Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures


Performing staining of outer surfaces, you should understand the properties and advantages of using oil paints. For ease of choice, each paint has its own labeling and today, I will tell about the most sought-after paints, as well as what oil paint consumption is 1m2 and how much oil paint dries. For example, PF 115 paint used for external work is deciphered as follows: The figure 1 denotes the scope, and 15 is a catalog number. Today we will look at such mixes like:

  1. Paint PF 115.
  2. Oil mixture Ma 15 Surik Iron and its requirements GOST 10503-71
  3. Paint Ma 015 and GOST
  4. Consider colored, dense oil paints 8292-85
  5. What are the brushes for oil mixtures and outdoor work
  6. Ma 0115 Surik Mummy
  7. Find out what kind of diluent tee and solvent for oil paint is not smell
  8. We will examine how to remove paint from the walls, and which oil mixtures are used for sex and internal works

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Choose oil paint for outdoor work

General information about the material

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Mobile walls at home

Oil paints are widely demanded for outdoor and internal work. Due to its characteristics, it is used for floors from wood, walls in bathrooms and other facilities. Reliability and quality are two main properties of the LKM. Working for such mixtures is better to perform in warm and dry season, it is especially important for the enamel of PF 115. If you will see the inscription in GOST 10503-71 on the package with paint, then you should not worry about the quality of this material. GOST 10503-71 This is a confirmation of manufacturing according to strictly registered regulations.

Before you to update the decorative oil coating, you should remove the old finish from the walls and only after that re-apply the oil mixture with a brush or other tools.

Appointment enamel PF 115

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Paint for outdoor work

Due to its properties of PF 115, no longer one year has a leading position when choosing paint for walls during outdoor or internal work. Due to enamel, painting surfaces made of metal and wood. PF 115 has a large number of colors and can be applied not only with a brush, but also a roller, a brush or a spacing. For high-quality application of PF 115 and the correct work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surfaces of the surface. To do this, it is better to remove the old finish, clean the walls from dirt, dust or fatty spots. After that, degreasing and coating with a primer layer occurs.

If we talk about the consumption of oil krasuskip 115, then the norm leaves about 100-180 gr / m2. Staining surfaces in 2 or more layers, the coating warranty will increase to 4 years. According to GOST, the Emale PF 115 has a topics:

  • More than 50% shine
  • Good material viscosity
  • Mass fraction of non-volatile substances 49-70%
  • Dry at 20 degrees - day, at 100 degrees - about 1 hour
  • Elasticity readings of enamel no more than 1 mm
  • Good shelterness
  • Mass fraction of a film-forming substance 50-70%
  • Do not fade
  • Punch strength at least 40 cm

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Information in accordance with state requirements

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Oil paint for walls

Probably, each newcomer initially difficult to figure out the marking of oil and other LX. In order to understand which brands should have paints according to GOST 10503 71 Let's look at this table:

Substances in the composition of the paints

GOST 10503 71.

Brand of the mixture and its name
Belil zincBelil lithoponicColored mixesSurik railwayMummyocher
Ma-15, Ma-15 NMa-22, Ma-22 NMa-22, Ma-22 NMa-25, Ma-25NMa-15.Ma-15.Ma-15.Ma-15.Ma-15.Ma-15.
For external processesOlife combinedOlife combined K2 K3 K5Olife combined K3, K5
For internal workOlife OxolOlife OxolOlife combined K2 K3 K5Olife OxolOlife combined K2, K3, K4, K5

Surik Iron according to GOST 10503 71 is an anti-corrosion protection of metal surfaces. Surik15 Iron is used in painting radiators and garages, batteries and material that is subjected to negative atmospheric influences. If the oil paint iron sulic thickens, then it needs to be diluted, applying the White Spirit solvent. Application of material in several layers is possible using a roller or brush.

Earth paints Mami0115 Mummy are used in conducting outdoor and internal works, but not used in floor staining. Dilute the material should be using a solvent or turbid gasoline. If the mummy is applied to a tree or metal in 1 layer, then the oily paint consumption ranges in the range of 55-240 g / m2. The paint is applied using rollers or brushes on the pre-prepared surface of the walls. To do this, you should remove the old finish and remove the dirt, dust and fat stains.

Attention should also be paid to non-ferrous, dense oil paints, which, according to GOST 8292, such brands:

  1. M021 - Natural Olife
  2. MA015 and MA025 - on the film-forming component
  3. GF023 - Glifthal Found
  4. PF024 - Pentaphle

Dovetherty colored mixes should be made, given all technical specimens and GOST 8292 85. Given 8292 85 dense colored paints need to be dissociated with olphos, after that it is possible to add an additive spirit. According to the safety requirements for GOST 8292 85, dense paints are fire-hazardous and distinguished by harmful pairs, therefore, when applying color densely, it is necessary to use overalls.

According to GOST 8292 85, dense colored mixtures should be viscosity in area 65/140. With such indicators, dense paints dry over 24 hours. But the most important characteristic of the material can be called its hardness, it is precisely its stability to damage and the quality of the entire coating. Delicate oil paints should have indicators no less than 0.13.

