10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys


Children's toys are a special kind of things. With them, the child plays, walks, sleeps ... Toy teddy bear or train becomes real family members. But the baby rapidly grow up and toys go to younger children or thrown into the garbage. What to do if the dear heart do not want to throw away? In the article we will tell the ten ideas of the useful use of old children's toys.

Original colors pots

Old rubber claritions or color dinosaurs can become an unusual new home for small plants. It is enough to cut some of the toy, wash it with warm water with soap and pour a little land.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

On a note. If you have a cottage, you can turn "hollow" toys into wonderful seedling containers.

Create stylish needles pads

The idea will appeal to needlewomen. Take small plastic trucks, spread the bottom of the body with glue and glue a bag of fabric, tightly stuffed with sintec or cotton. Thus, you will have an excellent needle, which can be moved from place to place. Conveniently!

We give cars a new job

A first-grader child remained a big truck with which he does not want to part? Give the machine the second application. If you put a truck on the shelf and put the buvari in the body and workbooks, the child will gladly become a homework.

Create artwork from "Lego"

If the house remained an old and nobody desired designer "Lego", you can find several useful use options for it.

  1. Collect the picture from the designer, fasten the details with the help of glue and hang on the wall.
  2. Make the original clock that will show time in the nursery.
  3. If a large aquarium is present in the apartment, the designer will get wonderful scenery for aquarium.

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10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

Making old toys visual benefits

"Lego" will easily replace countable sticks for a student of primary classes and teach to solve problems in two actions. Or will help explain what the fraction is. For example, if the detail with eight circles will mean 1, and with four - 1/2.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

Magnets to raise mood

The easiest option for those who do not want to "bother". From small rubber or plastic animals, excellent fridge magnets will turn out - to revive the interior of the kitchen or simply to attach important stickers. It is enough to drop on the side of the animal glue and attach a magnet.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys


An excellent stand for ads will come from the old drawing board, which will look great in the living room or office. As "chips" for letters, you can use the old magnetic alphabet.

Christmas tree decorations

In almost any family there are toys with which many memories are associated. If you attach the rope and hang on the Christmas tree, they will give the feelings of comfort for many years and immerse in the warm atmosphere of childhood. It is advisable to use rubber or plastic toys, because Plush animals will collect a lot of dust.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys


If we stick to the lids of jars / boxes for pencils or paints, painted in the bright color of plastic animals, then a great organizer is obtained for school supplies. The child will easily find, where there are notebooks in mathematics, and where plasticine is in technology lessons.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

Stand for lamp

Old plastic or wooden soldiers painted in one color, wonderfully look as a stand for a lamp. In addition, if you connect plastic soldiers with each other, you will also get a comfortable vase for small things.

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

Do not throw old children's toys - ideas from grandmother how to use them (1 video)

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10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

10 Useful Things from Old Children's Toys

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