Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos


Carnation from paper with your own hands - a snaps, which will decorate any interior and add to the house of comfort and paints. Several such carnations will be able to replace a whole bunch of fresh colors. The main materials for creating products are corrugated paper and paper napkins. Perhaps at first glance it seems that such a carnation is difficult to do on their own. But this is a great confusion, origami technique, thanks to which products are created, very simple in work.

This master class, consisting of the best descriptions and photos, is necessarily useful to all eapinous needlework.

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Gentle cloves from napkins

This manufacturing technique is very simple, so such a flower can be done even with a child.

Necessary materials:

  • Paper napkins of several colors;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • compass;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stapler;
  • Drinks for drinks;
  • plasticine.

First you need to take some paper napkins and put them on each other. The greater the napkins, the ground and the flower will be more mather. Then you need to make them in the center of the stapler. Circle draw on the napkins a circle in a diameter of 8 cm and cut it. If there is no circulation, you can use a glass or a cup. Here are the petals of the carnations. The edges of the napkins outline the marker.

Then in the center of the mug make a hole for stem sewing. Insert a tube for a cocktail.

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Fasten the napkins on the tube with a small piece of clay.

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Next, each layer of napkins to strip to the center and slightly straighten, to give the carnation of realism. Napkin carnation is ready! Such a clove can be glued to a postcard, for example, on May 9.

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

We work with corrugated paper

Very beautiful and elegantly roses are made of special corrugated paper.

To make a beautiful carnation, you need to take:

  • paper corrugation (red, white and green shades);
  • green ribbon;
  • wooden spanks;
  • Wire;
  • glue;
  • Sharp scissors.

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Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

From red paper Corrugation Cut four squares with sides of 10 centimeters. Fold it twice in half. Square, what happened, 5 × 5 cm Bend diagonally. Next, raise the right bottom edge and cut extra paper at the top, to come out the triangle. On the upper side of the triangle to make cloves with scissors. Then deploy it in some places and make cuts to the middle. Thus make three more petals for the carnation.

Now take a skeleton and one tip shock red paper. In each of all the petals, do a hole and wear a skeleton, stick. Next to straighten your sheets and lift up by fixing the bud as in the photo. For a flower stem wrap a spiner with a green ribbon.

It's time to start making carnation leaves. To do this, take a green leaf and cut off four strips: two pieces of 10 cm and two to 5 cm, 3 centimeter width.

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Next take every strip and folded in half to trim the edge of the paper. It turned out beautiful leaves. Then cut the wire along the length of the leaves with a margin for fastening to the stem. Attach it in a leaflet and glue a small piece of white paper. Fold all the leaflets and attach them to the stalk: at the top are small, the bottom is large. Such a carnation wonderfully decorate your apartments!

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Paper carnation with their own hands: master class with photos and videos

Video on the topic

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