How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo


An important attribute of a bookmot is a bookmark. About where it came from, what types of bookmarks are about how to make a paper bookmark for the book with your own hands, you will learn from this article.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

The origin of the bookmarks

Back in ancient times, scribes faced the problem of navigation in the book. The desired page was easy to lose and it is very difficult to find. Then they began to make the first bookmarks from small pieces of papyrus. Since the creation of printed mills in Western Europe in the XV century, books began to get wider distribution. First of all, they carried the enlightenment in the house of rich people, respectively and cost quite expensive. At that time, the bookmarks were performed not only the navigation function, but also helped keep books from the templement. It was achieved by the fact that the reader did not have to scroll through the book in search of the desired page. At that time, the bookmarks were made from pieces of skin, as well as various materials that carried a decorative function, for example, pieces of lace. A little later there were bookmarks consisting of several ribbons or cords fortified on different holders.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

This invention was estimated not only in the West, but also in Russia. Such a bookmark made it possible to celebrate several of the sought pages at once, which made it very convenient for reading various specialized books - technical and religious. Bookmarks, called "Lasse" appeared in the XVII century. They were like their predecessor, but were part of the book, because Twisters fucked them to the root of the book. After 1860, the production of bookmarks was massive. This is due to the development of printed technologies and their considerable cheaper. Initially, they were made from a variety of fabrics, and later began to release a printed bookmark. It has become not only a beautiful addition to book products, but also a carrier of various types of information, such as advertising or propaganda.

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How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Common views

All types of bookmarks can be divided into technological and author. Technological species are a history of development of the bookmark associated with a change in technology development. And copyright bookmarks show us the history of decorating this unchanged book attribute.

With the development of technologies, laying has undergone significant improvements. Consider some types of such inventions. Clips were often used as bookmarks. It pushed M. Kinle to create a bookmark, on its design reminiscent paper clips.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

More modern option:

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

An intelligent bookmark is a tool that not only remembers where you interrupted your reading, but will help you with the search for books. It is equipped with a certain similarity of the navigator, which appeals to the library database, and prompts you the location of the desired book on the rack and shelf. In addition, she can read the barcode from the book and will warn you that it has expired her time and it's time to return the book to the library.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Folding lanterns lantern not only will not let the right page, but will make reading in the dark room very comfortable. It is charging from the solar battery.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Some bookmarks perform a double function. For example, this USB tab can be used to mark the desired page and perform the role of media information.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

The masters also did not stand in place and improved the decor of such a simple subject. Using various materials and techniques, you can make a not comparable copyright bookmark for the book. It can be used by you personally or be awarded as a supplement to the book - the best gift of all time.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Simple option

Attaching paper figures to the usual stationery clip, you can get a great bookmark for the book. It will hold hard to keep the right page.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

The easiest way to manufacture paper bookmark is the applique technique.

In order to make such a bookmark, it is enough just to cut beautiful paintings made of colored paper or from an old magazine and glue into a paper strip.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Origami technique

The art of folding various paper figures came to us from the ancient China. It was there that the first paper was invented. Do you want the pages of your book to protect the shift of the animal? We suggest you make it with your own hands in the Origami technique. To execute a bookmark in the form of a corner you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

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Take a square sheet of paper.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Fold it diagonally.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Now the lower ends of the triangle must be added to their vertex.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Expand the workpiece and move the middle of one side of the sheet on yourself.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Corner billet hide inside.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

The corner itself is ready. Now it needs to be decorated with a funny face cut from colored paper, and send to the book.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Having mastered the manufacture of such a simple craft, you can use more complex schemes for creating origami bookmarks.

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

How to bookmark paper for book: Corner video and photo

Video on the topic

This article presents video to help you master the manufacture of paper bookmarks.

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