Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]


The ceiling device is important in the apartment design. This depends on the size of the room and the total atmosphere. But often the owners are wondering - what ceiling will be better: gloss or matte. The answer to this question can be obtained from this article.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

About features

The stretch design of the ceiling includes:

  • framework;
  • Material stretched uniformly and fixed on special fasteners.

Such registration is consumer demand, as practical in terms of cleaning and operation.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

The main distinguishing feature is - the ability to adjust any room . Design options set, including the possibility of execution with protrusions. There are two varieties of ceiling: PVC textiles and film.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the installation of the stretch ceiling are the smooth and smooth surface, that is, no savory sites and folds are not marked.

List of advantages of the ceiling mount:

  1. Resistance to moisture, that is, condensate in the process of operation is not formed.
  2. Choosing a height, due to this, it is easy to adjust the height of the ceiling in the room.
  3. Relatively fast installation.
  4. Favorable value.
  5. Dirt and dust accumulate.

It is worth noting. The device of the stretch ceiling allows you to choose various shades of paints.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

List of flaws:

  1. The design reduces the height of the ceiling, that is, if the height of the walls is low, then the placed multiple centimeters will be noticeable.
  2. Material is subject to mechanical damage. In case of inactive contact, cracks, gaps and other defects remain on the surface.

Despite the disadvantages of the design, the consumer prefers this type of ceiling mount.

Glossy ceilings

If you perform a glossy ceiling, the effect of a large space will be provided.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Choice nuances:

  1. The room becomes more, due to texture performance. This is a modern designer solution with which it shows that any object in the interior looks elegant.

Attention. If there is already a glossy subject in the room, the glossy ceiling device will not be appropriate.

  1. When applying a photo printing to the surface, the outlines of the lines may be lost, so this circumstance should be considered when the room is cleaned.

It is worth noting. Uncomplicated drawings selected in motifs are an ideal solution when designing design.

  1. There is a unique mirror effect, as everything is reflected in the floor. But in order not to be busting, some of the items from the decor are removed.

Article on the topic: How to fill the house to make it stylish?

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Selection of zone for dinner at the expense of gloss - it works effectively . But you need to know that when choosing a cold tone in the room becomes uncomfortable.

Matte structures

The brilliant effect on the ceiling is missing, which allows you to use this solution in any interior. This is the main advantage over glossy ceilings.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Choice nuances:

  1. Matovost emphasizes the special taste of the owners, including their well-being and social status.
  2. Ideally combined with glossy material, in connection with which it can be used to give a 3-D effect.
  3. It is easy to perform space motifs, the starry sky and much more.
  4. The effect of voltage from the matte structure is not created.
  5. Easy and ease of cleaning.

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

When choosing a material should pay attention to the density, shades for different premises, the number and location of the lamps. If you want to create the effect of comfort and heat, then you need to think carefully. Only weighted solutions contribute to long-term operation of the ceiling mount.

Matte or glossy? What stretch ceiling to choose? (1 video)

Matte and glossy stretch ceiling in the interior (7 photos)

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

Glossy and matte ceiling? [Criterias of choice]

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