Basket from the vine do it yourself: the easiest way (MK) (38 photos)


Baskets from the vine have begun to weave for a very long time. This material was used in the manufacture of hedges, and cradle for kids. From the vine did even dishes. Now baskets from the vine are obliged to their popularity to mushrooms. It is them more than other people use such products. A good solution is to evil and a separate option for picnics or household. Design ideas are much - from the simplest to stylish and fashionable. At the same time, it is easy to make this item easily.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

Choose the right material

The first thing to be done is to choose the material. It must be high quality. The life of the product depends on this indicator. Typically, the vine is cut at the very beginning of spring or autumn. It is believed that at this time it has great strength.

The high-quality branch of the vine is determined as: in the thick place, it is bent until it stops. It should not burst or crack. Material that matches these parameters is suitable for weaving. Important nuance - every branch must mature.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

The vine must be processed, because the recently cut wood will not be able to keep the shape of the basket. There are two branches preparation schemes: soaking and alignment. In the first case, the rods are treated under running water or put into the container and fluid changes every day. Water must completely cover wood. So that it does not pop up, it should be made by cargo. It is necessary to conduct a similar procedure within two weeks.

It is not recommended to use metal objects as a cargo. Because of its exposure, the vine will take another color.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

The second method is faster and will take three hours. Bar must be folded into a large container and pour boiling water. The mixture is boiled around two hours. The vine should be cooled and taken for the branch of the crust. The feature of the second method is that the vine branches will acquire brightness and shine. Also, they are easy to clean and wash them.

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Make a list of instruments

Before weave the basket of a vine with their own hands, you need to prepare such tools:
  • awl;
  • boxes;
  • Georgian - it will keep the vine in a certain position;
  • Pliers - with their help bend the rods.

Adaptations should be prepared in advance. This approach will speed up the creation of the basket.

Work algorithm

How to weave baskets from a vine? First, it is necessary to divide the work into several stages, they will help to quickly understand the actions algorithm and master the technique:

1. Weaving the bottom begins with the fact that you need to take 8 twigs. In half of them make the hole. Each of them is 3 centimeters. The second half of the branches felt in these slots. As a result, crosses are formed.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)
Making a cross for the bottom

2. The next step is the foundation of the base. It is necessary to take two branches and circle them around four rods. So should wean two circles. Upon completion of this action, it is embarked in each of the rods. Two more rows are created. Elements must be evenly distributed. As a result of weaving it turns out a circle.

3. Another rod is added. It is placed in the extreme row, bend. It is worth noting that the previous base is cut off (due to lack of length). In the same way, all the rods are replaced and two rows woven. The vine should ribrate the rod from the inside and outside. This principle is stored until the creation of the bottom is completed. The main rods are 16 pieces. At the end of the weaving, you must add another one. It is located between the rest of the branches in the last lap.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)
We do the foundation

4. Slowing the base of the intended size, you need to start creating walls. You should choose the medium rods. They are fixed to the bottom of the basket - the weaving itself. The bases of the walls bend to a straight angle, and the tops are associated. The hurried ends are inserted into the bottom of the basket and begin to upload them. Three twigs should be taken. It is inserted into the holes next to the main rods - one by one on the rack.

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5. It is necessary to determine the "braid" and repeat the drawing of the base. It should be reminded in shape of a rhombus, and he envelopes every vertical rod. In such a technique, 2-3 rows are performed. Such actions make it possible to create the basis of the form.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)
Make the wall frame

6. It's time to start weaving the general "web". In this case, the prominement method is used for one rack and elimination before the other. When the desired height of the basket is achieved, vertical branches cut and hide their ends into weaving.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)
Wall weave

Basket from the vine is ready. It remains only to make a handle. At first, you should measure the length for the handle and choose a thick branch. It is bent and give her the uniform that the basket will fit. The ends of the rod are sharpened and insert into the walls of the product. Next to the handle should accommodate 6 rods of fond. They enhance the main branch, which allows you to firmly consolidate it in weaving. So that small branches do not move, they are fixed using the tape. "Podles" rods should be hidden in the walls of the basket.

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)
Making a handle

To start using the basket fully, you need to let her dry. It will take several days. Such a simple method uses most novice masters. In the future, its weaving skill is recommended to develop and create more complex designs. We are in demand not only the baskets, but also furniture, decor elements from the vine.

Weaving instructions (2 video)

Options for finished baskets (38 photos)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

How to make a basket of a vine with your own hands: The easiest way (MK)

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