How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos


The word globe comes from the Latin Globus, which means "ball". For modern people, of course, it is no secret that the earth has a spherical shape. But it was not always so. On the history of the origin of the model of our planet and how to make a globe from plasticine with their own hands, will be told in this article.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

History of Globus

Back in the third century BC, the ancient Greek scientists found that the Earth has a spherical form. The first globe is mentioned in the history of about 150 to our era. His creator was Mallian. Its model was depicted in the form of a single continent, elegant rivers. The Globe of German Cartographer Martin Behaimima consider the oldest to be up to this time. It made his model, stretching on metal ribs isolated by calf skin.

Of course, in 1492, the new light had not yet opened, so it was not on the map of the world Benhaima. Ptolemy cards were taken as the basis. Taking the basis of this model, in the future, cartographers made changes associated with new geographic discoveries. After that, the globes spread across Europe. They were given high-ranking individuals and even monarchs. Actually in our country, the globe appeared as a gift to Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov from the Dutch ambassadors. Later, this globe moved Peter to the first. Now, the globe is considered a symbol of enlightenment.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Citrus Option

Try to make a globe model with a child with a child. Why from plasticine? This material is ideal for the performance of children's crafts. It is very plastic, it is convenient and safe to work. Lrack classes helps to train a small motility of hands, which contributes to the establishment of speech, because the speech center and the center responsible for the coordination of the fingers are in the brain in the neighborhood. Thanks to the modeling, attention and memory is trained, and the manufacture of crafts approached real models helps better understand the essence of things. And of course, fantasy develops and the creative potential of the child is implemented.

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In the creation of the Globe, with your own hands, you will be helped by a master class with a photo.

So, to make a three-dimensional model of the globe, you will need:

  • Grapefruit or large orange;
  • Ball pen;
  • Plasticine of various colors;
  • Stack;
  • This globe.

Prepare the basis, worn thoroughly and dried fruit. With the help of the ballpoint handle, apply the contours of the mainland on the orange. You can make this by attaching a tracus to this globe and redrawing the sushi outline on it. Then cut the pattern and circle the handle on the orange. And it is possible to draw on the eye from the GLOBUS mainland.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Oceans occupy most of the globe. With them, you need to start making the model. Next, green designate the continent.

Do not forget that Antarctica and Greenland are covered with snow, they will be white.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Now you can apply a hill. Looking at this card, apply yellow plasticine where it is necessary.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

The next color to be applied is orange. Do not forget to check with the card.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

The highest places on the globe designate brown.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Add profound places in the ocean with dark blue plasticine.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Look at what bright and beautiful turned out to be a globe.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

On the stand

The next master class is perfect for children.

To make a globe on the stand, you will need only plasticine and this globe. It is necessary to correctly place the continents and mountains on the endless expanses of the oceans of our planet.

Make a big ball from blue plasticine.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Position the poles with white plasticine.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Then, looking attentively at the map of the world, make cakes from green plasticine and with the help of Stack, give them the form of the mainland of the Eastern Hemisphere - Eurasia, Africa and Australia. Do not forget to add Madagascar Island.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Place them in the right places of the layout, focusing on this globe.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Go to the western hemisphere. There are north and South America. Form them from plasticine and place on the model.

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How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

Now you need to apply deserts and mountains to the globe. Make them with orange and brown plasticine.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

For the manufacture of the footboard, make a ball and flatten it. The second item can be performed by forming a plasticine roller. It is slightly soaked and bent into the shape of a crescent. Strengthen the globe on the stand. Crafts ready.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

On a stick

Another option is the manufacturer of the globe, see the next workshop.

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

How to make a plasticine globe with your own hands for children with photos and videos

For the manufacture of such a model of the Earth you will need:

  • Plastic or foam ball;
  • Thick wooden skeletal;
  • A cup from under sour cream;
  • Plasticine;
  • Colored paper;
  • Buckwheat and semolina cereals;
  • This globe.

At the base of the ball, you need to do a hole and combine it with a wooden skeletal with a plasticine. The lower part of the skewers should be strengthened in a cup, too, with plasticine. The side walls of the cup can be blocked with colored paper or paint acrylic paint. Apply blue plasticine on the ball with a smooth layer. Wooden wand and donyshko. Cooks. Does white plasticine. Focusing on the real earth model, make continents from rolled green plasticine. To do this, you can use their patterns. With yellow and brown plasticine, we mark the hills and mountains. Separate the location of glaciers, spray semolina, and the places where the highest mountains are located, incrust the buckcakes. Globe on a stick ready!

Creating such models of the Earth, the child will understand the location of the mainland and learn their names, and attracting his attention to the smallest details, you can learn a lot of useful information.

Video on the topic

From the video provided below, you will learn how to do different models of plasticine earth.

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