Why should I maintain a bath?


As is known, ordinary water is an excellent electric current conductor. In this regard, the bathroom potentially represents the most dangerous place in the house.

Why should I maintain a bath?

In view of the fact that in the bathrooms used electrical appliances and metal devices, it should be grounded for your safety.

Until recently, therefore, no one thought about the grounding of the bath, because there was no urgent need. Over time, this question has become more relevant, since now almost in each bathroom has numerous metal objects and household electrical devices.

Moreover, today in the bathroom, many people want to install a boiler, a washing machine, a heated bath or a jacuzzi, and in such an atmosphere, an excellent opportunity appears for the occurrence of humidity, which is extremely undesirable with an ungrounded electric current. In this regard, such a problem arose as a bath grounding. Why is it necessary?

How is the grounding of the bath

Grounding is a special protection that, when an electric charge occurs on a specific body takes the current and takes it into the ground. Modern electrical technique, as a rule, has special metal grooves for grounding wires. And if you do not take certain security measures, a person can strike current, in some cases it can have a rather bad end.

Why should I maintain a bath?

Bath Ground Scheme.

As noted above, the bathroom in this regard is the most dangerous place. Since it is precisely there a large percentage of humidity occurs if there is a variety of metal equipment and electrical appliances. The threat to a person's life occurs because quite often electrical wiring is designed without appropriate security measures.

Why should I maintain a bath?

It is very important to make a grounding of the bath and prevent the appearance of tension on the items in the bathroom.

Other bathroom items that do not have absolutely no relation to electricity, such as plumbing and drain pipes, pipes of central water supply, radiators, baths and sinks, can also lead to the tragic final if the fuse works. In this regard, today many are interested in: why the bath is grounded and how to prevent the occurrence of hazardous tension on the items located in the bathroom.

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Previously, this problem was solved in this way: the bath case was combined with a tap pipe or sewage rummer.

But today, this method is considered irrelevant, because the neighbors living below the floor can at any time within their apartment change the metal water pipe or sewer riser on plastic equipment.

Bath Ground Rules

The correct grounding of the bath is a certain adaptation, which may if necessary to lead the electric current into the ground, and the person will remain in complete safety. In this case, it is advisable to invite a specialist so that it advises the right and most appropriate ways to ground the bath.

According to the electrical installation rules, the bath must be connected by means of a special connection from the grounding bus, which, as a rule, is located on the input camshaft. This connection of the electricians is called a "grounding jumper". This procedure, regardless of the installed electrical equipment, must be carried out in each bathroom.

Grounding baths of different species

How to ground the bath of old models:

Why should I maintain a bath?

For grounding the old sample bath, make a hole in the leg and skip the wires.

If an old sample bath, then for its grounding, you should drill a hole in any leg, through which the stranded wire can be skipped. Through the nut, the washers and the bolts must be fixed on the leg of the bath grounding jumper or, as an alternative, a stranded wire.

On the other hand, the ground jumper is attached to a special distributor. The wires from other metal and electrical devices located in the apartment should be connected to the same distributor. The electric distributor can be fixed on any comfortable wall, but preferably not in the bathroom. From the distributor, it is required to make a mandatory output to a common grounding shield, which is most often located in the entrance.

How to ground a cast-iron bath:

Why should I maintain a bath?

Cast-iron baths from the plant are already coming with a grounding device - petal.

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Cast iron baths, like baths from other metals, are already produced with a special grounding device called a petal. To this petal with the help of nut, washers and bolts are required to connect the bare portion of the stranded ground wire.

If the bathroom is equipped with a shower with an instant water heating device or an electric water heater, which have a sufficiently large power, then in this case a reliable grounding is uniquely required. The grounding jumper is carried out as a compound of all metal parts with grounded pipes.

How to ground an acrylic bath:

Special popularity among consumers enjoy baths made from acrylic because they are relatively inexpensive, they differ in low weight and easy to use. Although acrylic does not apply to metals, which means it is not a conductor of an electric current, but the grounding of the acrylic bath during its installation is simply necessary. Why then ground the acrylic bath?

Why should I maintain a bath?

The grounding device is attached to a metal-based acrylic bath.

First of all, the acrylic baths are produced both cast and extruded. It is the extruded acrylic baths that are poorly holding a form and therefore always come with a metal basis, which requires mandatory grounding.

Also acrylic, as a dielectric, is able to create some static electricity. And if you type water from this material in the bath, then, depending on the area of ​​the tank itself, the corresponding electrical charge is accumulated. Therefore, the grounding device is attached directly to a metal-based acrylic bath.

How to ground a hydromassage bath:

Recently, hydromassage baths, whose work is based on the use of electric current are popular. The hydromassage system of such a bath is connected to a network with a normal voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50 Hz.

Why should I maintain a bath?

Due to the fact that the hydromassage bath is running from electricity, grounding is particularly relevant.

For such equipment before grounding, you need to equip a separate grounded outlet, which is equipped with a separate plug and wire with two insulating layers. This plug is a direct grounding device. Due to this, water does not fall on the surface of the socket and the short circuit cannot happen, so the rosette is often called moisture-proof.

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Waterproof outlet before grounding, it is best to install on the wall. At the same time, the height of its location from the floor level should be at least 30 cm and from the outer side of the hydromassage bath - at least 50 cm. Such security measures are observed to eliminate the possible way out of water into the outlet. The eyeliner is performed by a separate wire with a double insulating layer.

When installing a hydromassage bath, as well as a washing machine and an electric water heater, a special automatic machine for 16a, regulating the voltage of electricity, is required. Such an automatic is recommended to be installed in the hallway or in another room, but not in the bathroom.

It is strictly forbidden to use the hydromassage bath in everyday life, the socket of which does not have a special grounding contact. It is impossible to ground the bath through water, sewer or heating equipment. It is forbidden to carry out maintenance while using a hydromassage bath and use it with a faulty grounding or damaged electros.

Wire selection and gasket

The electrical installation rules defines the size of the conductor, which is the grounding device. In residential premises, it is customary to use a stranded cable of hard-type with a cross section of 6 mm², with green and yellow PVC insulating material. This section is considered to be the most suitable for grounding the bath. If a bathtub with an electric water heater of running water is connected, then in this case the connection is carried out through a special machine, which has a current protection.

From aesthetic point of view, the wires are not visible, before grounding, it is recommended to jumper the bath pane, under the floor plates, or just hide it in the washbasin cabinet. It is possible to pave the wire inside the voids of the walls or under the plaster, as the usual wiring.

There are various opinions on the grounding of the bath. But one thing is clear: if the owner of an apartment or a house takes care of his health and security, then undoubtedly, it is better to set a grounding of the bath to avoid possible electric shock in the future.

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