Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand


For the safety of pedestrians, in many countries the rules require to have reflective elements on clothing when driving outside the city. In stores sell various bandages, key chains and bracelets. Ready reflective paint is sold in aerosol packaging. It is convenient to make luminous drawings on the fabric and roadside fences in the dark. Wanting to hit friends, create a unique luminous world in the living room with your own hands.

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Paint reflective

It is necessary to protect the fence of a friend, standing near the road

Country house of my friend stands near the road. At night, the car tried to deject the fence in his own way. The car remembered the temporary fence from the proflist. Vadik was going to put a stone base and adhesive top. He worried that then the passengers of a careless driver can seriously suffer. It was necessary to highlight the line of the fence with light or special paint.

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Reflective paint

A friend has been raised around the perimeter LED lamps. But they walked along with road lighting when electricity was gone. Divided from the city it happened often. I offered him various options:

  • establish autonomous meals for illumination of the fence;
  • Mount reflective elements of plastic;
  • stick luminous film;
  • Apply a special paint.

The first two options are consumed materially and physically. The film can be pasted only on a smooth surface. Lighting paint remained. Vadik wanted to know:

  • what it happens;
  • Is it possible to apply on the fabric;
  • How to cook with your own hands.

Types of reflective paints

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Paint reflective for vehicles

For self-use, paint sold in stores is divided according to the method of glow:

  • retroreflective;
  • luminescent - accumulative;
  • Fluorescent;
  • Reflective film.

Reflective compositions are created on the base of varnish and special powder from smooth balls. If the light is hit on the painted surface, they reflect the rays towards the source, return them, and partially dissipate. The paint of this group was named free-growing. It is worth turning off the headlights, and it becomes invisible. The composition can be made with their own hands, mixing the finished pigment with a transparent varnish.

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Fluorescent paint contains pigments that react to ulurafiolet radiation. When the light waves hit the other length, it does not shine. The composition is used to create with their own hands the luminous drawing on the fabric, in the interior and when creating work in the style of Body Art.

Luminescent paint accumulates light from the sun and artificial sources and then for 8 to 12 hours gives it in the dark. Colors mostly greenish, blue and dairy. Big content in the pigment of harmful substances limits the use of this type of compositions. Cannot be used in bedrooms and children. If phosphorus acts as a drive, then the material can be used only for outdoor decor.

The film has a self-adhesive surface on the reverse side. The front side is covered with retroreflective composition. It can be cut on strips of any size and secure on the tissue of the outerwear, smooth metal and painted structures.

Application of luminous materials

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Paint reflective for animals

Reflective paint of various types is widely used for staining markup:

  • roads;
  • railing;
  • border;
  • signs;
  • protruding dimensions;
  • clothes;
  • barriers;
  • bicycles;
  • cars;
  • disco halls and cafes;
  • interiors;
  • Decor.

Wide use of glowing materials received by artists and designers. They create the original design of the usual items with their own hands.

For highlighting roads, reflective paint is applied. It is transparent and on the asphalt first apply the white soil lines, then lacquer with reflective particles. Lack of it in low wear resistance to erasure. It is necessary to update periodically.

On the columns and signs use color paint with reflective effect. The film is pasted in public buildings to prevent visitors.

Fluorescent paint is in demand from educators of entertainment facilities. When you turn on ultraviolet lamps, the interior fabulously changes its appearance.

Aerosol paints for fabric and other materials

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Paint reflective in the interior

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For his victim's fence, Vadik chose a canister, which was bright yellow reflective paint. He drew warning signs on the surface of the metal sheet. In the afternoon they looked like ordinary drawings. At night, when hitting them, the headlights began to glow.

His eldest son then added his art. They noticed them not immediately, as the boy used a transparent composition for this, which is not visible during the day. The child wanted to help his father and with his own hands to create threatening warnings to drivers who wish to enter the fence.

My friend bought this balloon to apply warning strips on the tissue of backpacks and windbreaks. The family often walked late in the forest and returned home on the side of the road.

When a new fence is built, Vadik will apply to it a reflective paint on a stone in the lower part. The light of the headlight will fall on this part of the fence already at the far distance to the car.

Reflective paints do it yourself

Paint reflective aerosol and made by hand

Paint reflective for inscriptions or signs

Vadik is interested to create everything with your own hands. I told him that the store sell pigments for luminous paints. They must be breeding in proportions 1 to 4 in transparent varnish. First, liquid flows into the glass or porcelain dishes. Then the powder and a drop of solvent is poured. Everything is mixed.

Varnish can be any. It is selected by the material of the surface on which the composition will be applied. The solvent contributes to the uniform distribution of particles. It must fit the basis. It is rather dripped than pouring, since it is necessary not more than 1% of the paint gained.

A pretty mixture is applied with a brush on the surface purified from dust and dirt. It is preferably painted at temperatures above 5 degrees. In Claus, varnish, if it does not have time to harden, cracks. You can spray powder on the crude, covered with varnish surface.

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