Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper


When developing interiors of various premises, modern designers use the most unusual colors. Classic colors in our time are not entirely relevant, most of the beautiful design interiors are obtained when using unusual colors.

In this article we will try to tell about the features of the use of raspberry color, tell about how to choose wallpaper in such a color, how to combine them and in which rooms are glued.

Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Small bedroom with bright and tender accent


First of all, I would like to stop on the selection of wallpaper color for the house. Each person, of course, wants his favorite colors in his dwelling, despite the fact that some of them do not look at all in the interior. This desire is primarily due to a big sympathy to one or another tone, and the value and psychology of the shade, the case is already the tenth.

One of the main tasks of a professional designer is to skillfully place the favorite colors of a person on the room space, successfully complosing them with familiar colors to achieve harmony and balance.

Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Bright design for young people

If you do not resort to the services of a similar specialist, it will be useful for you to know about the following color challenges for wallpaper:

  • To expand the space and increasing the lighting of a small dark room, it is necessary to use light tones. This method is especially relevant for typical little living rooms of Khrushchev, overlooking the northern side of the house.
  • If your little living room is constantly flooded with sunlight, then choose cold tones to balance home microclimate and save visually enlarged room dimensions.
  • Were warm, cold rooms will help the wallpaper warm colors. Such canvas are especially relevant in huge bedrooms, which is important to fill home heat and comfort aura.
  • Bright and saturated tones contribute to an increase in the total tone of the body, hurt it, supply energy and awaken appetite. The main use of such colors is a kitchen, but it is not a bedroom or a children's bedroom, even if the child is unnecessarily calm.
  • The optimal choice for any room in an apartment or house will be the wallpaper of pastel colors. Depending on the tone, they can be successfully placed in any rooms: living rooms, bedrooms, children's, kitchens, hallways.
  • Dark tones and saturated palettes will become an excellent accent, but a bad background. Use dark colors in the interior must be careful not to overdo it. It is not necessary to take into account the large number of similar wallpapers in stores.

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Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Using a bright accent in a large living room

Quite simple rules, already banal and beaten, but still effective and once tested in practice. Use them when choosing Wallpaper to your home.

Raspberry color

Recently, many wallpaper collections began to actively appear raspberry color. Even people are far from fashion, they marked the dominance of this pleasant tone on the shelf stores. The point is likely that many designers felt the charm and limitless possibilities of this shade of red.

The bright and juicy crimson color, present in the interior, will certainly give the room a cheerful and fun mood.

Of course, this light and beautiful shade of red is associated with femininity, tenderness, partly even passion, but unlike the very red and burgundy, he is not so screaming, not so sharp, the calm aura of comfort and comfort is easily formed.

Like most other juicy and bold colors, such a tone will be better suitable for young people than the average and older age groups. But in general, in the interior of most rooms, it looks sufficiently kept, despite his cheerful character. In addition, if it is applied accently, it will be more appropriate in many rooms.

Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Cozy interior of a small meeting room

Note that having a direct attitude to rich colors, the raspberry steals the space, making a room visually smaller in dimensions. Therefore, it is not worth using the background in small rooms. But in large rooms, wallpapers in this color can be used without any restrictions.

For small rooms, it will be more correct to arrange accent zones in the interior and clothe them into raspberry tones. However, it will be necessary to choose an additional color that is harmonizing with an accent tone of the raspberry.

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Raspberry color is not the most compatible, he should carefully choose a couple. Wallpaper in this color successfully looks with a classic black and white palette, different soft shades of white, with some other bright tones.

Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Saturated living room interior

If you take a combination of raspberry and soft shades of white, then it turns out a gentle, feminine and very cute interior. In such an interior, romantic fluids will turn out, the atmosphere will be light and frivolous. Raspberry and white wallpapers can be used in the bedroom, where they will be extremely appropriate. You can walk them in a nursery, if this bedroom is a little princess.

A more classic combination with raspberry, white and black can be used in the living room. In this case, the color of the raspberry must be applied dosed as an accent, black to build the contours of the room, and to refresh it white and smooth sharp corners.

Raspberry shades perfectly get along with natural natural colors, shades of green and yellow. In such an interior, the effect of summer, warmth, nature is felt. Cheerfulness and joy that these colors give is appropriate to use in the kitchen, where the cold winter in the morning these colors will raise the mood and charge the energy. You can also place raspberry tones in the playing zone of the children's room, but it is necessary to do it carefully, mixing them as much as possible with other bright colors.

Use in the interior of raspberry wallpaper

Contrast bathroom interior

Purple and purple wallpapers can be an excellent companion for raspberry, since they are close in the color palette. When choosing such a non-standard pair, it is desirable to immediately decide which color will be background, and what anger. The background filling is better to make matte, more calm, and the accent is to give glossiness, for concentration on it.

Such original combinations will perfectly look in large living rooms, where a solemn and serious setting for secular rounds is expected. They will undoubtedly indicate the inimitable taste of the owner of the event, they will celebrate his extraordinary approach to building the interior in the house.

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Since the wallpaper in the raspberry color in the wallpaper stores is not at all, you can easily choose some of them to create sensual, feminine, but at the same time a positive and fun atmosphere. To develop a harmonious interior, it is advisable to apply for help to designers, since this color is so simple as it seems.

I liked this cool color, appreciate its opposite: steel wallpaper.

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