What curtains from wood hang on the doorway


The use of the door indoors is not always a relevant solution. But I always want to leave the opening open. The so-called "portal" between two rooms in some cases is not quite acceptable. And then the exact decision becomes relevant - to use the scope, and not a standard sample, which we used to see on window openings, and more adapted for the doorway. In this case, as a rule, weighted elements that simplify the use of the product are used.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway

Wooden curtains

Next, consider what the curtains are made of wood, as they can transform the doorway, which there are models and so on. A photo of models will be presented.

Requirements and functions

Most often, such curtains are relevant when dividing such premises:

  • hallway and corridor;
  • hallway and living room;
  • corridor and living room;
  • Living room and kitchen.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway

These rooms may differ from each other with style or color decoration. Therefore, the application of a tree curtains from a tree as a conditional separator is a very relevant solution. Such products allow:

  • zonate space;
  • hide any interior elements;
  • Make the design more harmonious.

As a result, a visual and practical pleasure can be obtained from the presence in the doorway of an attractive curtain. She is able to raise the mood daily.


It is possible to learn not only from the photo, but also from the products that manufacturers are available to us on the way. The variants are set, so it's not so easy to choose. But the most popular door curtains made of wood are:

  • plastic;
  • bamboo;
  • rolled;
  • Visulki;
  • Nutrition.

It is difficult to recommend some specific model: they are all different, good in their own way. Therefore, it is worth navigating on your feelings and conditions, then you can make the right choice.

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What curtains from wood hang on the doorway


The bamboo curtain looks great if the interior is created from natural materials. Such curtains on the wood doors perfectly harmonize, for example, with African theme. Bamboo elements - comfort and heat of the room, they are characterized by such advantages:
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • antistaticity;
  • Antibacterial.


These curtains can also be made of wood. They are controlled by a chain mechanism. Looks like a solid cloth of a material that fully closes the doorway. Such a solution is very modern and popular, so it can decorate actually any dwelling.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway


Such curtains consist of threads that are risen, for example, elements of wood. Of course, instead of them there may be others, for example, shells or stones. This solution can be fulfilled with your own hands. In the photo you can make sure how attractive it may turn out. The main thing is to show fantasy and the effort, and the original effect will necessarily.


This is a universal solution that has many titles:

  • noodles;
  • rope curtains;
  • rain curtains;
  • Kieme.

This solution can be used for a balcony entrance. Passing through such a chart, you can feel like under a small warm rain causing positive emotions.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway


It should be noted and this option. Not always the curtains of wood on the doorway are hanging in the case when there is no door. It is possible to combine.

In addition, during the repair process, it may be, for example, the door of the door does not correspond to the rest of the stylistic elements. Then the curtain can be a very relevant solution. It can be chosen, let's say, under the color of the curtains located on the windows. It is even an economical approach, as it eliminates the need to change the door and the door frame.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway

Independent implementation

Make curtains from wood with your own hands - a good solution. It is important to approach the solution to the issue with full responsibility.

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First you need to decide on the most relevant option for specific conditions. After that, measurements are made. Next should be made a small project, how the curtains will be placed in the opening. Then you prepare all the components and collect them in the finished product. It remains only to consolidate the solution obtained above the opening.

What curtains from wood hang on the doorway

Curtain can be fixed on a special eaves or on a wooden plank.


As we can see, for the doorway, you can pick up a wide variety of curtains: and in size, and in shape, and according to the components of the elements, and in color. For each case, you can use your own option. It is only important to relate it to your ideas about attractiveness, harmony with interior and practicality in use. If you determine for yourself these important parameters, it will be necessary to choose the most optimal option.

And then the opening will look in a new way, and the design of the room will be even more original and stylish.

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