What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed


Metal-plastic windows and doors are the undoubted advantage of the modern century. We are so accustomed to their functionality and comfort that unpleasant situations that sometimes happen to them often find us surprise. What to do when the plastic door jammed and there is no possibility to open it?

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

How to open the door?

The very first and most important advice that will give you any master is not to panic, even if the situation turned out to be serious, with a calm head it is easier to decide what to do. First you need to follow certain rules:

  • Do not break. Do not attempt to use power if there is no extraordinary cause. Acting force can be broken by fragile plastic parts and also apply financial damage. Often, the cause of the breakdown can be eliminated by one two light movements, if you know how your plastic door is arranged.
  • Do not pick with sharp objects. No need to pick up locks or trimming, without sobering what the reason is the fact that the door to the balcony jammed. You risks thus spoil her appearance.
  • Do not try to knock the glass. High-quality glass break is quite difficult and risky for health: first, you can go hurt, secondly, if cold weather can be cold on the street. If there is a need for this, the glass windows can be carefully dismantled.

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

The causes of the jam can be at least three:

  • When changing the position with "open" to "ventilation";
  • When breakdown, the handle or lock;
  • With a skew or deformation of the door to the balcony.

Consider what to do in each case separately.

The door jammed when changing positions

The plastic door to the balcony often encourages when trying to a sharp movement to translate it from the "ventilation" state into the state "openly", as well as on the contrary. The handle is blocked and the design itself freezes, based on only one point, as a rule, it is the bottom angle, and it is difficult to open or close it.

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In this case, it is necessary to determine which brand of fittings. The name of the brand can be found on the plate of constipation. As shown in the photo.

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

For products with brand of fittings "Winkhaus", "GU", "Roto", on the end, just below the handles, you need to find a metal tongue with your finger. It needs to be returned to its original position so that it would be vertically. At the same time, the second hand set the handle horizontally to the "open" position and press the door. Then turning the handle down gently close it.

If you have an accessories of the AUBI brand, then instead of a tongue on the end, a metal plate with a spring appears. In this case, you need to vertically align the door, press the plate to the seal and burine the door, while turning the handle down. See how this is done on the video.

Jammed a plastic door handle

Often it happens that the plastic door to the balcony swap due to the fact that the handle does not work. This can happen if the handle mechanism needs a lubricant, or it broke. In the first case, the details of the handle and the castle are handled with lubricant. For plastic design, anyone you will pick up in the automotive chemistry store will suit.

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

Plastic handle for the door to the balcony breaks quite often, especially in public premises. They are quite fragile by themselves, and on the design price often it does not depend. Sometimes enough a little more effort and the handle will break away or in general the entire locking mechanism will break. If the door to the balcony jasched because of a broken handle, then the best output will be replaced. A new handle is not difficult to purchase in any specialized store or on the market.

In order to remove the old handle, if possible, install it in the "open" position. Next, the decorative plate at the base of the handle pulling on itself to deploy from the vertical position to the horizontal, as shown in the photo. Having done it, we will see the screws under it, which the handle is attached to the window. By revealing the fastening screws with a suitable screwdriver, you need to take care of yourself and remove the handle. A new handle must be inserted into place old and attaching screws.

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Swimming due to skew or deformation

The balcony door can also be swamped due to its skew or deformation. If you have observed a bad function of the handle, sketching, the deformation of the seal in some places, then it may be a disk of the door canvase. This with a balcony door sometimes happens because of its greater weight and permanent operation.

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

Adjust the skew just with their own hands. For this, you first need to determine in which direction there is a skew. When the door jammed and there is no possibility to open it to appreciate visually, in which direction it is overwhelmed. If the door can be discovered, at least a little bit, to identify the skew is simpler. In the closed state, it is necessary to circle the door with a pencil, opening it, on the contour you can determine in which direction it shifted.

The front of work when fixing the skew will be held in the mounted loops of the structure, so first you need to remove the stubs protecting them. In the event that the door twisted horizontally, then it is enough to pull the looping screw enough, and then the key hexagon rotates the screw, which is responsible for the horizontal plane, correct the door leaf.

When the door twisted vertically, in order to correct it, you need to twist the hexagon of the screw, which is located below the top or bottom hinge of the doors. In order for the peaned door to raise, the screw must be twisted counterclockwise, and on the contrary, if you need to lower it.

In the event that all the above listed actions did not help to eliminate the problem, then, most likely, we are talking about deformation. The deformation can occur due to temperature drops or damage. The reason can also be not high-quality installation or materials from which the plastic door is made. It is quite difficult to correct the deformation on its own, so it will be better to contact the specialists.

What to do and how to open if the plastic door jammed

Prevention breakdown

To avoid the situation when plastic design delivers trouble, you need to learn to behave correctly. Consider several main points:

  • open and close the doors need smooth slow movements;
  • Do not dramatically pull the door handle;
  • Periodically, at least twice a year, after the wet seasons, you need to lubricate moving parts of the doors;

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Also, do not be lazy to protect your balcony from a sharp temperature drop.

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