Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration


The bedroom is not just a separate room in the house. This is a place where we can hide from the bustle of the day and obsessive attention, a place where you can be alone with you or an expensive person. So, thinking over the bedroom finishing options, you need to make every effort to become the most cozy place in the world.

Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration

To make the bedroom unusual and original, it is necessary to take into account all its subtleties.

Interior Planning Tips

The design of the interior design is not easy task, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties so that the outcome of the work has justified expectations.

Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration

To visually expand the room, it is necessary to use light tones.

No matter how attractive the idea of ​​repeating the interior you liked, you should not blindly copy the picture. There are several factors that should be taken into account, in addition, any design can be upgraded to make the finished bedroom look great.

  1. Overly spacious bedroom - a huge rarity. More often you have to deal with enough close rooms in the wrong shape. To visually expand the boundaries of the room, use light tones and bright accents in the finish, attracting attention. So, if there are places in the room of relaxation, which is desirable to hide, position the cast element on the opposite wall. Avoid bulky decor and large drawing.
  2. White single-level ceiling always visually makes the room above. If the height of the bedroom is far from the ideal, it is worth abandoning drywall structures and decorative stucco.
  3. The situation in the rest room should be primarily relaxing. Therefore, it is worth preferring the monophonic wall decoration. The color gamut needs to be chosen based on its own preferences, the degree of illumination of the room and the side of the light to which the windows overlook. Traditionally, it is believed that warm tones soothe and add light, and the cold is visually expanding the space.
  4. Considering the options for finishing the walls of the bedroom, be sure to consider the features of their own life. So, if you have children, then the texture plaster will increase the likelihood of injury, and snow-white wallpaper can turn into a canvas for creativity.

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Think over all the subtleties, weigh everything and against, and then the result will please you for many years.

Usual materials and textures

Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration

Floor finishing is one of the most durable, so coatings, therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of material.

When selecting the material for finishing the walls of the rest room, the old good wallpapers pop up in memory. Today's building materials market is distinguished by the amazing variety of types and textures of the coating. And what is nice, in this case you can rely solely on personal preferences. The bedroom, usually - the most remote room with the bathroom, and therefore the danger of flooding is missing, and you will fit the wallpaper of any type.

If the individuality and creative start oppose the choice of standard material for wall decoration, pay attention to the original wallpapers. Today, bamboo wallpapers are popular, in addition, you can stick the wallpaper "under painting", to create a catchy interior yourself and change it infinitely often.

If you don't like this bedroom design, you should remember such a universal coating, like paint. And you should not fear tribalism, today's water-based paints make it possible to create unique interiors. But still one should not be chased by catching individuality, because the setting of the bedroom should be relaxing, it will provide a vital high-quality sleep. Paints for internal works are:

  • glossy;
  • semi-man;
  • matte;
  • silky;
  • velvety.

It is better to give preference to the last 3 options, as they do not glare, which means that the light will not beat the eye and interfere with the slow wake.

Original wall decoration

Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration

The wall decoration does not do without designers. The most popular are textured, structural, Venetian finishes.

Some covers today are only gaining popularity. Professional designers are increasingly treated with them, such a demand is due to the incredible beauty of the material, albeit with some impracticality.

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Throw and stylishly look the walls of bedrooms covered with texture plaster. Thanks to specific methods of application and composure, you can create a unique interior. What type of plaster you would choose, you can be confident in the excellent result.

From the species presented in the market are popular:

  • textured;
  • structural;
  • Venetian.

If you decide to choose such a finish option, it is worth solving in advance whether they are ready to regularly face the problem of cleansing. To remove dust it is impossible to use the usual wet or even wet rags, and the vacuum cleaner will not provide perfect purity.

If you do not suffer from some difficulties with cleaning, it is worth paying attention to a relatively new type of wall finishing - drapery. More precisely, the idea of ​​decorating walls to the fabrics is not new, but today she received a new embodiment. Easy and natural materials are used for decoration: silk, cotton, flax. Mounted such a decor can be mounted in two ways:

  1. On the principle of wallpaper. Cloths cloth are glued with glue.
  2. According to the principle of the stretch ceiling. Specialists mounted horizontal strips and between them pull the selected cloth.

Despite the seeming complexity of purification, return the coating is the initial look easier than the structural plaster. There is enough hours of free time and a powerful vacuum cleaner.

It is not necessary to bypass and popular liquid wallpapers, combining all the advantages of rolled coating and decorative plaster. With their help, you can create a bright and individual design. In addition, you will not have to take care of the camouflage of the seams, they simply will not.

Interesting decoration ideas

Bedroom finishing options, planning tips, wall decoration

Artistic drawing on the walls is able to transform your room. It is quite simple to do it yourself.

But not only high-quality uniform wall covering is appropriate in the bedroom. It is important to remember that this room should like it first, and therefore it is here that you can fully show a fantasy. What other options for finishing the bedroom can be used?

  1. Art painting of walls. This option of decorating surfaces is deservedly popular. The original large drawing or a small non-gentle ornament is capable of transforming the room in one moment. And that is especially nice, this decor can be performed independently.
  2. Even using one of the materials proposed above, you can make your bedroom cute and original. Stylishly, all sorts of combination of shades look stylish. You can make a horizontal transition of tones or paint the walls in different shades within the same color.
  3. Do not forget about modern photographic windows. Today, they are not an image of a pine forest, striking with its not realism. Wall mural is a practical material that allows you to create, for example, a surprisingly plausible window overlooking the Eiffel Tower or the Ocean coast, and such an awakening is able to set the tone of the day.

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Selecting the interior and options for finishing the walls of the future bedroom, forget about stereotypes and rules. The rest room should become a place where you can fully relax, feel comfortable. There are rarely visitors in the bedrooms, which means that the only designer and expert to which you should listen, are yourself.

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