Speaking about the oil paint of the brand 015, it can be said that it is used, as well as the previous ones for the bases of metal and wood. You can apply Ma-015 using a brush and roller, but it will be better to apply the paintopult. As and everywhere MA 015 requires surface preparation and for this you need to remove the old finish and clear the base from the dirt. With optimal temperature mode in the area of ​​20 degrees of heat, oil paint Ma-015 will dry out per day. As for the previous mixtures, 015 requires the protection of respiratory and skin organs during work. To work with Ma-015 in closed rooms, it is necessary to have good ventilation. MA 015 is bred using natural oils and as needed additionally to White Spirit and Nets. The application of MA 015 is suitable for internal interiors of walls, with the right use of oil 015, its properties will continue for at least 1 year.

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Oil diluents

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Oil paint for the facade

In contrast to the usual gouache paint, where it is possible to dilute with water, for oil mixtures, it is necessary to apply the diluent. All of them are different and each of them has their own properties that we will consider. Looking into art stores you can get confused in a huge number of existing diluents and therefore remember that there is:

  • Diluent
  • Varnish
  • Double
  • Tee

The diluent is suitable not only for direct dilution of paint, but also to purify various surfaces from it. The tee is characterized by the fact that, unlike the twin, where art varnish and oil are present in the composition, there is still a diluent. Choosing a tee or a regular diluent costs from the purpose of its use. If you have no need to save money, it is better to choose a pure diluent without smell. Despite its high cost, you will be more pleasant to work with this material.

Important! By purchasing various materials, pay attention to the solvent without odor. With it, they are deguted to the grounds, the tools are cleared, as well as with their help simply dissolve oil paints.

Select paint for floors

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Pray the walls at home with oil paint do it yourself

As everyone knows, the floor covering in the process of the whole service life is withstanding huge loads. And as protection, wooden or concrete floors must be painted. Let's look at what criteria for sex paint selection criteria:

  1. Painting, what gender, wooden or concrete will occur
  2. Load on the coating
  3. LCD needed for outdoor or internal processes, in a ventilated room or not, work will occur
  4. Floor staining will occur in a residential or no residential room

If we talk about oil paints for the floor, then they should be divided into two types: liquid and densely tight paint. The liquid compositions are immediately prepared for applying to the surface, and the dense mixture - needs to dilute before use.

Let's consider the advantages of oil paints that are used for the floor:

  • The mixtures have an attractive look and effectively complement the overall interior of the room.
  • The cost-effectiveness of the material is also a significant advantage, since, by conducting repair work with your own hands, I always want to save a little. Middle consumption of such paint 110g / m2
  • Low cost in contrast to other famous LKM

Unfortunately, the material of which can be painting the floor has several significant drawbacks that everyone needs to know. If you have painting a wooden floor covering, then protection against material damage will be high-quality. But using them for concrete floors, they will not have protection properties from mechanical damage. In addition, oil paints do not have a long life. After a couple of years, you most likely have to update the flooring.

Do not forget to take into account all the factors, staining the surface with oil paints. Use high-quality materials, and tools with which the coatings are trimmed. Paving painting with oil mixtures, remember that they do not have the ability to breathe. This means that the use of them in rooms, where the elevated level of humidity is extremely undesirable.

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Choose fir-handed tools

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Oil paint for outdoor work

In addition to the fact that the choice of paint should be given due attention, the eyes should be contacted and on the brush for work. The fact is that for high-quality coverage, not only a good composition is needed, but also good painting brushes play an important role. Let's look at what you need to use tools.

Paint brushes are different between themselves, shape and type of bristles. To make it convenient to keep painting surfaces, pay attention to such properties of the brushes:

  1. Choose a brush convenient for you. They should be well lying in hand and with proper care, the use of them will be long and productive
  2. Check how tightly the bristle is fixed on the instrument. If some hairs fall out during painting, then spoiled coating can not be avoided
  3. Split hair on tips of tassels allow you to apply paint as much as possible
  4. The hair on the edges of the brushes is a little shorter than in the middle. Thanks to this, you are entitled to control the staining area

The shape of the brushes also plays an important role. Flice is a universal shape and is used for different surfaces. It has a flat shape and a long handle. Radiator brushes are suitable for heating batteries due to an even longer handle, which is bent near the bristles. For places that are called hard to access better, take a round brush. It is even uncomfortable, but suitable for oval products. With the help of oval paint corners and flat coatings.

A pair with oil LCMs are suitable tools that have both natural and artificial pile. Synthetic tools are more wear-resistant and therefore somewhat more expensive than tassels with a pigs.

Clean the surface from old coatings

Oil paint for exterior work: varieties of mixtures

Pray the walls of the houses of oil paint alone

When it was time to remove the old coating from the walls, it should be understood, with what can be done. Chemical washed is actively used by both professional masters and amateurs. But before removing from them from the walls with oil paints, do not forget about personal protection from the cleaning components.

Check the room where the oil coating will occur. After applying the washes, wait until the paint starts to be bubble, and then remove the sathers. Mechanically remove paint from the walls will be possible thanks to the grinder and the grinder. To such a method, it is worth passing if chemical washes do not give the desired effect. A construction hairdryer will help to highlight the paint. But here you need to stock up a friend. When one of you will direct a construction hairdryer on the surfaces, the other will be a spatula to remove the oil mixture softened with hot air. However, do not forget that it is not recommended to overheating the paint before its charring. To completely remove the oil mixture, it is necessary to attach some efforts and give it a sufficient amount of time.


Always pay special importance to materials that use for outdoor design. Possessing the required qualities for external painting, oil mixtures remain very popular for independent and professional use. Also, do not forget about the right choice of suitable tools that produce painting surfaces. Performing all the requirements and conditions for conducting such events, you will undoubtedly be satisfied with the results of the work performed by your own hands.

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