Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses


Heating in wooden houses differs from the method of heating monolithic concrete structures. The base of the houses is attached to the lags, all overlaps are based on elements of wood. When laying the floor and conducting heating, the structure and material from which it is made is taken into account. Warm this design is much more difficult than concrete.

Wood does not have good heat-conductivity, while concrete gives and accumulates heat much more efficient. In the hardware, a warm additional heating element is installed with this. Recently, warm floors are very popular as an additional equipment. Among them, it is customary to allocate water, electrical and infrared methods of insulation. All of them perfectly complement the wooden structure and significantly increase the degree of heating indoors.

Electric warm floor is the optimal way to supplement the main type of heating. It perfectly copes with the task of heating, environmentally friendly and does not require special skills when laying. One of its main advantages is a high efficiency ratio and temperature control in individual rooms.

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

Thus, these characteristics allow you to save electricity. In rooms, the use of which is infrequent, you can set the minimum heating temperature and vice versa. Another significant advantage is the lack of influence of heating on the level of humidity.

The most comfortable temperature and sufficient level of humidity are the advantage of electric floors. Installation of additional heating is not complicated. However, it is necessary to take into account the building rates on the installation of electric sex and the safety rules for the installation of electrical equipment.

The heating system based on electrical cables has a multitude of positive characteristics. However, she has its drawbacks. There are few of them, but they are very significant - the consumption of electricity and the danger of the occurrence of closures, which can lead to a fire in a wooden structure.

The last drawback is easy to compensate for the competent isolation of the connecting elements and comply with all safety standards for the installation of electrical equipment. Otherwise, the system of warm floors, feeding electricity, does not have drawbacks.

Types of warm electric floors

Additional heating system includes the following types:

  • Electric floors
  • Infrared heating systems

The first type of floors is divided depending on the type of cable and its configuration. The heating system can be represented as a single cable, which is stacked in the area. There is a more convenient configuration of the cable in the form of special mats to which heating element with an optimal step is laid. The use of mats is much more convenient in the installation. They should simply be spread on the prepared surface and connect.

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The heating element is already laid on a safe base, no need to think over additional protection measures. Types of the first type of floors are divided not only by type of readiness, but also by type of cables. The two main types of heaters are distinguished - resistive cables and self-regulating. Resistive heaters are divided into cables with one and two veins. Their device includes a heating element covered with a special braid. Its function consists in grounding and protection against magnetic fields.

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

The cable can be insulated with fiberglass and special foil. This gives it greater strength and the possibility of preventing the propagation of electromagnetic waves. In construction, it is preferred to lay floors with a liquid resistive cable, as it is considered to be more secure and acceptable at the price.

Self-regulating cables are not much different from resistive twin-core. They have one important advantage - with insufficient contact with the surface, they do not overheat. Cable characteristics should be taken into account when choosing a floor heating system. This may depend on the safety of the design and its effectiveness.

Electric floors are characterized by their simplicity in the installation. However, do not forget about the norms and safety rules of electrical equipment.

Electric type of heating - infrared film

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

This electric type of heating floor is a film material, in the surface of which a conductive element is installed. The material is characterized by high insulating quality. It is considered absolutely safe and can be used as a warm heating element in wooden structures without feet.

If the warm floor should be at all surfaces, it will be able to replace the main heating. The floor has another significant advantage - when breakdown in one section of the material, the rest work unchanged.

Thus, temperature fluctuations are excluded. Warm infrared floor is very easy to mount, the whole design is ready to use. You only need to spread the film and connect to the main current supply unit. The service life of such a sex is designed for a long time. Moreover, it is easy to dismantle if it suddenly needs to be replaced.

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Depending on the selected type of heating, the installation of the "warm additional heating" system begins. Before installing heating, you should do Calculations of energy flow . This will help determine the installation capacity. All these moments it is important to take into account, as the safety of the functioning of the electric floor in the house depends on this. Following all the standards, rules and correct calculations, the warm floor will become out of position in a poorly warmed house. It will be an absolutely safe and effective element of heating.

Warm floor and its installation in the house

The floor laying in the house depends on the selected system type. If you plan to lay a single cable, not on the mate, then the laying scheme will be as follows:

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

  1. First of all, a layer of waterproofing and thermal insulation is stacked. Then follows the aluminum foil overlay. These layers are needed as the basis for the floor with a single cable.
  2. Mark the location of the furniture, as the cable should not fall under their installation. This can lead to overheating of the heating element.
  3. Next, you should cut special slits in the lags to pass into them the cable. Places of grooves are processed by metal plates in order to avoid overheating of the lag and the further tension. It is also necessary to impregnate all wooden elements with a special fire-resistant lubricant.
  4. A metal grid is attached to the bars, which will serve as the base for the cable laying. It is attached to the grid with special attachments, usually included with the cable.
  5. The next step will be the output of the temperature adjustment sensor. It is usually placed in a corrugated tube. The power cable is displayed in the same way.
  6. After laying the heating cable, check the resistance of the conductive lived by a special device - a multimeter. Checking the equipment, you can start laying a clean flooring.

When laying an electric floor, follow the safety and operation of warm floors.

Installation of infrared in the house

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

Unlike a system with a cable, the infrared floor is a solid film base in which heating equipment is built in the form of thin plates. Mounted the warm base for the finishing coating. It should not have any protrusions, acute formations and other defects that may damage the mat. When installing, mats should be extremely careful in order not to damage their surface. Otherwise, laying of such sex is much easier than the installation of the heating cable. The overall installation scheme is as follows:

  1. It should be cleaned the surface from the bugs and irregularities. Check out the base for sharp protrusions. They can easily damage the mat.
  2. Next, you should position the mat on the surface. Furniture installation sites are celebrated in advance. Under them, heating does not pass. Mats are cut in places designated by "scissors". The incision in other parts of the mats is prohibited, as it can damage the main content of the mat.
  3. The base of the mat on glue or nails depending on the type. Sometimes they are attached to the self-adhesive basis. After installation, you must check the resistance of the conductive sections.
  4. It is necessary to remove the cold cable towards the thermostat. Specialists advise hiding cable in the wall. Then, the entire design is fastened with a special solution or tiled glue. Not only mats are poured, but also a cable with a clutch. After graze, the system's performance is checked again.

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During the installation process, conductive conductors should be constantly checking for damage or other troubleshooting. When the floor is ready to check the thermostat and the automatic shutdown counter. Set the temperature and wait for the automatic shutdown when the parameters of the specified temperature are exceeded.

Installation of electric heating floor in wooden houses

As it should be checked by electrical heating systems. Standing monitoring will avoid short circuits and other problems in the system. However, such trouble happens very rarely. If the house is more than 10 years old, the entire electrical circuit is checked before installing the warm floor. If necessary, the electrical wiring is replaced by a new one. Installing a warm floor in a wooden house with old wiring is not simply not recommended, but prohibited according to the safety standards of electrical equipment. When calculating the power of the system, it should take into account its norm - no more than 80 W / 1 m². The excess of the norm will lead to the ignition of the surrounding wooden elements. Compliance with the basic rules is necessary for the safe functioning of heat-insulated systems.

Installation of electric floors in the house does not differ in the special complexity of the technological process. The main in laying of floors is to comply with the safety standards and following the manufacturer's instructions. Heating of wooden houses with the use of additional heating elements is considered efficient and safe.

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