Bed design do it yourself


Bed design do it yourself

The bedroom is the main place in any house, because it is there you spend most of your time. The center of the composition of the bedroom is definitely a bed. Whatever stylish and unusual bed you have chosen, exactly the same will still have many people. The only way to create a fully exclusive bed is to make or decorate it with your own hands. So if you strive to create a unique interior in your bedroom, the following tips for you.

Ideas on the decor headboard bed

The easiest way to change your bed is to create original headboard design. It is simple to make it with your own hands. You just need to choose the idea that you will have to taste and will suit the overall stylist of the interior:

  1. In the eastern interior, the most appropriate to use the screen as the head of the bed. Such screens are sold in many furniture stores, their choice is very wide.

    Bed design do it yourself

  2. Many old wooden items will begin a new life as a headboard. You can use, for example, an old wooden door or window shutters. What they are lost, the better. This solution is suitable for SHESHBBI and Country Styles. However, if you decide to use new wood (buy wooden panels and handle them with your own hands), it will give your bedroom a modern look.
  3. One of the most common ways to create an interesting design bed is to decorate her headboard fabrics. Here the choice is not limited. Choose colors and materials, pushing out your preferences and from the style stylist. For example, a dear heavy tissue is suitable for the interior in the baroque style, and for Provence - light, air, colorful. In addition, experiment with drapes. This is the whole point of such a decor.

    Bed design do it yourself

  4. The mirror headboard will not all be appreciated, it will only like Gourmet. Definitely, this is a bold, but very interesting move, which will immediately make your bed the center of attention.
  5. Behind the headboard can accommodate all sorts of shelves and racks. Such a design will be not only stylish, but also very functional.

    Bed design do it yourself

  6. If the wall is behind the bed in light neutral tones, the design of the headboard should be as brighter as possible. Collect his paints. Even if you do not know how to draw, not trouble. Use stencils that can be downloaded from the Internet.
  7. Very beautiful bed design will create a mosaic on the headboard. You can make such a mosaic from anything - from the flap of fabric, pieces of wood or plastic.
  8. You can also choose a wrought headboard. Of course, it will not work independently, but you can think of a future sketch, which the master of the Blacksmith will embody.

    Bed design do it yourself

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Soft headboard with your own hands

The soft headboard bed is not only stylish, beautiful, cozy, it is also functionally. It will protect you from the cold and will not get his head on the wall at night. Find a bed with a beautiful soft headboard in stores is not so easy, it is much easier and interesting to create it with your own hands. To work you will need a board or sheet of plywood with holes, batting or syntheps, foam rubber, hooks, glue, beautiful buttons or buttons for the decor:

  1. Decide with the dimensions of the future headboard and cut out the right piece from the board or plywood.
  2. Mark the places you will mount buttons. We can place them rows or come up with your pattern.
  3. Duplicate the marks on the foam rubber and Vatin. Align together the board, foam rubber, batting and secure them with glue.
  4. Thoroughly pull the tissue and fix it with a construction staple or needle with a thread.
  5. Buttons or buttons can be additionally decorated with a beautiful cloth or leave them in the usual way. At the final stage, with the help of a hook or big needle, carefully, but securely fix the decorative buttons.

Bed design do it yourself

Bed from pallets

It is difficult to believe, but you can organize a place to sleep with your own hands, and this is incredibly easy to do. In addition, this process will cost you literally in a penny. The use of pallets to create a bed is a rather popular course, as such pallets are usually a lot and often they are without a case, so why not give them a new life? The advantages of the bed of pallets are difficult to overestimate:

  1. Factory frames are very expensive, you can make sure that it simply look into the several most budget furniture stores. The skeleton for the mattress from the pallets will cost you in a penny (or completely free if the pallets you already have).
  2. Make a frame of pallets can even without special materials and tools. Even a person who never mastered anything in life will cope with this process. Roughly speaking, four pallets shifted together is a ready-made frame.
  3. A variety of beds from the pallets is amazing: you can make a single or double bed, you can create a children's option, and you can also add it to the décor from the pallets in the form of a toilet table or bedside tables.
  4. The painting of pallets is very simple, so the color of your future bedroom can be any please.

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Bed design do it yourself

As for the process of work, then besides the pallets themselves, you also need sandpaper, primer for wood, paint and a couple of time. You can sketch a sketch of future creation, and you can work at all without it. First of all, pallets must be thoroughly prepared: to process emery paper, brew and paint. After that, they can be shifted, giving a future bed desired shape. It is very convenient that when moving to disassemble such a bed you can in a few minutes and transporting it insanely simple.

When the frame is ready, you can lay a suitable mattress and pillows. In addition, the additional design can be created according to the advice described above, because the bed with headboard looks much more cozy than without it.

Bed design do it yourself

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