Internal finishing technology with gypsum bricks


Several hundred years ago there was a very popular carving for different types of materials. And a little later, after the invention of the gypsum, they began to lay out the arches, images, windows, etc. It was a whole art. Now the gypsum brick is used for interior decoration as an element of the unrivacity of the interior. Such a facing option must be combined with something else and look such combinations excellent. The article will deal with the Gypsum and the methods of its use.

Ways to decorating plaster

The most common type of plaster products for the interior of the premises is stucco. None of the connoisseurs and designers will argue with such a fact. Very beautiful can look columns, sculptures, brackets and sockets, eaves and ceilings. All this will undoubtedly create luxury and wealth.

Internal finishing technology with gypsum bricks

The simplest way to finish is a gypsum brick. Such decorative material can imitate the type of brick, stone, antiquity or scuff. It all depends on the design of gypsum tiles. But it is important to consider that the modeling should be combined with high ceilings, free space and special wallpaper and furniture, and there is no such requirements to decorate with plaster bricks. It can be laid in a small-sized one-bedroom apartment and in a large country house. Very attractive can be made a corridor or hallway. The gypsum finish will be very relevant here, because it looks great, and has the necessary characteristics.

Benefits of material

To accurately decide on the choice of material, it is necessary to consider the characteristics that plaster and its associated materials possess:

  1. High environmental safety. The material is clean and does not bear any harm to residents. Its use is allowed even in children's rooms. And the use of indoors where allergies live are also possible.
  2. The finish is possible for internal works and for street. Gypsum products can be decorated with facades of buildings, lower sections of houses or window openings. Plaster tiles can also be laid inside apartments, residential rooms.
  3. The material is very light. It is enough to transport enough, to transfer and work with it.

    Internal finishing technology with gypsum bricks

  4. Gypsum tiles or brick are easily installed even in small rooms. If the wall is made of drywall, sufficiently small layer of spacing for the hitch and gypsum decor can be laid.
  5. Subtlety and small dimensions. Very often the gypsum allows you to imitate natural stone. The natural type of material is very cumbersome and difficult to mounted. Just try to pick a few stones so that they beautifully lay each other and created part of the interior. It is almost impossible, while the gypsum tile performs this difficult task easily.
  6. Maximum similarity with natural stone in appearance. Gypsum products can repeat a wide variety of forms. And if you need to portray the gypsum natural stone or brick - there is nothing easier. To do this, modifying additives and volumetric volumetric painting can be involved. High-quality pigments are absolutely safe and ensure the highest light resistance.
  7. Ability to adjust air humidity. Gypsum not only transfers strongly dry or wet air, but also is able to soften the atmosphere for better functioning.

The material has a large number of positive qualities than the popularity gained among people with different incomes and preferences.

Internal finishing technology with gypsum bricks

Among the main mines of gypsum bricks are its value that can exceed the price of wallpaper or plastic. But compared to natural stone, the cost of plaster is a dayted trifle. In addition, if the color of the stone does not suit you - you can independently repaint the tile of plaster with special paint. But in this case, the price of the material may increase by another 20-30 percent.

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Laying gypsum bricks

The inner form of the finish is very similar to external, so we will not separate the stages of laying plaster bricks on these types. The main stages on the installation of such cladding are as follows:

  • Preparing the basis. The wall for laying gypsum products should be dry and clean, without holes and bends, without roughness or tubercles. All this can be aligned, applying a putty or mounting glue. Take care that the wall is without fungus and mold, otherwise all this can go to the gypsum.
  • Drying the basics and priming. When the surface is aligned, it is worth it to give her time so that it is completely dried. In no case do not lay decorative gypsum brick on a wet wall. Also we apply an acrylic primer to the surface, it will make a hitch with a tile much better than just on putty.
  • Marking. In laying decorative gypsum bricks it is very important to place the wall with horizontal stripes. They will help to lay items correctly and smoothly. To do this, it is worth using a pencil and a level line.
  • Apply glue. On each tile or brick we apply a small amount of glue, smearing it and secure to the wall. Several seconds enough to glue the brick. Starting work stands from the corner, and the top. Stop the room to the center, and then down and on other parties. Adhesive to spread so that all the pores and small cracks are covered with the composition. Cement mortar can also be used, but it is not as effective and will require much more time to install.
  • Trimming. At the edges of the walls, most likely you have to cut a tile. This can be done with a grinder or hacksaw. Be careful and renounce the first time on the test element of the gypsum.

    Internal finishing technology with gypsum bricks

  • Seams. At the junctions of the tiles will remain small holes that best covered with plaster glue. They should be filled with a small strip and wait 5-10 minutes to a small hardening. After that, we pass by a wooden or plastic spatula along the contour and remove the surplus, moving the seam. Excess glue is easily removed from the tile with a damp cloth or water.

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The installation of gypsum elements in an apartment or house does not require great knowledge and skills, no experience here and experience. Each newcomer can perform the perfect laying of plaster brick. The main thing is to purchase the necessary materials, tools in advance and prepare morally. For a lot of time, this processing does not occupy, but it looks great. Successes in creating new interiors!

Video "Technology of interior with plaster bricks"

The record shows how the process of finishing the walls of plaster bricks occurs.

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