What to close the gaps on the balcony


Before installing insulation on the loggia or balcony, it takes carefully to close the gaps, otherwise all work on insulation will be vain.

Previously, this type of work was to "dirty" and it stretched at least a week. Some masters diluted with a solution and laid large cracks with fragments of bricks, others were soaked in a glue mixture with cardboard and installed this defense. Since the mounting foam has appeared, the question is, what to close the gaps on the balcony, we decided once and for all.

What to close the gaps on the balcony

Before installing insulation on the loggia or balcony, it takes carefully to close the gaps, otherwise all work on insulation will be vain.

It is easy to work with the mounting foam, it does not leave the difficult pollution, quickly dries and isolates well.

Application of mounting foam

Set of tools:
  • Roulette or ruler;
  • Galvanized sheet;
  • Metal screws;
  • A hammer;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Dowel;
  • Drill or perforator;
  • Cylinder with mounting foam;
  • Gloves.

Fences on the balcony are raised above its floor for several centimeters, forming a decent gap. One mounting foam can not cope.

The easiest way to close this hole, installing a piece of galvanized sheet as a plug.

  • Determine the size using the measuring tape, and carry its dimensions to the galvanized sheet;
  • Added to the height cm 20 and bend the metal sheet in the form of an angle, cutting off the extensive scissors for the metal;
  • Carefully customize the made hammer, and fixed to the parapet and fencing with self-draws and dowels;
  • Around the perimeter everything is fought.

Small slits on the balcony can be seen by one mounting foam.

Cracks in concrete and tree

What to close the gaps on the balcony

Curious dirt cleaned from the crack. The edges are then treated with a wire brush, preparing them for applying mastic. A spatula or brush - depending on which it is more familiar to work - the waterproofing mastic is applied.

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When sealing the loggia, which was built during the construction of the house, you can face such a problem - the plate on the balcony near the neighbors is done on top of the house in the frame of the house, and through the slot, which passes along the entire length of this ceiling of the loggia, water flows.

To make such a gap, you need to start working from the top balcony.

This requires:

  • Waterproofing mastic;
  • Spatula or brush;
  • Solvent;
  • Wire brush;
  • Gloves.

Curious dirt cleaned from the crack. The edges are then treated with a wire brush, preparing them for applying mastic. A spatula or brush - depending on which it is more familiar to work - the waterproofing mastic is applied.

You can close the gap using another technology using the mounting foam. But it requires more time.


  • Primer;
  • Cement mix;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Brush;
  • Master OK;
  • Gloves;
  • Cement mixture capacity;
  • Hard brush.

The first stage - cleaning the plate, is performed in the same way as when applying waterproofing mastic.

Then the edges of the crack are ground. After that, the slit on the balcony on top is foaming, it is cement.

The second layer of primer is applied after the foam froze, and it was cut off, on both sides - on the balcony on top and on the shelf of the loggia.

If the gaps on the loggia arose after it was insulated, they also close them with the use of mounting foam.

To close the coating on the balcony, which are in disrepair, must be purchased:

  • Mounting foam;
  • Acetone or solvent;
  • Sponge;
  • Brush;
  • Knife;
  • Paint;
  • Skirt.

What to close the gaps on the balcony

Then the voids of all the slots are filled with mounting foam. After drying, the foam is cut off, clean the surface with the skin and picks up as desired.

Surfaces need to be cleaned from garbage, rinse and treat with solvent, since the mounting foam does not catch anything.

Then the voids of all the slots are filled with mounting foam. After drying, the foam is cut off, clean the surface with the skin and picks up as desired.

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Work on the restoration of the loggia is better to spend in the warm season.

The slot on the balcony may form during the operation of wooden structures, which are still quite recently the only proposed protection against external influences.

If the replacement of wooden parts does not fit into the budget, then the slots get rid of these methods.

With the use of putty on a tree or mailing them with a PVA glue mixed with sawdust.

A set of tools and devices:

  • Putty or PVA glue;
  • A little sawdust;
  • Skar;
  • A pair of brushes;
  • Varnish or paint;
  • Putty knife;
  • Gloves.

What to close the gaps on the balcony

If a concrete slab crashed, then before changing the problem, it is necessary to apply waterproofing onto its surface.

First, the wooden surfaces are cleaned of contaminants, squeaks to remove varnish or paint.

On the cleaned gap, completely filling it, the spatula is applied to the primer or a mixture of PVA with sawdust.

After drying, the surface of the skrums and score or varnish, depending on what the tree is covered.

The gaps in wooden structures can be close not only with the help of putty and modern sealants, but also by Dedov's ways, scoring them with a rag or making ordinary window dressing.

If due to long-term operation occurred in plastic structures - without using modern sealants on silicone, it is not necessary.

If a concrete slab crashed, then before changing the problem, it is necessary to apply waterproofing onto its surface.

If this is not done, then water will flow into the capillarm concrete, continuing its destructive action.

It is necessarily necessary to close any, even the smallest slits in the design on the balcony. Otherwise, it will very quickly require a replacement that is economically unprofitable.

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