Pipe color, Heating Systems


Even systems hidden under the panels require a protective coating from moisture. Painting of pipes that are in sight of the aesthetic purposes simultaneously. A large selection of colors allows you to choose a material in the tone of the walls and visually hide the heating system. Or turn the old radiator into the decor. The area of ​​the coating and paint consumption are calculated for pipes of different diameters separately. Standard table for smooth surfaces is not suitable. Complex configuration and difficulty get the opposite direction increase the consumption of materials.

Pipe color, Heating Systems

Mobile pipes alone

Different colors are used to marking pipelines and systems in enterprises. The tonality says that they are transported. All surface or individual sections can be stained. All this is regulated by GOST 14202.

Coloring of the water supply system and heating systems in the old apartment

Pipe color, Heating Systems

Painting pipes

My friend had an excess apartment, and he decided to pass it. It did not make sense to make a major overhaul. With strangers usually do not ceremony. The pipes were all high-quality, metal. Different chopper. It was enough to replace part of the plumbing and update the cracked coating on the water supply and heating system.

We started with the choice of material. Paint for pipes indoors must comply with the requirements:

  • protect against corrosion;
  • do not allocate harmful substances;
  • Do not have a strong smell;
  • combined with metal;
  • steadily to carry the temperature differences;
  • look good;
  • Have a high wear resistance.

I suggested Vadik to choose from the following compositions:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • water-dispersion;
  • Silver.

Water-dispersion paints were diluted with water. All the others allocated an unpleasant smell of the solvent to complete drying and even after time when heating the heating pipes. The area under staining was big. The cost of high-quality materials is high. However, we refused from oil paint. It smells greatly even after driving. After 3 years loses shine. Then begins to peel.

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Preparation for painting

Pipe color, Heating Systems

Pipe preparation to color

The painting of pipes and radiators was produced repeatedly. It was possible to distinguish the nitro enamel, silver and oil paint of various colors. The rust appeared in places. We started checking tightness. Even speaking through the pores of the moisture could have become a big problem over time.

Then they began to prepare the entire pipe area to paint.

  1. All washed away from dirt and oil spots.
  2. The old coating was removed with a washes, a hairdryer and just a metal brush. It all depended on the type of paint, and how firmly she kept.
  3. Covered the entire surface of alkyd anti-corrosion primer. Walked twice. I used to apply an airbrush, giving a narrow jet. Vadik closed the walls, appling unnecessary plastic.
  4. A day later applied a layer of paint. After drying the second.

Preparation and painting of pipes took us a few evenings. Alone, my friend would come in three times longer. It is necessary to constantly paint in difficult places. It is impossible to leave uncovered spots even in invisible places. Pipes will begin to be covered by corrosion and can quickly collapse.

Protect the walls and gender, constantly moving a piece of plastic more convenient than constantly mounting it with a scotch and rearrange, breaking away from painting. Therefore, I advise you to paint the pipes yourself with your friend.

Conditions of heating radiators

Pipe color, Heating Systems

Paint the pipe with your own hands

The preparation of radiators was produced similarly to the pipes. Just primitive and paint them more convenient to narrow tassels. I used straight and bent. We hurried with Vadik to finish before the heating is included. Hot sections burn hands. The paint will quickly dry and can begin to crack.

The composition began to apply from above, dropping down and covering the entire section of the section. Then passed to another. The first layer is thicker, the second thinner. Color were chosen in the tone of the walls. After drying, Vadik painted them with plant patterns, turned into an original decor.

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Plate and converter radiators are not painted at home. They are applied a special powder coating that does not reduce heat transfer. If you need to reproduce a small plot, it is better to use silver. It more than other paints corresponds to the technical characteristics for coating heat exchangers.

Calculation of the consumption of paint and primer for pipes and batteries

Pipe color, Heating Systems

Pipe coloring

To calculate the consumption of paint, we needed a table. The difficulty lies in the fact that pipes in the drawings and on sale are indicated in inches. This is an internal diameter. We needed to calculate the area of ​​the outer surface. As a result, a table appeared.

InchesOuter diameter, mmArea 1 m pipe, m2

To buy paint, we created another table. In it, we indicated the length of the pipes of each type, dividing them in colors. Multiplying for two, increased by 10%. Received approximate consumption with loss.

On the reverse side of each can with finishing materials, there is a cost of consumption and weight of the composition. For these figures, we determined how many paint should be taken. The primer was considered to be together. For radiators, the diameter of the riglel was measured and multiplied by 3. Two layers, taking into account ribs, protrusions and losses for splashing and drums.

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