Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews


Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews

Most often, centralized water disposal is absent in the areas of country houses, so the owners have to build a local sewage system. More recently, such a problem was solved only with the help of a cesspool or homemade septic.

Today, household owners can purchase ready-made cleaning stations that can only be installed. One of the popular models is Septic Yunulos Astra, developed by the Russian company SBM Group. The device perfectly cleans the drains and during operation does not require human intervention. Those who are thinking about acquiring such a station are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the principles of its work and consumer feedback.

Characteristics Septica Yunulos Astra

Astra Cleaning Stations are among the most efficient and most modern Los. Constructively septic represents one container within which four compartments are located.

The equipment of Junulos Astra equipment is manufactured from soil pressure resistant and chemical reactions of environmentally friendly polypropylene. Its walls have a thickness of two centimeters, which makes it possible when installing does not concrete base. In addition, the housing is equipped with rigidity ribs, and its walls are welded with a unique technology. Due to this, the design has high mechanical strength.

Principle of operation Septic Astra

Four congestion compartments are interconnected by overflowing devices or erlifes in which by air purge Stocks are drunk.

  1. Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews

    First of all, all the drains of the sewer tubes fall into the receiver or the first compartment. Here the masses are defended, the solid particles fall into the sediment, the water brightens.

  2. In the second compartment or aerotane, the drains are processed with aerobic bacteria. During operation, the device is not required to replenish bacteria, since in its contents they multiply themselves. Junulil manufacturers used in septic to intermittent aeration, with the help of which the nitrates falling along with the drains.
  3. In the third compartment or secondary sump, or the particles are divided into fresh and old. Old Il by weight is heavier, so it settles and goes on the bottom of the individual receiver. Light fresh yield is sent by the system back into the second compartment.
  4. The fourth compartment or sump of pure water finally cleans the water and displays it out. If you connect the pump to this compartment, then water can be displayed in the right place.

Advantages and disadvantages

Astra cleansing systems can be operated in any climatic conditions. Stations have a large number of advantages , among which you can allocate:

  1. Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews

    Cleaning quality that reaches 98%.

  2. Easy installation and maintenance of equipment.
  3. Size compactness. Which allows you to highlight the septicity to install a small area.
  4. Strength of the case of the model. The thick walls of the equipment are able to withstand a large load and provide Los to good thermal insulation.
  5. The stability of the body to corrosion and ultraviolet. In addition, the station is equipped with a decorative ground-based part that does not spoil the appearance of the site.
  6. A large range of models, among which you can choose for a specific area and the number of users most appropriate.

With all its advantages, Junulos models have several flaws:

  • Septics are equipped with a compressor, therefore energy-dependent;
  • The LOS design is quite complex, which makes the probability of its failure much higher than the likelihood of breakdown a simple cleaning system;
  • Compared to conventional septic, Astra cleaning stations cost quite expensive;
  • Systems with biological cleaning require constant operation, so do not suitable for homes with temporary accommodation owners.

It should be known that Los Astra after turning off the electricity begins to work as an ordinary septic sump. That is, his work does not stop, but the quality of waste purification is reduced.

Model range of Septykov Yunulos Astra

Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews

Astra stations have many models that differ performance and bandwidth . The performance of the system is selected based on the number of people who will constantly use it. To do this, it is enough just to watch the digital equipment index, which indicates how the number of users this model is calculated.

The most popular models of Septic are Los Astra-3 and Astra-5, designed for servicing families of three and five people, respectively.

Cleaning systems from Astra-15 to Astra-40 are installed for houses for several families or where you need to serve several buildings (summer kitchen, bath, house).

Station models UZHNLOS from 50 to 150 are able to serve small hotels, cottage villages, restaurants, children's camps, etc.

Choosing a model for your family, you need to come from consumer numbers. After all, the larger the container and the performance of the septic, the more energy costs.

Reviews of Septic Astra (Junulos)

On the Internet of the Internet about the Cleavering system Astra, users leave mostly positive feedback . There are practically no negative reviews about this station, which indicates its effective and high-quality work.

Previously, we used a cesspool, from which, of course, smash. And the smell was with a septic, and without septic. We decided and installed Yunulos Astra-5. The first service we did specialists. I spied behind them, I asked something and now I do everything myself. The station is already the third year, there is no smell, everything is fine.

Victor, Kaluga region

Septic Yunulos Astra: Characteristics, and Negative Reviews

We live in the Tomsk region, so we feared that in winter frosts, the outflow will penetrate. It is necessary to warm up, of course, but it was still scary. As a result, after numerous consultations, they solved the problem with the help of a heating cable, which was laid inside the sewer. It Supports constant temperature And no frosts are scary. Additional spending, of course, is, but the Siberians will understand me, because our frosts are the main problem.

Gennady, pos. Basandayka

In July last year they bought Astra-3. Installed the system itself, since the instructions for it is quite affordable. I had to tinker a little, but everything turned out. The system works quietly, water is really clean. From the house there was a unpleasant smell that came from a cesspool. Was the only minus - Burned compressor . But this is due to the voltage jump. All replaced under warranty, so the sewage is working, everything is in order. Everyone who loves comfort in a frequent house, I recommend that the sewer cleaning system.

Victor, Ekaterinburg

I am writing a negative feedback about the Septic of Astra, since "friendship" our family does not work with him. Having read about this cleansing system of good reviews, I decided to put myself the same. but Quality cleaning chromets Since IL is not formed in sufficient quantities. It turns out that it is necessary that during operation (at least at first), the ratio of fecal and soap flow was 5: 1. We have soapy much more. And what to do? We can not wash and wear?

Olga, Tver

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