How to make a pony from "Friendship is a miracle" from plasticine in gradually with video


Many girls will interest how to make a pony from "Friendship is a miracle" from plasticine. Multicolored pony are known to several generations of children: the first figures and dolls were produced back in 1983. They followed the coloring, educational games, short and full-length cartoons. Currently broadcast and removed the animated series "Friendship is a miracle."

The main characters of the animated series are colored funny ponies from the May Little Pony franchise. Each of the heroes has its own color and unusually lush mane and tail. Some of the characters also have wings and horn.

How to make a pony from

Lepim cartulas

Consider how it stages to make cartoon characters "Friendship is a miracle" on the example of three heroes: Pinki Pink, Epple Bloom and Rainbow Daes.

Pinki Pink is the main character of the cartoon. To create figures, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Plasticine pink, purple, white, black and blue;
  • stacks;
  • Board for modeling.

How to make a pony from


  1. We make billets for all parts of the body: form from pink plasticine nine balls - four identical averages (roll cones from them), two large and three small;
  1. From lilac plasticine, roll a large ball for the mane and tail, and from white, blue and black - small balls;

How to make a pony from

  1. We start to sculpt the body: one of the big pink balls pull, roll and attach a small ball, smoothing, forming a neck;

How to make a pony from

  1. Smoothing, glit to the body of the cones - legs (watch them to be on the same level);

How to make a pony from

  1. We scratch my head from the remaining pink balls: a big ball is extending, form a muzzle, from the little damp triangular ears and we attach them on the sides of the head;

How to make a pony from

  1. We connect your head with a torso and smoothing the seam;

How to make a pony from

  1. We put a pony to your feet (the figure should not fall) and slightly threaten the hind legs;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make a tail and mane from a lilac plasticine: we divide the ball and from one part we form a wavy mane (a form resembles a mustache), and from the second - a wavy tail (as the letter "M");

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How to make a pony from

  1. Attach the mane: one of her end should wrap his head, and the second to rest in the back;

How to make a pony from

  1. We attach the tail and smooth the seams;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make eyes: roll up two pellets from white, blue and black plasticine and impose on each other;

How to make a pony from

How to make a pony from

How to make a pony from

  1. We glue your eyes and a stack of mouth.

How to make a pony from

Pony is ready!

How to make a pony from

Epple Bloom - Red-Yellow Pony. To create it, you will need:

  • red, yellow, black, brown and white plasticine;
  • matches;
  • instruments;
  • Board for modeling.

How to make a pony from

How to sculpt:

  1. Roll out of yellow plasticine (approximately 1/5 part of the bar) ball;

How to make a pony from

  1. Form a muzzle: pull the ball forward from below, on top of the sides stretch your ears, make a stack of mouth and nostrils;

How to make a pony from

  1. Make your eyes: to form two identical pellets from white plasticine, on top of gluing cakes slightly smaller size from brown plasticine, then even smaller - from black, add cilia and glare from small white plasticine balls;

How to make a pony from

How to make a pony from

  1. Share the remaining yellow plasticine about two equal parts;
  1. Roll out of one part of the ball and pull it out into the cone;

How to make a pony from

  1. Bend a narrow end up and insert a match into it for future head mounting;

How to make a pony from

  1. Outstanding plasticine to divide into four equal parts and roll balls;

How to make a pony from

  1. Make a flat base cones from balls;

How to make a pony from

  1. Attach the legs to the body and smooth down (for greater stability, you can stick in them matches);

How to make a pony from

  1. Attach a head;

How to make a pony from

  1. Range out of red plasticine a few sausages and make bangs from them, and then the mane;

How to make a pony from

How to make a pony from

  1. Make a lush tail from red plasticine residues (twist and stretch at the ends) and attach to pony (used as a support).

How to make a pony from


How to make a pony from

Rainbow Dash - a bright character.

To create it, it is better to take a whole pack of colored plasticine with rainbow colors.

How to make a pony from

In addition, you will need:

  • stacks;
  • matches;
  • Board for modeling.

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How to sculpt:

  1. Making your head: roll two balls (big and smaller) from blue plasticine;

How to make a pony from

  1. Glue and smooth the balls so that it turns out the elongated face, the stack make your mouth and nostrils;

How to make a pony from

  1. For eye, we make a stack of recess and form cakes from balls of different sizes and colors (black, white, purple);

How to make a pony from

  1. We collect eyes in the following sequence: Large black pellets are glued into the removal, on top - white, then purple and again black;
  1. Decorating the eyes with white glare and cilia;

How to make a pony from

  1. Of the two small equal balls, we make triangular ears and attach on the sides to the head;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make a torso: roll the cone from blue plasticies and wrap the end upstairs;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make legs: roll four equal balls, form cones from them and in three of them insert matches;

How to make a pony from

  1. I attach the legs to the body (the front leg without a fitting bend and smooth to the body);

How to make a pony from

  1. Attach your head;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make bangs, tail and mane: roll the sausages of all the colors of the rainbow and collect rows in the bundles;

How to make a pony from

  1. Attach "hair" to pony;

How to make a pony from

  1. We make wings from blue plasticine: roll four pellets (two large, two small), pull out, fold together and process the stack;

How to make a pony from

  1. Attach wings to the back;

How to make a pony from

  1. Of the pieces of red, yellow and orange plasticine, roll a thin sausage and make a zipper, attaching on the side.

How to make a pony from

The winged pony is ready!

On how to make other pony, you can see in a selection of video.

Video on the topic

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