What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue


Rules for helping the child, eating glue for wallpaper.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Quite comfortable and cozy

Children are such fidgets! Everywhere climb, run, jump, turn over everything upside down. Sometimes these pants end not the most joyful way. Suppose the baby "got" to the wallpaper glue and decided to taste it. What are the actions - to beat the alarm or not to worry at all?

What a muck this is your wallpaper glue!

Extremely dangerous

Wallpaper glue is a sticky substance that is used to attach wallpaper to the wall. In its content, it is possible to detect: methylcellulose, modified starch or carboxymethylcellulose, as well as additional substances: PVA glue and disinfecting components (fungicides and bactericides). Let us dwell on each substance to find out to what extent it is dangerous for the human body.


This is a white powder, which is known not only by its "adhesive" properties. It is also added to the paint as a thickener and in food. The powder is quickly dissolved in water, and when contacting with fire becomes gel. Recently, American scientists have discovered that methylcellulose - invaluable treasure for ... those who are sitting on a diet.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Wallpaper glue in a dry powder condition

This substance is able to cause a sense of saturation. If you add it to a portion of food, then you are going before. These are the data obtained after the experiment conducted by the researchers. They also advised adding a substance into cold drinking products: yogurts or drinks.

So, is it dangerous methylcellulose for human health? Answer: No!

Modified starch

Starch - white powder, which does not dissolve in water. Modified starch is a processed starch. This substance is also actively used in the food industry, and at the moment there are 20 types of modified starch, which can be used without fear. More often, the substance can be found in meat products: sausage, fat, semi-finished products. There are several of them, and they are indicated by E1404 or E1420. By the way, dispel another myth.

It is believed that such additives, in the designation of which the letter E should be afraid as a fire. This is not true. E means "Europe", because this labeling was invented 80 years ago in the European Union. Remember: No additive that can cause serious harm to the health and life of people, can not get into food! This strictly follows the World Health and UN Organization. It follows that the modified starch is the one that is as part of the shop sausage is not dangerous.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Ordinary food starch to which we are accustomed

But what kind of starch in the wallpaper glue? Almost the same, only the resulting treatment with acetylene - a compound with acetic acid - so that glue thickens. There is nothing dangerous in it either. Another question is the shelf life of starch. The fact is that he can spoil or start grew. Therefore, before use, you must pay attention to the term of glue.

So, is it dangerous whether the modified starch for human health is? Answer: No! (if the product is not spoiled)


The food stabilizer E466 - carboxymethyl cellulose is a colorless acidic liquid derived from a natural compound of cellulose. Mayonnaise, creams for pastries, jelly, filling for pies - in all of this you can meet this absolutely harmless additive. It helps substances to connect, fastens the molecules together. Therefore, it is used as a base for the wallpaper glue.

So, is it dangerous to carboxymethylcellulose for human health? Answer: No!

PVA glue

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) is non-toxic, odorless, substance that has adhesive property. Water and polyvinyl alcohol are added to it - it turns out the glue PVA. It is not dangerous for any skin, nor for light, nor for the body as a whole - do not in vain, children enjoy in kindergartens and schools. However, the gastrointestinal tract is if it does not harm seriously, the disorder can cause.

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What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

PVA glue

Council. Do not confuse PVA glue with stationery glue. The latter contains a poison phenol in its composition, which even with a small amount of drunk can cause renal failure and even pneumonia.

PVA glue is sold in most construction stores, it is not difficult to buy it.

So, whether PVA glue is dangerous for human health? Answer: Not very!


This is the enemy number one for fungal formations! The composition of fungicides - sulfur and its compounds, as well as copper compounds. Can be part of and toxic substances - harmful phenols and even mercury and cadmium compounds.

So, are fungicides dangerous for human health? Answer: Yes!


Almost the same as fungicides, only in the first - antiseptics and antibiotics. Undoubtedly, such substances adversely affect our health.

So, are the bactericides for human health? Answer: Yes!

As a result, from all listed components in the composition of the wallpaper glue, only fungicides and bactericides can negatively affect the human body; Everything else is absolutely harmless. Nevertheless, there is harm, and if the child ate the wallpaper glue, then it is still worth worrying.

Council. If you notice that your child is putting some nasty in his mouth, turn it over to the letter M - so he will not be able to swallow anything, and after pressing the cheeks, thereby closing the jaw.

First aid

But what is the action plan, if the child has already managed to "try" the wallpaper glue?

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Provided children to construction work should be careful

The first thing you will be recommended on the forums or from a neighbor on the landing is "nothing terrible! Do nothing! " It's a delusion. Of course, for everyone, everything is individually, and if you heard from the same neighbor, he drank half clothes, biting wallpapers, and at the same time he was alive, then it should not think that with your tea will be the same. Immunity and individual tolerance in all children have their own, unique. You should remember that this is your child, in your hands his life, which means to do something or not to do is your task, and not mammies on the forum or neighbor. But if you still covered panic, then here are the actions that need to be taken:

  • Just over the reaction of the baby: will it begin to sick it. If he becomes complaining about pain - it is impossible to slow! It is necessary to wash the stomach in urgency. Give a child to drink plenty of water (liter at least), and then call vomiting: put your finger on the base of the language. After that, give the baby activated carbon (10-20 tablets) so that harmful substances do not get into the blood. After some time, the stomach washing procedure should be repeated.
  • If the baby began to lose consciousness, immediately call ambulance! At the same time, remember that to give something to drink in such a situation is categorically prohibited! Quietly wait for a doctor who examines the child and will write down the appropriate treatment.

