How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?



The restoration of the coffee table on its own is quite painstaking, but not very difficult matter. If you familiarize yourself with technology, take into account the advice of specialists, will acquire high-quality materials, you can give your favorite thing to the second life.

How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

The painting of the table is a very complex and long process, but only a sketch, marker or paint, as well as varnish is required.

The alteration of furniture consists of several stages: removal of old varnish, wooden surface restoration, painting or toning, varnish coatings (wax).

How to get rid of the old coating?

It will take:

  • cycle or grinding;
  • sandpaper;
  • Wood putty;
  • putty knife.

The restoration of the coffee table begins with the removal of old varnish. The easiest way to apply a grinding machine, but in this case, maximum caution should be observed, since the tool can damage the wooden surface. You can use special solvents. It is important to calculate the thickness of the layer: the tool should only dissolve the varnish without reaching the tree. If the solvent is absorbed into the surface of the coffee table, then this will complicate all the subsequent stages, the materials can "do not make friends" among themselves, as a result of which bloated, detachment or cracking of the paint and varnish.

How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

The main materials and tools for decorating the coffee table are: acrylic paint, brushes, glue and pictures.

If the old lacquer has a lot of cracks and erased, it is easy to remove with the help of ordinary sandpaper. Take a medium paper, moisturize it, wrap around the bar, go through the surface. When emery paper breaks dust, rinse it in water and take again for work. Under the influence of moisture, the old varnish softened and easy to fit. After you remove the varnish, pass the surface of the coffee table with small grain with small grain. You can consider the old coating with a cycle or a piece of broken glass. In this case, do not do without workers gloves. The varnish gradually spawns from the surface, while it is necessary to follow, so as not to damage the tree. All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose, solve only you.

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After the old varnish is removed, all cracks, chips and scratches are needed to sharpen. The putty is applied using a spatula, they roll up in such a way that it does not perform above the surface, leave until complete graze, then grind fine emery paper. If you plan to tint the table with a veil, then it is better to purchase a putty to the color of wood.

Toning and painting of the coffee table

It will take:

How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

Decorating the table mosaic allows you to hide the emerging cracks and stains.

  • primer;
  • acrylic paint or veil;
  • Furniture wax;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper.

Restoration of the coffee table involves painting or toning the product with the help of the veil (wax). First, it is necessary to progress the surface: use a special primer for wood, apply the composition with a 1-2 layer with a mandatory intermediate drying. If you use the veil, then the priming stage can be omitted.

The paint is applied with a brush, for the table top it is more convenient to use a roller or painting blade. Inaccessible places are crossed with a thin tassel. It is important to apply a paint with a subtle uniform layer - then you can avoid the influx. After the first layer is dry, it is passed by fine sandpaper. The second time the paint is applied in the opposite direction. All colorful layers are definitely polished by sandpaper - then the surface will be perfectly smooth, and the bands from the brush will be invisible.

Restoration of the table can occur with the help of a simulator or colored wax. The simulator occurs on aquatic and alcohol basis, the first gives a softer tone. The veil is applied with a wide flat brush (flots). You can mix the colors among themselves, apply one tone to another, to evil the center, darken the edges - it all depends only on your imagination. Instead of the verse, you can use colored wax, which, when restoration, the surface performs several roles immediately. With it, it is toned and secured the result at the same time. When using bitumen wax, the color depth can be achieved on top of the veil.

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The wax is rubbed with a soft cotton cloth with a very thin layer, and it is impossible to return to the processed place, otherwise dark places may turn out. Some manufacturers are recommended with a large amount of work to extract the wax in the water bath, in this case it is applied with a brush. After the first layer is dry, polished with a woolen cloth, then apply the next one. This is done until the surface becomes perfectly smooth. If you painted the acrylic paint table, then it is better to use transparent furniture wax to secure the result.

Decorating the coffee table by gilding method

It will take:

  • Golden or silver potal;
  • shellac;
  • stencil;
  • Flat brush.

It is possible to decorate the coffee table with help, for example, make gold butterflies or silver dragonflies. For this purpose, you must purchase a finished stencil or make it with your own hands. Draw the dragonflie contour on the tight film, then cut it out with a blade or a thin knife. Attach the stencil to the surface of the table by painting tape. Apply Shellac, leave it for a while. Varnish must dry out a bit, but at the same time stay sticky - then Potoli will well stick.

Attach the sheet Potted to the stencil, carefully segregate it with a tassel, leave until a complete burden, then remove the brush the remains of gold, remove the stencil. You can muffle the bright gloss with the help of an antique bitumen, which is applied by a thin layer of a foam sponge. The result is fixed by shellac.

In no case cannot be covered with acrylic varnish, otherwise it will oxidize over time.

Materials for gilding - cheap pleasure, if desired, they can be replaced by transfer foil for nails and special body glue. Application technology is almost the same: first they attach the stencil, they wash the surface with glue, leave for about 5 minutes (the exact time is always indicated on the attached instruction). Then applied foil with a side of the book, stroke the nail, cut down sharply. The result is fixed with aerosol varnish - then the foil will not doubt. Repair of the coffee table with your own hands is completed!

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How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

How to fulfill the restoration of the coffee table with your own hands?

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