How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?


In our modern world, complete concrete, cars and fuss, we are so rarely contacting with wildlife. To somehow brighten up our gray weekdays, designers for decorating interiors began to use natural materials widely.

How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?

Bamboo drawing on the wall

Such a new way every day is becoming increasingly popular not only because it has become fashionable, but also because each of us wants to relax a little and feel in full harmony.

I would like to note that the use of natural materials does not stand such big money as you might think, and also they are also safer than artificial analogues.

Today we will talk about such a natural material as a bamboo stem and tell how to use bamboo in the interior of your home.

How to use bamboo stem in interior design?

How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?

Drawing bamboo on the wall in the apartment

Bamboo stem is the most sought-after material that is widely used for decorating. Products from bamboo give the room at tropical style and can be used as:

  • partitions;
  • full walls;
  • decorative elements, etc.

If you need to zonail the room for a while, for example, you can use bamboo curtains. Thus, at the right time of the day you can split the room or vice versa, combine the space without clutching it with massive partitions.

Very often, the stem bamboo can be seen in the bedroom. To decorate the bed, you can take both a whole stem and sawn, and for fixation you can pick up both hidden fasteners and decorative threads in the form of a pacular or coconut fiber.

Bamboo in the interior can play the role of not only the decoration, but also be a very useful and necessary addition. If your room has not very high ceilings, placing bamboo sticks for the decor vertically, you can visually lift the ceiling. But, if the room, on the contrary, has high ceilings and a small area - put the material horizontally, which visually expand the space.

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In what form you can find a bamboo cloth for finishing, see the table.

Variety of materialFeatureDimensionsMethod of fastening
PanelsThese are the same wallpapers, only much smaller size. Sold in rolls in which the bamboo is laid on a special tissue basis.Roll at its length does not exceed 1.25mWith special glue or nails without hats or with decorative hats.
PlatesThis is a special canvas for which you can use not only slices of stems, but also certain curly parts. Plates are of different loosening, from 1 to 7.The plates can have different sizes with the drawings of the "Stars", "Jungle", "Origami", "Kimono", "Flowers", etc.You can mount the same as the panels or take advantage of the suspension beams and aluminum corners.
WallpaperThis is a set of different ridge widths that are attached to the tissue basis.Length of the web does not exceed 2.5mVarious glue compositions.
FlooringThis is a web that is manufactured by gluing different rivers. It has a small life.Dimensions can be different, depending on the drawing.It is possible to mount on glue, building mixes, nails, etc.

Bamboo "Finish"

How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?

Photo printing bamboo on the apron of kitchen

Every day, the bamboo finishing material for decorating apartments and country houses is becoming increasingly popular. This finish allows you to add a warmth and coziness room, reminding nature, summer and leisure.

Also bamboo material is used for the design of the walls. In common, he got the name "bamboo wallpaper", because the installation technology is very similar to sticking wallpaper. So that the bamboo stick decorated your walls, you will not need to learn any special technology, because you can "go" bamboo wallpaper with your own hands.

Of course, it is worth talking about another original way to decorate the interior with a bamboo - it is blinds and curtains. Natural bamboo for the decor of the window is a stunning solution, because the material does not prevent the penetration of sunlight, thereby be able to protect you from prying views and make a note of originality to your room.

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Bamboo furniture items

How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?

Bamboo in the kitchen interior

Bamboo in the interior as furniture concisely fits not only in African style, but also in the classics, and even in modern stylistic directions.

The main advantage of furniture from bamboo - environmental friendliness. I also want to note that the bamboo drawing looks harmoniously with wood, leather, stone and glass.

Very often to equip your home, many owners acquire:

  • bamboo chairs that are complemented by soft pillows from natural materials;
  • Tables, whose legs are made of bamboo, and the table top - from the glass;
  • beds, both completely from bamboo and with bamboo headboard;
  • Dressers;
  • cabinets;
  • garden furniture;
  • Various wall shelves, etc.

Accessories and other bamboo details for decorating

How will your interior bamboo and its drawing help you transform?

Drawing bamboo on the wall in the apartment

To give the placement of completeness and originality, you can use various decorative items and accessories. It can be like purchased ready-made designer things and small details created from bamboo with their own hands.

Without large financial costs from bamboo stem, you can easily do with your own hands:

  • Photo frames for family photos;
  • frames for paintings and rim for mirrors;
  • candlesticks;
  • Outdoor vases;
  • Shelves for pots with flowers, etc.

Of course, the intricate dispuses easier to buy in the finished form, rather than to make them on their own, especially if you had no relation to the needlework before.

For example, bamboo in the interior looks great in the form:

  • dishes (bowls, vases for fruit, etc.);
  • Breads and various coins under hot;
  • clothes boxes;
  • chandeliers and wall bras;
  • Ceiling decorative partitions.

If, for some reason, you cannot apply bamboo yourself, the interior will help to diversify its images. Very often you can see:

  • photo wallpaper with the image of green bamboo stems;
  • ate noticeable bamboo silhouette on plastered surfaces in the corridor;
  • chaotic images on a tile or curtain in the soul;
  • Various textile elements with a bamboo image.

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Today in many flower shops you can find houseplants, very similar to young bamboo stems. But, a little bit of you, it's not an ordinary dracer. Due to explicit external similarity, this plant is called a "happy bamboo."

Since this pseudo "Bamboo" does not need painstaking care, even the lazy and forgetful owners can acquire them. It is not necessary to break your head about the frequent transplantation, it is enough to transplant to a beautiful glass vase, sometimes water and provide him with access to the sunshine.

As you can see, the use of such a natural decorative element uses extraordinary popularity. And this is understandable, because it is the bamboo that will give your abode lightness and simplicity, fill the room with freshness, which is inherent in natural materials.

But, know the measure! To get the necessary effect, it will be enough to use a couple of bright accents or several small accessories.

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