Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands


Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

Sometimes from the most, perhaps, unspoken materials can be made surprisingly beautiful, elegant items. Burlap is a coarse material, but what original and cozy thing used in the interior can be created with their own hands.

Favorite material designers

This material from jute and fibers of Kenafa are manufactured. This neutral coarse fabric is so loved by designers for its functionality, because of it you can make not only toys, bows, pillows, make bedspreads, covers for sofas and armchairs, it decorate windows and doors, packing gifts.

It will become a highlight of the living room interior, bedroom, children's room. Such a fabric has a lot of advantages:

  • perfectly harmonizes with a bright sense, finishing braid, sewing, white lace;
  • perfectly combined with natural fabrics (flax, silk);
  • A fabric flowers, beads, ribbons, twigs, seashells and other natural and artificial materials will become undoubted decoration of burlap products.
  • Burlakovin is widely used in the decoration of canteen and kitchen premises, a veranda (tablecloths, napkins, tracks), it is often used to decorate the candlesticks, lampshades, that is, it acts as an independent material or produce individual elements;
  • fits in almost any interior style, but, of course, it is most often found in the interior in the style of Provence or Country; Its natural color is an excellent option for eco interiors;
  • Beautiful material for packing gifts, wrapped things in it look exquisite, stylish, and if you decorate such packaging with additional elements, it will be the top of perfection;
  • Cheapness makes this tissue with the most affordable material for the dwelling decor.

Burlap - simple material, which as a result of due processing will look just stunningly.

It makes truly beautiful things from it, they can be used in the interior of not only a country house, but also an urban apartment. With it, it is possible to revive even the most unpretentious design of the house, make it cozy, warm, fresh.

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Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

Products from burlap

In the interior of the kitchen, the dining room can use covers for chairs, lampshades from burlap. The facades of lockers look unusual, decorated with elements from this material, but at the same time homely cozy. Capacities decorated in the same way or cereals will complement the overall design of the room.

Panel, tablecloths, curtains, pillows emphasize the style of the room.

Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

This coarse cloth with its natural color is perfectly combined with white and brown flowers or their shades.

The most successfully looks like products decorated with white lace. See how beautiful they complement each other in the photo presented below.

Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

Burlakov, despite its gross texture, it looks spectacular in assemblies, ruffles, in smooth form.

In the interior, this material you can decorate the objects of white wood. So they will look most effectively.

Still lifes with silverp or glass elements in combination with details of a coarse fabric look expensive and exquisitely, because it visually turns silver places in silver, glass - to crystal. Such things are evidence, undoubtedly, a great taste of the owner of the house.

If you can embroider, you can fill your home with excellent things from burlap. Bright embroidery on such a canvas (for example, flowers), made with your own hands, will create a summer fresh atmosphere in the room, fill the home with tenderness and warmth. Even one pillow, covered with such a web and decorated with embroidery colors, will perform this function as it is impossible to be more fully.

Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

Burlap products are used not only in the interior of the house or apartment. They advantageously emphasize the exterior of the house. The table on the veranda, a decorated tablecloth of this fabric, which perfectly harmonizes with lace white napkins under the plates, easy to fit into the rustic style.

To give the second life to ordinary glass banks, any old tanks, make them a highlight of the interior not so difficult. Decorate their burlap and tie out a beautiful braid, fill with fragrant herbs - and here you have a sip of fresh air in the design of the bedroom, living room, the kitchen in the style of Provence. And in the children's room, the child will be able to keep their little secrets in them. And it looks quite stylish and aesthetic.

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Burlakovin in the interior with their own hands

Photo frames, decorated with this material, look simply, but at the same time original, exquisitely. Children's drawings inserted into them will acquire an unforgettable charm.

Burlap in the interior is a huge space for the flight of your fantasy, beautiful material for designing interiors and exteriors in ecostel, retrostile, modern styles. Use it, and your home will be cozy and refined.

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