How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?


Showing a little imagination and creativity you can come up with several ways to store wardrobe. Thus, the overall interior will not spoil the jet from the shapeless packages of different magnitude.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Cooking things for storage

The greatest percentage of people do not bother in cleaning their own outfits and after socks they are removed without any problems. It will be more correct to carefully clean things, to dry them as much as possible and then in proper preservation you can be firmly confident.

Without controversial, fur products need chemical treatment-cleaning. If such an opportunity is absent, then the fur can be added and dry thoroughly. Downpowers and insulated semi-versions in most cases are erased in a typewriter, a delicate mode is appropriate. Coat is recommended for cleaning and wrapping manually.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

For purified and dried clothes, you should choose a suitable storage location.

Ideas of proper and compact storage of things

  1. Flood coats and natural top products are needed, so the best option can be a comfortable balcony loggia. The locker on its territory is the most convenient way to compact storage.

Useful recommendation: The wardrobe is easy to enter in a common one, so the main space will not be occupied.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

  1. For dying products, jackets and sweaters will need vacuum packages . The decision is considered quite practical, since oxygen is removed from special packages and the existing volumes become less.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Tip: acquire the greatest vacuum packages, because they have the best efficiency to save an existing space.

  1. For proper storage of shoes, you perfectly approach the boxes of dense cardboard. You can buy them or save those that were bought initially. Significantly alleviate the task of searching in the future season is a signed every couple. Thus, the boxes will be compact in the increasing order, and to get a pair, if necessary, will not be difficult.

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How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Recommendation: Do not store shoes in conventional packages, since diverse forms will create an external disorder.

  1. Ideal saviors for conservation of order in the closet will be dividers . This option provides the ability to save clothing and accessories in one place. With all this there is no concern that something gets lost.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Tip: Inserts - the perfect solution for storing temporarily unchecked clothes on the upper shelves.

  1. The renovated old chest will add not only solidity to the general interior, but also becomes a storage location at present not necessary things.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Tip: It is not recommended to add dirty clothes or shoes for a long time. The speck, which is easily able to remove immediately over time it can entitle forever.

Enter useful space

There is always enough space at the top of the chiffoniers and under the beds . This is the perfect space for storing off-season things. This idea is especially relevant for apartments with small square meters.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

To prevent visual disorder, the plastic boxes with covers should be used. Such boxes can be filled with winter sweaters, scarves and headdresses.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Everything has its place

Automobile tires and bikes are not a place in the apartment walls. Evaporation from technical reagents from the roads can adversely affect the health of the whole family. The balcony for this case is also not suitable, since the straight rays of the Sun will lead to a reduction in service life.

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

Important to remember! Each particular thing requires specific conservation conditions. For example, sports inventory does not need dust, humidity, heat and cold.

Choosing a place, it should be considered that the wrong placement will ultimately lead to full damage to personal expensive things.

Storage of things 5 ​​ideas for a small apartment (1 video)

How to store the unreasonable things (10 photos)

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

How to keep the unreasonable things and not spoil the interior?

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