Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video


Origami for children is an excellent way to develop logical and spatial thinking, stimulate creative activity by activating mental processes. These are simple schemes, following which your child can create various objects from paper, and his interest in this kind of art will only increase when he all will get! There are diagrams of two types of boxes, dogs, cats, frogs, fish and two bird species. So we suggest familiarizing yourself with how to make origami from modules for beginners and take your child an interesting and cognitive occupation!

Pleasant viewing and creativity to your baby. And for more interest, we propose to pass it into this process to personally, maybe the origami will be a hobby not only for your baby. Paper is one of the very first materials that helps develop the baby. We offer simple origami schemes for young children who will help develop a fine motor skill and fingers.

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Such developing classes for kids will help develop and concentrate attention on what the child is doing at the moment.

Children's creativity

Use simple colored paper for folding according to the diases of animals and birds. These classes are best to spend together with mom - so the baby will be more interesting and it is an adult, will be able to show and teach how to fold the most first figures from triangular modules. You can make a dog, squid, windmill, penguin, fox boat house, elephant, bird and even ice cream or piano. And here are the schemes of crafts:

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Here is the Ready Swan in the photo:

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Try your hand in a new art for yourself, perhaps it will be your favorite view of creativity and a way to relax after a hard work day.

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The art of origami with their roots leaves for ancient China, where the paper was opened. Originally, origami was used in religious rites. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of the highest classes, where a sign of good tone was the possession of a paper folding technique. Only after World War II, origami came outside the East and got into America and Europe, where he immediately gained his fans.

Passion for adults and children

Now the origami is engaged not only adults, but also children at different ages from 3 to 12 years old! Modular origami models are Three-dimensional or Flat . The first is usually represented by correct polyhedra or their compositions, the second - polygons, stars, turntables and rings. Depending on the method of connecting modules, one or another design can be obtained.

Basically for figures with a large number of folds, it is recommended to use thin and flexible paper, and simple figures are better from tight paper. It allows the figure for a long time to save the form.

Modular origami is fascinated and delays. Having tried once, it is difficult to stop. Modules - as the details of the 3D constructor, from which you can fold everything that wishes. Is it not the magic? How to make modules, assemble them and place a finished figure, you will see on the pages of our website, where many schemes and video lessons on Origami technique are presented.

Below you can see popular master classes.


Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video


Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Origami from modules for beginners: Schemes of crafts with photos and video

Video on the topic

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