Artificial flowers in the interior


Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial flowers look in the interior of the house no worse than living. Regardless of the country, every person wants to surround himself with something beautiful and unusual. Let many believe that artificial flowers have long come out of fashion trends, but it is not true. Who loves beauty, he will create it from any materials. With artificial flowers and eggs, problems clearly will not arise.

Owners of private houses on this issue was lucky. Large living space allows you to issue not only the interior of the house with flowers, but also territory outside the house. Perfect to be surrounded by beautiful flower beds and plants, albeit not real.

The advantages of artificial colors and plants:

  • impeccable appearance for many years;
  • do not require land care;
  • Artificial flowers save time and money;
  • create beauty and comfort in the apartment;
  • Do not cause allergic reactions.

In the century of modern technologies, artificial flowers are hard to distinguish from living plants. Such flowers will delight you with their colorfulness very long. Any weather will please you when at home awaits you a pleasant cheerful artificial bouquet and green plants.

Artificial flowers in the house can be in the form of collages, compositions and bouquets. Such compositions, as a rule, is a florist, but we will quite handle themselves.

Arrangements made of artificial colors in the interior

Styles of compiling compositions of artificial colors:

  • massive;
  • Artificial flowers in a vase;
  • Bidermeier style;
  • classical;
  • Byzantine.

Each style is good and beautiful in your own way.

Massive style composition with artificial flowers

This style takes its beginning from the 18th century. Compositions must be large and without more and empty places. Contrast is not necessary for a massive style. Not only flowers, but also plants will help make a bouquet. Such a bouquet needs a lot of space, so think first, whether it is worth it at home.

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Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial flowers in a vase

The elegant bouquet in the decorative vase is very simple, and most importantly, it will look empty. Select a vase suitable for your interior and put flowers in it. Special tricks are not required here. Is that putting vases with flowers. This can be done using the different altitude of the arrangement of the VAZ with flowers.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Biedermeyer style for composition with artificial flowers

The highlight of such a style is compositions with a flat or dome-shaped form. To create a Biedermeir style, use a round shape and colors of various shapes, paintings and heights. Put them in a circle and decorate greens or beads. Ideal such a bouquet to put in the dining room at the dinner table.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Classic bouquet of artificial colors

To play a classic style in the room from colors you need to use the mount. You can take a wire or floristic sponge. With their help, you can create any shape and size.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Byzantine style for compositions of artificial colors

This style is presented to us in the form of a conical composition. For such a style, there will be many materials. The form of the cone will help to give the same wire or floral sponge. But remember that such a bouquet will not look at any interior. Basically, preference should be given to the festive or New Year's decoration of the house. To hide the base of the sponge, use twigs or leaves, berries, berries, beads and beads.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Flowers in the hallway

Hall - a wonderful place for compositions from flowers. There is little light here, so your flowers will not burn out. The hallway often needs comfort, because it usually cohes up less than other rooms. It will be great if you can accommodate a large vase with artificial flowers in the corner of the room. It is better to put small compositions on a table, and create a decor of the mirror will help flowers attached to its frame. Doors decorate wreath with wall bouquets.

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Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial Flowers in Kitchen Design

Compositions from flowers in the kitchen are complemented by cinnamon chopsticks or other spices. Place them in the basket or kashpo, the kitchen interior will immediately become home and relative. Fruits and vegetables can also be combined with flowers. Do not be afraid to experiment. Ryumki, sugar bowls and even the circles will become the original subject in the interior and replace the vase.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial flowers in the living room

Ideal if you are in the living room there will be a fireplace or at least a false fireplace. Any flower bouquet will look at it, no matter how you put it. Complete the interior of the living room small sculptures, squashs, candles and natural materials.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial Flowers in the Bedroom Interior

The bedroom is a place where artificial flowers are not recommended. It is better to replace them with delights that will be bullied at night with their aroma, and soothing your sleep. A bouquet of lavender will perfectly cope with it.

Artificial flowers in the interior

Artificial flowers will decorate your home and give him sophistication. It is impossible to spoil the beauty, so do not be afraid to try to create bouquets and compositions, pleaseing myself and your households.

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