Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking


Sooner or later we are all faced with the need to make repairs. Someone prefers to delegate these works by professionals, and someone performs them himself. Making a repair on its own for the first time, many questions arise. We do not suffer from the shortage of information at all, it is always easy to open the Internet and study everything in detail: watch video and photographic materials, but sometimes a clear answer cannot be found.

Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

The process of blending wallpaper is in full swing

In this case, we will focus on the nuances of sticking vinyl wallpaper and the time of breathing. You can immediately determine some time frames, note: vinyl wallpaper dries from 24 to 48 hours. But is it, and under what conditions, more specifics are needed. Let's try to delve into this question and consider all sorts of events development options.

Drying wallpaper

If you approach the process of sticking wallpaper comprehensively and responsibly perform all stages, the result will be appropriate. In the practice of repairs there were a lot of cases, when it was on the process of drying wallpaper, there were unpleasant situations, and the work had to redo.

Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

Wallpapers will no longer leave the wall, you can open the doors and windows for venting

It would seem that it may happen if the wallpaper is already attached to the surface and hang on it perfectly. But the banal draft is able to simply peel the wallpaper from the wall, and it just falls on the floor.

The technological process must be fulfilled to fully if you want to get quality repairs.

The first thing to pay attention to is the surface of the wall prepared for sticking wallpaper, it must be absolutely dry and clean.

Preparation of walls

To create a high-quality and beautiful interior, smooth walls are desirable, at least not having serious flaws. How to achieve this? Of course, plastering, or put off separate places on the wall.

In the current majority of standard domestic apartments, it is impossible to do without such works, so we strongly recommend learning the geometry of your walls.

After plastering work, it is necessary to give time to dry out the solution. The drying process goes well at a comfortable room temperature of 20 degrees and minimal humidity striving to 100%, well, or at least 80%. Otherwise, the solidification of plasters can delay indefinitely.

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Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

This is how well prepared wall looks like.

The next optimal effect on the preparation of the wall surface to stick the wallpaper will be its priming. The priming is made by special compositions or the same wallpaper glue, which are later glued wallpaper, only divorced in a larger amount of water.

The method of priming walls by wallpaper glue is painted in detail on its pack.

The primer helps the wall adapt to the upcoming stick, let's call it. In addition, it highly reduces the consumption of the walls itself. As you already, probably guessed again it is necessary to wait for the drying of the wall surface, but this time it will happen much faster. Landmark for drying primer 5-6 hours.

Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

Not bad composition for the preparation of walls to shook wallpaper

Now you and the walls are really ready for sticking wallpaper, and it's time to start basic work. But we would have previously wanted to tell about the negative consequences of a swash wall.

  • Division - Since the wall and wallpaper wet, they are not ready to stick together with each other. Wallpaper easily depart from the wall.
  • Deformation - stretching and narrowing the wallpaper canvas on the wall, while the piece has no accurate position and can move.
  • The discrepancy of the joints - the consequence of the deformation will be the discrepancy between the seams that at least the attention will be attracted, and how the maximum will spoil all the repair.

It is unpleasant and hurt, and all these problems are just because of the wet wall. Dry vinyl wallpaper on such a surface is infinitely long, during this time the result of the work is able to deteriorate even. In addition, long drying stops the rest of the repair work: installation of the ceiling, plinth.

Important moments

The main rule that you should be guided by sticking and drying wallpaper is the elimination of all possible drafts. To do this, it is necessary to completely isolate the past room from the street air masses, for which it is necessary to close the windows, doors and minimize the passability of the room. If you technologically correctly made a sticking, then this item should be already performed.

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Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

When the works are completed, it is necessary to put the room

In addition, it should be not hurry with the installation of climatic equipment during the blending of the wallpaper. To such devices, we will take the batteries, heaters and air conditioners.

Vinyl wallpaper will dry about day, sometimes more, sometimes less. A few factors affect the drying rate:

  • quality of the wallpaper glue,
  • The amount used in the work,
  • Indoor climate: Temperature, humidity.

The complex of these factors is able to accelerate drying or, on the contrary, to increase it to several days. On average, it is recommended to lay 1-2 days, in the standard conditions of this more than enough.

Drying time of vinyl wallpaper after sticking

The room is saved by vinyl wallpaper

I want to mention that regardless of the substrate, whether it is a fliseline or paper, vinyl wallpaper will dry the same amount of time. After all, by and large, the wallpaper does not dry, but the glue on the wall.

We hope now you will not have a question - how much the vinyl wallpapers will dry, you will firmly know that at least 24 hours. During this time, try to make the room to the most, and, having come to it after drying the walls, you admire your new interior.

For comparison, you can read how much paper wallpaper dries.

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