How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video


Plasticine is just a wonderful material for children and adult creativity. About two hundred years ago, this wonderful mass for the modeling was appealed to the world. Two scientists - William Harbutt and Franz flask. Children of Harbutta appreciated the invention of his father, filled house with crafts from plasticine. This and pushed him to the thoughts to open his factory for the production of masses for modeling. Of course, modern material is made from other substances, such as polyvinyl chloride, and has many subspecies, but having loved children since the time of the invention, it still occupies a primary place in materials for children's creativity. This article will tell how to make cars from plasticine, which will certainly delight boys.

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Terms of work with the material

Of course, plasticine is very easy to work, but if your kids are going to crawl out of it, It is worth reminding them of the following rules:

  • Without the permission of adults, it is impossible to take plasticine and stacks. The stack can be clamped, and plasticine is not a toy, but material for creativity.
  • The child must have a specially equipped place for his creative accomplishments. For a start, a children's or dining table is fitted with a linen or a special substrate.
  • Baby need to teach accuracy. Explain that it is impossible to poke plasticine in the mouth, like soaring clothes and furniture, smearing it everywhere.
  • And of course, you need to remove the workplace behind you and wash the handles with soap.

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Steep Race

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

What a boy passes past the typewriter, and even more racing! Offer the child to make it with your own hands. This master class with the photo will tell how to do it. To work, you will need:

  • Plasticine blue, white and black colors;
  • Stack;
  • Small round molds.

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To make the body of the machine, roll a small oval sausage. Next, rolling the cake from black plasticine, with the help of the mold, cut four wheels.

Do not forget that the rear wheels have more front racing machines.

White strip along the housing will revive the appearance of the race. From blue plasticine, make a rectangular spoiler for the machine and strengthen it on the back. From a small piece of black, make a rider helmet, do not forget to add white taken away. Slip it into place. It remains only to attach the wheels, and the racing car is ready. The process is shown in more detail in the photo:

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Assistant rescuers

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

The heroic lifeguard profession is impossible without the existence of a fire truck. It is her that we suggest to blind in this master class. So to make a fire machine from plasticine, need to prepare:

  • Plasticine red, black, white, blue and yellow;
  • Stack;
  • Plasticine rolling board.

Let's look in step bypass how to make such a machine. Start with the manufacture of machine housing. It consists of two parts. Money from red plasticine Make two rectangles - more and smaller. From the smaller using the stack you need to form a cabin car. From below, we fasten the part with a black sausage, it is a cardan shaft of the fire truck. To make the wheels, you need to form four black pellets and four yellow. Connect them. On the edge of the tire using the stack, apply the tread pattern. In the middle of yellow pellets, make a small deepening. Attach the wheels to the case.

From small black sausages, create a staircase and place it on the roof of the machine, strengthening on small balls from black plasticine. From small white pellets, make windows, strengthen them on the cabin. Last strokes remained. Add the blue flasher on the roof. Two little yellow pellets will serve as headlights, and the black sausage will be a bumper. Make a white strip along the body and the inscription "01" on the housing. Make a hose by rolling it from a long black sausage. Plasticine fire truck is ready to go to the challenge!

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How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Cute cartoon

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Of course, all the children love to watch cartoons and choose their favorite heroes.

Try and you please your child, making it an indispensable assistant to Lightning Maccin - Guido! To make it very simple. To do this, take:

  • Plasticine blue, blue, black, white and gray colors;
  • Stack;
  • Board for modeling.

From blue plasticine, form two details, as in the photo number 2 and 3. The white oval pellet will serve as a glass for Guido, attach it to the laid place. Not Details No. 3 With the help of stack, cut down a smile and fill in white plasticine. A small visor of rectangular shape strengthen the roof of the machine. Two black plasticine cakes will be wheels. To blind handles of the machine, make two small oval parts of blue and gray and connect them between themselves. Side Make gray windows. Fake small eyes. Guido ready!

How to make a car from plasticine with your own hands styardly with video

Video on the topic

Looking the video provided below, you can try to create other cartoon machines. Enjoy your creativity!

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