Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application


Another type of woody materials that the building market has enriched, has become a USB-stove, which means "Universal Plate" in translating.

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Yusby Plates for Finishing

Wood plates are a pressed material of 3 layers of wood chips of coniferous wood. Such a material differs from plywood sheets and chipboard with their strength, which contributes to the multidirectional of the fibers. It does not affect the flexibility of the slab, because the layers are amenable to pressing under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, after which they are impregnated with waterproof resin and wax.

Due to the fact that this material is made on high-tech modern equipment, there are no all possible defects, damage and emptiness. Such plates can be submitted by various loads, because long fibers that are firmly fixed with each other with the help of a binder component will cope with even increased weight.

Varieties of sheets

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Plate Yusbi

Plates are divided into 4 categories, each of which is designed for certain works:

  • For works in rooms with reduced humidity levels;
  • For work in dry rooms to install the carrying partitions;
  • To install bearing structures in rooms with elevated humidity;
  • For work in wet premises, if the design will be subjected to increased mechanical loads.

Feature material

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Wall decoration with plates

Yusby Plates are classified according to the binder component, which determines the area of ​​their use.

  1. Moisture resistance

This classification is needed in order to understand for which type of room you can use this wood material. To do this, the pre-measured plate is placed 24 hours into the liquid, after which the measurements are made again and determine how much material diffuses in thickness. According to generally accepted standards, the swelling of the material is possible from 12 to 25%. That is, the less the percentage of swelling, the larger moisture-resistant features are the material.

  1. Strength

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Strength is a characteristic that determines how the module of the elasticity is characterized by a sheet with longitudinal or transverse bending. In transverse bending, the indicators vary in the range of 1200-1800 N / mm2, and with longitudinal - from 2500 to 4800 N / mm2.

  1. The size

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Installation of plates with your own hands

Of course, thanks to the use of modern technologies and equipment, today you can make a sheet of any size, at the request of the customer. But, there are also generally accepted standards, the length of which is 1220-1250 mm, and the width varies from 2440 to 3700 mm.

  1. Weight

Usby sheets are characterized by their ease, despite the fact that they are made of wood. Such a material was widely used in construction, because the thickness of the sheets is equal to 6-22 mm, and the average weight ranges from 12.5 to 43kg.

Such wood sheets are usually made from coniferous wood and formaldehyde resins do not use, so they differ in their ecology. The material is also characterized by good refractory, chemical, physical and biological safety.

Scope of application

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Usby Plates for wall decoration

Due to the fact that the demand for wood extruded sheets is growing every day, but I know a few right areas of application, we give a few tips, which do not place:

  • Prefer the products of American or European production, because it is presented in the market better than domestic brands (Canadian production is considered the most excellent);
  • You can use YUSB-sheets both on a wooden canvase and on the tie of concrete, only the massiveness of the material will be a distinctive feature;
  • This material is very popular for the floor device, because it allows you to make a coating more strongly, increase its service life and ensure reliable protection against moisture effects;
  • Such extruded wood allows you to safely save on the purchase of a material, because the sheets necessary in size and forms will not be difficult (they are perfectly cut by circular saw without disruption of integrity and deformation).

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The most popular and popular area of ​​the use of sheets is the concrete screed of floors. The floors from concrete are distinguished by the heights and the presence of a set of defects, and the YUSB sheets will help to achieve an ideally smooth surface for subsequent laying of absolutely any flooring, both parquet or laminate and linoleum.

Due to its dense texture and multi-layered, the coating allows to achieve maximum sound insulation in the room, and the naturalness of the material helps in maintaining heat.

If you need to increase the level of resistance to the deformation, the extregnated sheets of wood can be laid in 2 tiers, bonding the edges using a special adhesive solution and leaving small slots between the canvas for the future of their expansion after absorbing excess moisture.

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Slabs Usby for wall decoration in the house

Very often in buildings where the foundation was flooded, the floor covering is installed on multi-layer bars or tree lags. In such a situation, YUSB material can be used both in chistov and in rough form.

Thanks to the unique features, the use of USB can be used not only in the form of self-sufficient flooring, but also for the preparatory work of the foundation for various materials.

  • Sheets are allowed to be mounted under the laminate, observing the only requirement - the surface of the joint should be perfectly smooth.
  • The material is used in the form of a base for a linoleum or carpet coating (to achieve maximum flattening floor, you will need to use the most thin sheets, previously treated with their hermetic solutions).
  • As a finishing finish, but here there is a certain rule: the material will have to be additionally protected from wear. Such protection can be ensured with the help of varnish in several tiers, conducting preliminary processing and stripping of the pressed sheet.
  • Also on USBI sheets can be laid a tile, but note that for such work it will be necessary to qualitatively fix the basis for it to be fixed.

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Sheet acquisition tips

Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Wooden plates

By buying the sheets of pressed wood, pay special attention to the manufacturer's country. From this depends not only the cost of the material, but also its thickness, strength and other characteristics.

Below are the most popular stamps of the material, and their comparative characteristic is also given, both at the price and the characteristics of the sheets.










Slab of Yusbi: species, characteristics, material application

Wooden slabs Usby for decoration

To buying a material, not to get to you fault, pay careful attention to all the information that manufacturers are applied to packaging, and also familiarize yourself with all the characteristic features of the material: type of wood, moisture resistance level, scope, etc.

The most popular are sheets with increased moisture resistance, but maybe it will be enough to use more simplified and budgetary variations.

Do not hurry to give your blood earned for those features that you do not need - better spend in search of a suitable material longer than the time, we hope that our information will help you with this.

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