Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself


We all know cases when you have to update and paint various surfaces, whether it is a garage or fence. But which paint is used if you need to paint radiators or fireplace. For example, I needed to paint the brazier. For such surfaces, special paints are needed, which are resistant to high temperatures or are at all refractory.

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Prayer Details Heat Paint

Why we do not use conventional paints

Paints for mangal and other heating surfaces must have certain properties that ordinary coloring compositions simply do not have. That is why for staining of furnaces, radiators, mangals and other surfaces, heat-resistant paint is necessary.

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Paint for mangala

Coloring by conventional paints is not allowed for a number of reasons that we consider further:

  1. The color of the coloring pigment will necessarily be changed due to temperature increase. Any coverage may simply be easy to yellow or sculpt
  2. The coating cracks, it is also possible to complete or partial detachment
  3. A binder base will be lost, and the paint layer is charred and threatened thoroughly

The heat-resistant mixture has a different composition, which is different due to the field of application of the material. For example, the heat-resistant paint is suitable for a brick furnace - its natural composition does not harm human health and thanks to him the coating is warm and not destroyed. It can be used for independent staining in a private house.

Where is the use of material

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Paint for brake discs

Fire-resistant paint is used not only at home, its use is of great importance for metal surfaces, which need protection during a fire. These compositions are used for:

  • Spare and emergency exits and stairs
  • Fireproof paint is used for bridges and pillars
  • Capacities in which the fuel and lubricator are shattered by the same
  • Oil pipelines

But not only in such cases these materials apply, because in the automotive industry, protection from high temperatures is also needed. That is why such paint paint engines and exhaust pipes. I want to say that the list of possible objects that need to be covered by heat-resumed mixtures is very large, but I needed only to paint the brazier, although this process has its own nuances.

Important! The heat-resistant paint, which is used for the mangala does not secrete harmful substances when heated. The paints for the mangalls protect the coating from the effect of open fire and at the same time remain in their original form.

Metal mixture types

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Paint heat-resistant

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Since manufacturers produce their products in different kinds, each can choose their own option for self-use. At the moment I know such types of paints:

  • Liquid mixtures that are spacked in tanks and immediately ready to use
  • Poles with aerosol
  • Powder

Thanks to the aerosol can, applying to the surface becomes very simple, but it should be remembered that it is better to use them for small staining objects. The price of such mixtures is much higher than other analogues due to complex manufacturing and components in the composition that allow paint to quickly dry.

But the powder-like paint is used in industry. It is applied to the part, and after that baked in the oven, forming high-quality coverage.

Choosing the required mixture, I came to the requirements that the heat-resistant paint should have:

  1. Little EL / Help
  2. The composition should be resistant to chemical impacts. Due to the negative impact of the medium in which the material is operated, its properties can decrease
  3. Resistance to abrasion
  4. Should not be distinguished by harmful evaporation and easy to carry sharp temperature differences

Groups of heat-resistant paints

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Heat Paint for Engine

Since we reviewed the areas of use of heat-resistant paints, now it is necessary to understand which groups they are divided. After all, there are different temperatures, and if we paint radiators that are heated to 100 degrees, that is, both industrial objects whose temperature rises to 1000. For convenience, I made a small sign:

Up to + 100GradusovAcrylic and alkyd resinsIn everyday life when painting radiators and pipes
Up to +200Epoxy enamelHousehold use
Up to +450.Epoxy or ethylSilicate resinPaint skewers and barbecue cortic
Up to +600.Polymer and silicone resinsUsed in industry
Over +650.Polymer components and glassPaint heating boilers, boilers, apply in automotive production

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Praying a mangal with your own hands

Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Krasiy Mangal Heat Resistant Paint

When I met the heat-resistant paints closer, I realized that my mangal painting should take place with some features. Therefore, let's consider the main properties of the mangaal and then we will understand how to paint the brazier.

For a start, we know that this object should not only carry high temperatures, but also be protected from atmospheric influences. Water falling on the metal, which is also exposed to the temperature difference, accelerates the corrosion process. That is why you need to paint the mangals in time. So before buying the necessary composition, I found out that it should have such properties:

  • The heat-resistant paint should also be heat-resistant. Choose mixtures withstanding 600-800 degrees Celsius
  • Components that prevent rust should be used as part of the material.
  • Do not allocate harmful and toxic substances

Read the composition carefully when you get paint. On the package, the manufacturer always writes all the necessary conditions for using its material. Accidentally choosing a flame retardant, and not heat-resistant paint you will need to paint not metal, but wooden surfaces, since the first mixture is used to prevent fires and is not able to withstand large temperatures for a long time. But not only the coloring material is important for high-quality work. Immediately goes well and the necessary tool. If you chose an aerosol mixture, then it is immediately applied to the surface. But the liquid paint must be brought with a brush or roller.

Prepare the surface before painting - a drill helped me with a nozzle, but if you do not have any, then get sandpaper. Brazier will have to be cleaned very carefully, because the surface should be as ready as possible to paint.

  • Do not forget that it is necessary to paint the brazier only from the outer part and in no case inside. This is due to the fact that no paint can withstand the temperature during the burning of firewood or coal inside the mangala
  • Removing all corrosion from the object, I spent it with a sandpaper and after it washed with water with a powder. When all preparation processes are finished, you need to give a brazier to dry
  • For your metal, I applied liquid paint, but if you use an aerosol, then spend staining in windless weather and temperatures +20 and above
  • It is better to apply a liquid mixture into two layers, before applying the second, we give the first to dry well - do not forget that the first minutes 20 after applying the coating, the coloring object should be protected from dust. In the opposite case, you will not like the color of staining

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Heat-resistant paint for painting mangala do it yourself

Krasiy Mangal Heat Resistant Paint

I want to say that the process of dyeing the mangaal did not make any difficulty. Preparation takes not so much time, and the area is not so great to postpone the case "for later." The main thing is how the end result will look, because much more pleasant to invite friends to fry the kebab on a beautiful mangale, and not on a rusty design. Carefully choose the paint and read the instructions for use before starting the operation of the material. Proper metal preparation and compliance with the temperature regime during painting, will allow you for many years not to think about updating the appearance of your brazier

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