How to break the wallpaper on the whitewashed walls and prepare the surface?


To finish the walls, various materials can be used, but the most popular wallpaper of different quality remains. To break them, it is necessary to prepare not only special glue, but also prepare the surface for further work. Wallpapers can be applied to concrete walls, drywall plasterboard, plastered. But how to glue the canvas to the wall, if it is covered with lime? As much as possible? How to beat the wallpaper for blissing so that the coverage remains due quality, has served for many years and did not dug?

How to break the wallpaper on the whitewashed walls and prepare the surface?

Wallpaper in the bedroom is the usual view of the decor, they differ in variety and allow you to create the desired atmosphere in the bedroom.

Is it possible to leave whitewash?

Solving how to beat the wallpaper for a lime, it is necessary at the initial planning stage to determine whether this layer is left or it will have to be removed. In the second case, the work will be long and complex, very expensive. After removing the blots, the wall will have to prepare anew, align it, and this is extra financial costs. Therefore, the decision is most often made to make a lime stick.

How to break the wallpaper on the whitewashed walls and prepare the surface?

The application of primer allows to increase the level of adhesion (surface clourage).

How to beat the wallpaper on the primer, what composition to choose for surface treatment? The composition should completely not be afraid of moisture, possess good water repellent properties. This is important because the whirlwinds itself is afraid of water, there is a need to protect it from a high level of humidity. If this is not done, the coverage will not last for a long time. Primer mixtures have another positive property. They protect all the surfaces from fungus and mold. After the wall is protected by primer, it is necessary to cover it from above the weak glue solution, which will allow the resulting result.

In order for the whits to be reliably protected, it will help in this and the usual glue, which will then be used for the salary. It can be used with water, then the mixture obtained with a wall. The glue should be chosen on the basis of which wallpaper will be used. This is important, as it is impossible to use various compositions, they simply will not hold the material on the surface of the base. You can use special additives that are intended for a specific type of wall: for bricks, concrete, wood, and other things.

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How to choose the glue correctly?

How to break the wallpaper on the whitewashed walls and prepare the surface?

Wallpaper marking is the first thing to pay attention to when choosing glue.

How to beat the wallpaper on the whitewash quality? The wall can be made of different materials, glue is selected only under the wallpaper. The value is also the paper wallpaper or severe flieslinic, for which only a certain type of adhesive composition is suitable. But it is impossible to save on the glue, since during drying the web can simply turn off from the wall, all work will have to start first, and the cost will only increase.

If you need to beat the paper wallpaper, you can use any good quality glue. Many universal mixtures are perfectly suitable in order to make high-quality and durable mount even on the wall with whitewash. But it is best to apply special compositions intended for paper coatings. In addition, some particular features should be taken into account.

For heavy coatings, for example, for phlizelin, vinyl, most of the fabric, only specialized adhesive compositions are used, which have the required characteristics and properties. As a rule, glue compositions based on PVA are used for flieslinic and vinyl coatings, which are intended for such materials. But for lighter cloths, but with waterproof properties, the compositions that are made on the basis of methylcellulose are used. Almost all types of mixes intended to shove wallpaper on the whitewash walls are supplied in a dry form. Therefore, when preparing glue, it is necessary not only to breed them with water, but also follow all recommendations from the manufacturer relating to the proportions of ingredients.

Stages of stacking wallpaper

How to break the wallpaper on the whitewashed walls and prepare the surface?

Technology shook wallpaper.

So how to get a wall with a whitewash? This work is simple, but it is necessary to comply with some stages:

  1. The prepared wallpaper should be placed, after which cut into separate panels, but do not forget that the allowances are required and a small part for plinths.
  2. All surpluses that will remain with stripping, after full pasting room can be carefully cut off with a sharp knife. If the plinths are fastened after sticking wallpaper, then below the material should be left to leave the surface after performing the repair, there were no traces of the base wall.
  3. The canvas spread on the surface of the clean floor, the front side should look down. After that, a special brush or roller should be applied to the wrong surface, completely impregnate the canvas, but do not soak it.
  4. Each cloth is glued separately, it is impossible to cover everything immediately, as the material will swell very much, it will be absolutely not suitable for decorating. The canvas after applying glue should be folded twice, and then glue it from the top of the wall. After gluing it is smoothed by a dry soft cloth. All excess glue is cleaned immediately. Fliselinic wallpapers are not appreciated completely, they do not wash them with glue, and the adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the wall. After a small part of the wall is processed, it is necessary, without cutting a part of the wallpaper, start gluing the material from the top itself. Down on the required mark, the wallpaper is cut off with a sharp knife.

Begin to glue the wallpaper on the whitewash is best from the window, fixes the cloth of the jack, and the corners are punctured overlap.

Each cloth strokes to remove all air bubbles, in this case the wall after sticking will become beautiful, smooth, there will be no bubbles and detacies.

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The wall before sticking wallpaper is often covered with such a layer as lime. Many who are planning the walls of walls with the help of wallpaper, the question arises, and whether it will be well to stay well on the whiteway, whether it will divert during drying. In order for the coating to be high-quality, you must first prepare the wall, after which you begin to stick, observing all stages of work.

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