Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?


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  • Replacing a damaged line of linoleum
  • Funny Linoleum: What to do?
  • Out of corners and edges

No matter how high-quality or modern is a linoleum with time, with enough intensive depreciation, it flies: various cracks, breaks, swollen, scuffs and other defects appear. But at any time you can repair linoleum with your own hands.

Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?

The replacement of the linoleum consists of such steps as: cutting a piece of new coating, preparing the base, deleting small damage.

Replacing a damaged line of linoleum

Replacing the damaged area of ​​linoleum is the best way to get rid of defects on the coating.

Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?

Linoleum edge clipping diagram.

Mainly, the replacement consists of such steps as:

  1. Cutting a piece of new coating for replacement.
  2. Preparation of the base for laying a new element.
  3. Removing small damage on the surface.

So, the first stage is the cutting of a piece of new coating for replacement.

  1. In order to properly cut a piece of new coating, a piece of a new linoleum is stacked over the already lying on the floor. If it is necessary, patterns are combined, then a ruler is applied, and with a knife (it is desirable to use a special knife for flooring or shoal), two coating layers immediately cut down at once. The damaged part of the linoleum is removed from the canvas.
  2. The second stage is the preparation of the base for laying a new element. The base for installing the patch is thoroughly cleaned to remove the remnants of the adhesive, with which the old layer was installed, as well as from the seatic and dirt.
  3. After the base is sufficiently cleaned, the surface must be projected and leave it to complete drying. A glue is applied to the patch and on the projected surface, it must be left for 3-6 minutes, after which the patch is placed in its place, be sure to observe the pattern.
  4. After the patch will be placed, it is necessary to regulate it well. This can be done using a rubber roller. The plate is glued, now it is necessary to put a piece of plywood on it and press something heavy, in a few days you can remove everything.
  5. If the linoleum is worn unevenly, for example, in the corridor in the office, where he loses its properties only in the middle, where people go, and on the sides he is almost new, you can give it extra aesthetics. To do this, you can cut a uniform piece and replace it with a linoleum of another color or with another pattern, but here you need to be very careful when choosing, otherwise you can simply spoil the entire view of the room.
  6. Third stage - removal of small damage. Small defects are not necessarily corrected by means of patch, they can be corrected using a conventional putty.

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Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?

Floiled on a concrete tie.

In building materials stores today you can find putty of any colors, and therefore you can easily find the necessary material for the repair of linoleum with your own hands.

In addition, such a putty can be made at home. To make it, you need to take the thickened turpentine, rosin and dye, which coincides with your coating (turpentine - 4 parts, rosin - 1 part, dye is added until the mass acquires the necessary color).

All of these components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the damaged areas are embossing. When everything dries, the treated surface is determined and grinding.

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Funny Linoleum: What to do?

Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?

Tile linoleum laying scheme.

There are damage that cannot be fixed with neither the patch, nor by smearing the putty. One of these defects is bloating.

  1. Swimming is the most unpleasant defect, from the point of view of the appearance of the linoleum, but it is easy enough: you need to pierce the discarded plot and squeeze all the air out of it.
  2. Then you need to dissolve liquid glue, fill the syringe to them and pour sufficient amount of glue to the linoleum with it.
  3. After the end of these operations, to the top, as well as in the case of poplars, the plywood is put on, which is mounted heavy, in a few days can be removed. There are cases when all the coating is discouraged, in this case it is impossible to do anything, you will have to fully translate linoleum.

The most frequent cause of the bloating is the wrong waterproofing, and often if it is made incorrectly, the entire linoleum is swollen, while it is necessary to remove it, redo the waterproofing and transferred all over again.


Another defect that may occur during the operation of the coverage under consideration and the repair that cannot be repaired is a drying.

  1. Repair the linoleum in this case can be as follows. If the cracks are small, then they can be simply pouring paraffin. The fill must be made so that the protruding seams turn out. After cooling this seam, you need to take a stupid knife (in order not to cut the surface of the linoleum) and clean the flooded site. After that, the plot is rubbed with a dry cloth.

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Out of corners and edges

Repair of linoleum do it yourself: what to do?

Linoleum laying methods.

Another problem that can meet during the operation of a linoleum is to peel the corners and edges and their bending. In this case, the repair of linoleum is carried out with the help of glue, which is obtained by dissolving in the acetone of packaging foam.

  1. It is necessary to take a small piece of foam, put it under the deployed plot of linoleum and drop on it evenly a few drops of acetone. After some time, the foam should be completely melted, at this time you need to press the departed plot into its place, after which putting the cargo on it.
  2. To date, the most modern is the technology of repair of linoleum with cold welding. There are various types of this material, some are intended to be bonded just cut areas, and some for old material.
  3. Welding for the repair of linoleum is distinguished by its large density. With its help, you can fill both large and small cuts. However, with all the advantages of this technique, the material that has to be used is very dangerous. It is impossible that it falls on the skin: it can lead to detrimental consequences.

Laying and repair of linoleum is far from the simplest thing, as it may seem at first glance. Sometimes it is better to turn to a knowledgeable person: it will apply his skills, and work will be performed qualitatively.

In the case of the repair of linoleum, with their own hands there is no confidence that everything will turn out correctly, but everything is known for the method of trial and errors. And so as not to be distracted while working, prepare in advance:

  • roulette;
  • knife;
  • brush;
  • syringe;
  • roller;
  • empty tanks;
  • putty knife.

Prepare the necessary accessories and knowing the features of the repair process, you can repair and do it yourself!

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