How to make a shower cabin with your own hands


Having decided to upgrade the bathroom, many are wondering how to deal with the shower cabin - just to buy the most effort in the store or still attach a little effort and create a shower cabin, for example, from drywall, do it yourself? In the first case, you will have to decide on the choice of pallet, its coverage and many other nuances, but if you manage to figure it out, then another difficulty may occur on the way to a long-awaited purchase - the dispensing of the dimensions of the bathroom sizes like the size of the bathroom. The second option is a shower cabin of plasterboard with your own hands - in many cases it can be the best solution to the issue, especially if there is a small construction experience and the desire to work creatively.

How to make a shower cabin with your own hands

If you have a bathroom not standard sizes, in which it is difficult to choose a plumber, then a good option is a shower cabin made by your own hands.

List of essential materials and tools

To create a shower cabin made of drywall, you need to stock yourself with the following materials:

How to make a shower cabin with your own hands

Materials for creating a shower cabin: 1. Self-tapping screws 2. Dowel 3. Plasterboard 4. Fugue 5. Metal profile 6. Tile or mosaic

  • moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • tiled glue;
  • tile;
  • Fuga for sealing seams;
  • metal profile;
  • dowels;
  • gas silicate blocks;
  • Samores for metal by 25 mm;
  • pipes for outflow and flow of water;
  • Solution for screed.

From the tools you will need:

  • Raspil for blocks;
  • Master OK;
  • tile spatula for applying solutions;
  • rule-level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • sponge.

How to make a shower cabin with your own hands

Tools for working with plasterboard:

a) Knife, b) half-sash, c) spatula, d) screwdriver, e) planer, e) needle roller, g) hacksaw, h) rashpil.

Before proceeding directly to construction work, you need to decide on the place for the shower. If the bathroom is quite spacious, then the shower cabin can be arranged along one of the walls or in the corner of the room. In the first case, two partitions will be erected, and if the place is selected in the corner, it will be enough to build only one partition. Often there are also narrow bathrooms, where for the construction of the shower, it is not even necessary for additional walls. It will be enough to highlight a part of the room near one of the short walls and install the door or hang the speed.

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Sequence of performance

Deciding with the place, you can begin to arrange a niche, into which the pipes are then conducted to drain the water into the sewer. By installing the pipes, the cavity is poured with a solution for screeds, due to which it is raised by 5 cm above the floor of the bathroom. The fill is made in such a way that the drain pipe is located in the center of space.

How to make a shower cabin with your own hands

When you were determined with the place, the cabin form, proceed to the installation of plasterboard.

Then you can begin the construction of the plasterboard walls with your own hands. If the shower cabin will be located in the center of the room, then it is necessary to build two walls, and with a corner version of the gypsum cabarton, it will be twice as smaller, since the wall will be alone. It is worth noting that, having stopped at the choice of plasterboard as a building material for the construction of the walls of the shower cabin with their own hands, you made the best choice, since plasterboard combines such properties as simplicity, strength, quality. This will make a good beautiful partition with a minimum thickness.

But, acquiring plasterboard, it is necessary to take into account one nuance: the material must be moisture-resistant, since only in this case it turns out a robust reliable shower with a long service life.

Next, a metal profile is used to install plasterboard plates from which the framework must be constructed. Then you can go to the arrangement of the angle formed by the wall and the partition and located on the side opposite to the side of the shower cabin. In the angle, pre-prepared smooth gas-silicate blocks with a semicircular inner corner are stacked.

Now you can start finishing work. For this, you will need semicircular sliding doors for the booth and, of course, all other shower devices, such as various cranes, hydromassage, shower rain, etc. By installing purchased sliding doors on the wall of the shower, you can bring water pipes.

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How to make a shower cabin with your own hands

After the cabin is ready to start finishing work. The cabin is plated or mosaic.

Having done this and leaving the pipe sticking out of the wall, you can move to the device for fasteners under the taps, rain and so on. Having completed with this process, the tile laying should be started. For the pallet, a tile with a good, non-slip texture is perfect. It must be laid in such a way that it turns out a small slope to the center - for water flow. Then laying the tiles on the walls of the shower. This is an ordinary masonry produced using a level, and to ensure a smooth seam in thickness - tiled crosses. It should be noted that when the masonry should be used moisture-resistant tile glue. At the place of bending a pre-cooked angle from gas-silicate blocks, experts advise to put a mosaic with their own hands, chosen to tile. The same blocks can be used to create a protrusion from the wall to have the ability to take a shower sitting. Rounded and covered with a mosaic protrusion will be a very useful and beautiful addition to the shower.

At the final stage, you must perform the fug in the tile seams and install shower instruments. Fuggement is performed using a special mixture containing antifungal supplements. Due to such a mixture, the seams will not be sprinkled from excessive humidity and when water gets into water. After complete fugification, the tile is washed with a sponge to remove the remains of the fugues from its surface.

So, construction works are finished, and it remains only to equip the cabin in advance cooked fasteners and connect water to derived pipes.

As a result, it turns out a beautiful comfortable shower cabin made of drywall, made with your own hands, with a reliable pallet, and not with a plastic from the store, which can burst or break together with the cabin of the cabin itself. The advantage of the shower made with their own hands is the individually selected color range under the style of the surrounding interior.

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