Crafts "Bethlehem Star" from paper: master class with templates


The Bethlehem Star is a symbol of Byzantium, which is more than two thousand years. The mysterious heavenly shone so beautiful that his poets are tirelessly described, painters paint, write icons. The eight-pointed star, the symbol of the birth of Christ, gave children to the Christmas holidays, decorated the top of the New Year tree, hung at the entrance door, which symbolized the world, kindness and hospitality. The star is also used as an item when decorating and creating iconostasis. Despite the fact that today there are no shortages of Christmas toys and various crafts in the stores, we will try to tell how and from what you can make a symbol of Christmas, because everyone knows that they have done much more valuable for it, since we invest in it Soul. So, consider the manufacture of crafts of the Bethlehem Star.


Paper asterisk

One of the simplest and affordable materials for the craft is the paper.


You can use any: color, corrugated, thick, newspaper, and even from under the boxes. Manufacturing does not require any special skills and devices. Everything is very simple. Arming pencils, scissors and glue.

Go to the master class:

  1. For one star, two square billets of equal size will be needed. Fold the paper as shown in the figure;
  2. Next, measure the distance equal to half the length of the line from the center itself, make cuts on the bends;
  3. Form from the closed edges of the cones in the form of a triangle, in advance the molding of the side with glue, and secure the part of the square with each other;
  4. One of the component of the star is ready. Do all the same with the other and glue the blanks with each other.

New Year's symbol

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that you can decorate the star not only the Christmas tree, but also the entrance door. In this lesson, we will tell how to make a stacker of foam.

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For this we will need:

  • a piece of foam (size arbitrary depends on how much you want to get a star at the end of the master class);
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • Stationery knife and scissors;
  • dense paper;
  • glue;
  • Packaging paper or foil (all wealth that is in stock from past holidays).

So, proceed.

The most important thing is to cut out the base from the foam. At this stage, you can use the template, but do not be mistaken if you do not have it, in this master class we will tell how to make a blank yourself. Take the circus and forth the two circles. Their diameters are 20 and 40 cm. Next, around the circles, measure seven equal parts and swipes from the center.


Then, run the lines that connect the base with the ends of the corners, and cut the blank strictly along the contour.


Prepare decorated paper and cut the items and rays. Stick rays and then missing parts. In order for the wrapping paper to do not batte, go along the contour with a beautiful lace, cloth or more dense paper, cut down the size and stir. The vertices of our beautiful asterisk place the bells.


You can complete the work when you decide for yourself that your work is quite decorated. Apply all your fantasy flight in this master class, you can glue beads, wind the rays of the Mishur and even decorate the neon ribbon.


Bethlehem miracle

Another original way to create a star is straw.

This time the process will be somewhat time consuming, but it does not lose its fascination at all, it is more convenient to create, if you repeat everything in four hands.

What will required? Foresting straw, hammer, skid, cloves, thick thread, pencil, line.

Place the table as shown in the picture. Squeeze 50 straw and place them next to each other on a dense thread. Tell them in the middle, forming a billet in the form of a bow. While one of you gave up in the middle thread, another paints the ends in the opposite sides. Now, without releasing the middle of the details, try to make a circle from the "bow". Then, all straws secure with the help of the thread, as close as possible with respect to each other. To make it easier for the task, in the very center of VBE carnations, which will fix the craft in place.

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Now tie up the remaining straws in the center. The sticks are associated together by forming them a few pieces. Well, here our symbol is ready, it remains to form the long rays of the stars, for which it is necessary to break in half and along the edges of the straw, forming corners. These rays are inserted into the intervals between the ends of the straw. Corners are also involved with thread.


Pozdroi rays can be decorated with small Christmas balls, paint in any color or decorate the stars core. Such crafts will not only complement the pastime of adults, but also give children genuine joy and involvement in an interesting process.

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