Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options


Most often, the bathroom is separated by a tile. This material is durable, hygienic, easy to care. But the cost of such a repair is considerable, therefore trying to arrange everything so that the bathroom looks in the best way for a long period of time. To solve this task carefully choose the collection, pick up colors, layout method. What options for laying tiles in the bathroom exist, as they are perceived, in the article.

General principles and rules

Everyone knows that bright walls visually make the room more spacious. Nobody is going to argue with this and this fact takes into account, choosing options for laying tiles in the bathroom. But there are some more interesting moments, the knowledge of which will help to avoid liner when drawing up the layout and selection of the color of the tile, its location, the colors of the grout.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Light walls make room more spacious

Vertical and horizontal layout

Recently, a rectangular tile is more often put on the walls. At the same time, the first to be determined - horizontally or vertically position the tile on the walls. It is believed that the horizontal layout visually makes the room wider, and the vertical is higher. In fact, on a colored, bright tile, the seams between which are embedded by the grout of the same or close color, the difference is very insignificant (in the photo a couple of drawings below). In this case, the direction of laying to perception almost does not affect. In this case, choose the options for laying tiles in the bathroom can only be based on your preferences.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

The difference in vertical and horizontal laying is noticeable only on light tiles with contrasting seams.

This effect is more pronounced when using a lightweight tile with contrast grouting (upper pictures). In this case, the look "Slip" on the seam, creating the necessary visual changes. In this case, the vertical or horizontal layout really affect our perception.


To expand the room or raise the ceiling, during the selection of layouts make vertical or horizontal "guides". These are strips from a touch of another color, for which the look slips. These bands change the visual perception of the size of the room.

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A brighter horizontal strip that passes around the perimeter of the room around the middle of the height, visually significantly expands the space. If you add a dark band to light walls, no effect is observed. Rather, the room will look at the "its" volume, since the dark strip neutralizes the visual increase in space due to light tones in the finish.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Ways to strengthen the desired effect

If it is necessary to make the ceiling visually above, with a vertical layout, you can put a strip from the brighter tiles on one of the walls (preferably opposite the input). Even with the condition of bright or dark tiles and grouts, the ceiling "raises". If you use a bright tone tile on this wall, and even with a contrasting grout and a vertical strip from tiles with an ornament, the effect will be even more apparent (in the picture below right).


Another way to make the room above is to place decorative tiles in the form of a curb closer to the ceiling. Being high, they attract attention, the room seems higher. The border does not have to do around the perimeter. It is enough to make one wall of the other light shade, at the top to place a curb. Moreover, this contrast wall may be darker or brighter.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Bordeur made of decorative tiles closer to the ceiling makes the room higher

All these techniques are easy to implement, but help competently make up the layout of the tile. To visualize what you happen, you can use special programs.

Examples of tile layout

In addition to the above layout examples, there are options for laying tiles, which can be considered a classic, others, on the contrary, appeared quite recently and, although they are often contrary to many recommendations, they look very good.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Select the method of layouting tiles in the bathroom not easy

Dark bottom

This technique refers to the classic: the lower third of the walls make the darker color, the top - for several tones lighter. This method of laying a ceramic tile, to put it mildly, not at the peak of popularity. He was popular about a decade ago. But there are several techniques that give the classics a modern sound.

With this method of laying the tile, the room seems spacious, as most of the walls are decorated in bright shades. In this case, the tile on the floor is chosen the same color as the tile on the bottom of the wall. If you can't choose exactly the same, they are looking very close to texture and color. In the "clean" form looks like a method of laying tiles not very modern.

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Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Dark color panels at the bottom of the wall

In order for this option to lay a tile in the bathroom more modernly, you can add vertical or horizontal stripes that will break the monotonous design. Many collections offer not only the darker and bright versions of the tile, but also the decor of different sizes from which the bands of different widths are formed.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

To horizontal stripes you can add vertical

More often combine not two, but three types of tiles: two monophonic and decor combining both basic colors. Decorative elements can be different widths. Then you can create stripes or columns of different widths. So that the upper part is not so monotonous and the boring thin strips of the same color as the lower part of the wall, and the floral or flower curb is added below.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Combination of tiles in bathroom different colors and textures

Most factories produce collections in which there are two basic tile colors - darker and brighter - and a set of decorative elements. Such collections are usually expensive, but it is easier to draw up a competent composition, and they are suitable in size, so there will be no problems with stacking and fit.

Accent Wall

If the division of walls in height does not make up, but one-photon decoration brings down the despondency, one can consider the option with an accent wall. Most often it is made in tiles of the same color, but another shade - for several tones lighter or darker.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Dark accent wall in a bright bathroom

In this case, the brown tile is finished not one wall, but she also comes to part of the neighboring. This technique is like for narrow long rooms - it visually makes the room more similar to the square.

The accent wall does not necessarily draw up tiles of the same size. It looks great for one wall trimmed with mosaic or tile of small format.

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Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

For a variety you can use a mosaic

Mosaic looks great both by itself and in combination with a ribbon of different formats - square, rectangular, large and medium sized. It is used when finishing curvilinear surfaces - due to its structure, it even fits the columns of a small radius.

Floral motifs

The latest trends in the design led to the fact that most of the tile for bathrooms are made in monophonic. Many collections are characterized by an interesting texture, but are made in the form of monophonic fragments. Not to all such design falls in taste - the interior is too "cold". You can add fantasy using tiles with flowers or butterflies, vegetable or geometric motifs.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Add a certain amount of decoration with flowers, butterflies or other vegetable patterns

But with this type of decor, it is necessary to be neat: too easy to "overdo it" especially in a small amount. But several single fragments also do not look. So it is desirable to work with the floral decor to work in the programs that give a bulk picture - it will be easier to imagine that you actually work out.

Tile layout on the floor

In addition to select the options for laying tiles in the bathroom on the wall, it is necessary to decide how to design the floor.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Methods for laying outdoor tiles

When using square tiles, it is usually placed in the form of a chessboard (shape of the checker), a method with a displacement of 1/2 tiles can be used. There are two directions of laying - parallel to the walls and diagonally.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Square sex tile layout options

If a rectangular tile is selected, layout options more - with a displacement (deck, braided, Christmas tree). There are also options for a combination of rectangular and square tiles - a labyrinth, if methods using fragments of different sizes.

Tile layout in the bathroom: Methods and options

Options for laying tiles in the bathroom on the floor - different sizes and schemes

All more or less complex schemes make sense to implement in large rooms - here unusual compositions can be appreciated. In small bathrooms, most often choose the simplest schemes - it is usually placed only a few tiles, so that it makes no sense to complicate the work.

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