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Toxic nails

If, in the case of wallpaper glue, you can talk about a minor human health damage, then liquid nails are a substance that is very dangerous for children. "Liquid nails" is glue, based on synthetic rubber and polymers, as well as titanium dioxide, toluene and acetone. The last two substances are very poisonous and can affect the central nervous system.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Liquid nails Very popular adhesive

Therefore, at once, as soon as your child ate this nasty, call ambulance. You can give the baby sorbents (filter, since the activated coal does not cope here) and wait. In this situation, only experienced doctors can rinse the stomach and intestines in a desirable way.

Black list

Local or construction glue, unfortunately, are not the only harmful substances. There is also a mass of toxic adhesives, ointments, drugs, domestic products, from which you need to protect your child as carefully. But if nevertheless, the baby "got" to harmful substances, then know what to do in this case - to panic or not - just necessary. For this reason, here is a list of poisoning substances with the number of toxicity points.
  1. High degree of danger
  2. Average degree of danger
  3. Low degree of danger
  • Naming Alcohol - 3
  • Perfume - 3.
  • Lacquer remover - 2
  • Poison for rodents - 2
  • Nail Polish - 1
  • Morphy - 2.
  • Motor oil - 2
  • Drops for the heart - 2
  • Laxatives - 1
  • Cleaning products - 2
  • Caustic soda - 3
  • Acetone - 1.
  • Gasoline - 2.
  • Antibiotics - 2.
  • Valerian - 3.
  • Acetic Essence - 1
  • Plasticine - 3.
  • Cat feed - 3
  • Soluble coffee - 3
  • Paints - 2.
  • Chlork - 2.
  • Vodka - 1.
  • Soda - 2.
  • Soap - 3.
  • Toothpaste - 3
  • Sulfur on matches - 3
  • Shampoo - 2.
  • Shoe cream - 1
  • Tobacco - 2.
  • Skipidar - 2.
  • Deodarant for body - 3
  • Diesel oil - 2
  • Body Lotion - 3
  • Mazut - 2.
  • Eucalyptus oil - 2
  • Cheaper - 1.
  • Chromate lead - 1
  • Hand Cream - 3
  • Stain removers - 2.
  • Formaldehyde - 2.
  • Antifreeze - 2.
  • Hair paint - 2
  • Skipidar - 2.
  • Ink - 2.

One-bed substances are extremely dangerous for life. If the baby suddenly eats something of them, do not do anything, but immediately call the ambulance. Two balls are less dangerous, you can wash the stomach yourself, but the ambulance will have to call. Three-balls are not so dangerous; To get rid of them, you also need to rinse the stomach and give the child of sorbents. However, if the CAD condition will deteriorate, contact the doctor.

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How to rinse the stomach to children

If the poisoning is 3 points (see above), it is quite realistic in this case to wash the stomach yourself. How to do it right?

  • Sweep 2 teaspoons of salt in a jar with boiled water and stir.
  • Give the baby water with salt - it should have a volley, without stopping.
  • Put the child on the bed so that his head falls down; Nearby put the pelvis.
  • Put him in your mouth two fingers on the basis of the language and move them to make vomiting in such a way.
  • If you cause vomiting for a long time it did not work out, give the baby a dining room spoonful root (for sale in any pharmacy). Wait 15 minutes - if there is no result, give another tablespoon - you can not give a solution for more than two times.
  • After washing, give the baby sorbents.

A similar procedure should be repeated several times, until the vomit will be clean. All items must be done quickly - he is unacceptable too much.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Who plays with paints

The volume of water in which you will dissolve the salt depends on the age of your chad. If he is half a year or a year, then 100 ml is required. Children from two to five years will be enough 200-300 ml for one-time reception. In 6-10 years, 300-400 ml are given, and at 11-15 - 400-500.

If after the reception of the child's poisoning substance lost consciousness, then the action is as follows:

  • Put it on the chest so that the knee is bent at right angles - otherwise it will turn the head back.
  • Moch your cotton wool and let the baby sniff.

Powered after poisoning

It is natural that the baby will refuse food on the day of poisoning, but it must eat to gain strength, he must. Remember that after washing the stomach in its body, a lot of water is lost and the water-salt balance is broken. For this reason, immediately after the poisoning, the child needs to be unshaced. The next day, his body will start coming back to normal, then you can give warm (but not hot!) Food in a liquid or semi-liquid form: low-fat kefir, potato mashed potatoes, boiled fish, steamed vegetables. It is forbidden in poisoning to feed the baby with pasta with pasta, sausage, fried dishes, butter, milk, as well as offering carbonated drinks.

What to do if the child ate the wallpaper glue

Take care of proper nutrition after poisoning

Let's summarize. You learned how to be if the kid ate wallpaper glue. First: render PMP - cause vomiting and rinse the gastrointestinal tract with a salt solution. How to make a stomach wash, you also learned. In addition, you know what substances are the most toxic, which are not very, and how to feed your child after poisoning. Health to you and your baby!

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