Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room


After working and movement along the noisy city, full cars, I want to relax in silence, breathe clean air. Such an opportunity is provided by natural finishing materials. Bamboo panels lead among them. Large rectangular canvases are designed for walls. Square ceiling plates. This division conditional.

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Bamboo panel

Bamboo - Grass family of cereals

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Wall decoration by bamboo panels

Vadik once again came to me with questions. It was interested in the material for the walls and the ceiling, which will create a feet of full rest for the body and soul - relaxation. I do not think about the bamboo panels. This is the most environmentally friendly and natural finishing material. They are produced for walls and ceiling. Used for fragmentary decoration of furniture.

Bamboo grows up to 40 meters high, above many trees. In fact, this is a long-term grass, or rather the plant of the family of cereals. It is difficult to imagine, but the structure of the bamboo trunk is the same as wheat and rye, only the scale of several others.

The interior uses only a few species of 1200 varieties of amazing grass. Miniature species are used as indoor plants. Giant trunks are processed to decoration, build walls in southern countries and make roof. From the bamboo-resistant hollow bamboo, the ancient civilizations made their first water pipes.

Natural bamboo panels for walls

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Internal wall decoration by bamboo panels

Of all the finishing materials for the walls, bamboo panels are the finest. They allow the walls to breathe and clean the air indoors. There are panels made in different ways:

  • Wicker panels for walls and ceiling;
  • from a pressed bamboo veneer;
  • 3d plate.

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From the barrel is removed by the slim top layer. It goes to the manufacture of the first two types of wall materials. The remaining part is crushed or blossoms on the fibers. It receives many different products, including 3D panels, fabrics, threads.

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Bamboo panels in the kitchen interior

Bamboo panels received the greatest popularity. They are made of manually intertwined strips and are widely used in the interior, facade cladding and furniture manufacture.

Number of layersThickness, mm.Dimensions of panelsApplication
2.2.600x600, 1900x1000, 2440x1220Walls, ceiling, stretch ceiling
fivefour2440x1220.Walls, facade of furniture
7.6.2440x1220.Walls outside and inside, furniture

The base of the bamboo canvas woves manually. Various patterns are created by alternating the sheets of the face and the inside, the grass shades are used. As a result, mats with a double-sided pattern are obtained. After that, plant glue is added and sheets pass through the press. Multilayer canvases are glued together. After varnishing, bamboo panels are ready with unique patterns.

Ceiling trim bamboo plates

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Bamboo panels for wall decoration

For the ceiling, a square slab with a side of 60 cm is made. They are glued directly to the overlap. Actions on finishing Simple and repair is easy to make with their own hands, observing simple rules:

  1. The surface of the ceiling and walls should be smooth. Large drops are aligned with plaster. The final discharge is made with a putty. The adhesion and surface strength will strengthen the primer.
  2. Revise bamboo panels and define with the front side. Reverse lightly cleaned with a shallow skin to give her roughness.
  3. Apply special glue or liquid nails with thin zigzags and press the panel to the ceiling.

Vadik has already mastered the surface alignment with various mixtures and independently prepared the ceiling. Then we decided to simplify the work and moved the markup with the sketch made by us to calculate the material on the ceiling. My friend developed a complex combined finish with bamboo plates.

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Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Bamboo panels

The middle of the plane was determined by the intersection of diagonals. Started from the central panel. It should be located at an angle to the walls. Applying liquid nails, put the edges pressed by the edges exactly on the line. Cress you need to press immediately over the entire surface. Called to the aid of their wives, because four hands even with estate fingers were little.

The extreme panels were cut by large tailoring scissors. Then the joints pasted a special rope from bamboo fibers. You can use the decorative planks intended for this. In conclusion, I put a layer of varnish on a water basis with the collave collar, giving the ceiling a golden hue.

Finishing material from pressed bamboo and veneer

Cutting strips from the surface of the trunk are used to create panels and wallpapers from pressed bamboo. Veneer cut to smooth bar and pressed. Then glue on the fabric. The panels are made square with sides 90 and 180 cm. Plank width mainly 50 mm.

The wallpaper goes thin veneer. Using various shades of trunks, create a set patterns. They are distinguished by natural naturalness and uniqueness.

Universal for any interior style 3D panels from bamboo

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Bamboo kitchen panels

Bamboo panels for wall decoration with a picture of 3D are made of chopped bamboo with the addition of cellulose fibers and cane. The homogeneous mixture is pressed in curly shapes. The result is a volumetric pattern on the front side. It is covered with water-based paints.

Like all finishing materials from bamboo, 3D panels:

  • have high vapor permeability;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • Environmentally friendly, only natural components;
  • easily pasted;
  • durable;
  • repulse dust and easily wash;
  • Combined with modern interior styles.

3D panels can be painted in any color. Create shades using a textured surface. This is done with a jet from the sprayer at an acute angle to the surface, rollers and brush. In the interior of the surface, completely and fragmentary are separated. Bamboo panels are easy to combine with other materials.

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My friend made a room for relaxation

Wall and Ceiling Bamboo Panels - Freshness Forests in Your Room

Installation of bamboo panels yourself

Vadik makes her own hands means attracting me, a professional builder, as a consultant and a utility worker.

I described the ceiling above. We did the walls yourself without attracting women. Used pressed plates for finishing Niza. Top shone three-layer panels. Under the transition line, molding from solidly cut along the bamboo barrel was installed.

Further design my friend was engaged in himself. When I arrived at him in time, I was pleasantly surprised. On the windows of Roman curtains made of thin mat. Furniture with facades decorated with bamboo panels. Braided chairs. The room really rested the body and soul.

Vadik at this time was separated by panels in 7 layers outer walls on the terrace. Moisture-resistant material perfectly behaves as facing the facade. Only on the south, where the sun constantly shines, it is desirable not to put - burns out

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