also a problem, because it is best to hide extra objects, and not to put them out. Open shelves can only be hung in the sink zone where the washable means are set.
  • Funumbal furniture. Of course, in some options it is quite beautiful and transforms the interior. But such furniture loads the space and is not practical and useful in use.
  • Complex devices. Abundant decorated lamps and other colorful elements should be put in room such as living rooms or bedrooms. The kitchen must be practical and simple. This will be the key to comfort, at the same time everything can be easily cleaned and washed.
  • Cold tones. Another not very pleasant moment, because if you place the design of the kitchen in a cold-style - it can affect the desire to be in the kitchen, right up to what will be repelled appetite, especially on cloudy days. Therefore, it is recommended to use tones of warm color solutions so that this kind of problem does not occur.

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

Interior and kitchen design in a private house (39 photos)

The kitchen design is a very important stage in the interior design of your private house. Therefore, it will be good if you can plan the placement of furniture in advance depending on the form of the room. And also pay attention to the frequent mistakes of other people to prevent your own.

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