Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpaper and how to do it?


Although paper wallpapers still use in certain demand due to their availability and varieties of their design options - but more and more often people acquire more modern variations, for example, vinyl. But any wallpaper tend to get dirty, especially when they are in the corridor, an entrance hall, where people go past and constantly touch them with their hands. Therefore, when you suggest the general cleaning of the room, I want to wash and wallpapers. But is it permissible? Is it possible to wash the wallpaper if they are vinyl?

Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpaper and how to do it right

Soap solution helps perfectly when cleaning the apartment

Wet cleaning and washing

First you need to understand what is specifically meant when people say about the fact that wallpapers are going to wash. Usually it is not about full wash. If you really "wash" wallpaper, how people wash, for example, floors, even the highest quality and reliable wallpapers will not be able to move normally. The following problems will arise:
  • The coating may be sworn;
  • Moisture can get under the wallpaper and make the coating close a bit;
  • The wallpaper pattern can be somewhat damaged;
  • Because of the abundance of moisture, mold may occur.

Therefore, any wallpaper is not so wash, whatever they are. And another thing is that if the usual wet cleaning of the room is carried out, then it can spread to the wallpaper, but it is about wiping with a damp cloth, and not about wetting the surface of the walls of walls of water.

Structure of wallpaper

In general, vinyl wallpaper is considered moisture-resistant, that is, it is permissible to wipe. All this becomes real due to their special structure. Vinyl wallpaper is otherwise called two-layer. The top layer can follow from the name - it vinyl, and the lower may differ.

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Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpaper and how to do it right

Roll of durable vinyl wallpaper without packing

There are options on a paper basis, and there is on the phliselin. If you compare the suitability of washing, then those on the phlizelin can withstand more moisture. But the relative water resistance gives precisely the upper, vinyl layer. And since we wipe wallpaper still outside, their vinyl varieties in general is considered to be washing. But only as we will see further, this is quite a relative statement.

What can wash

Vinyl wallpapers are different. Including they differ in the time how well they are able to transfer moisture. In particular, that buyers can accurately understand whether it is possible to wash the roll-acquired roll or not, a special labeling was created, which is on the roll of the roll. It is she who helps to distinguish the level of water resistance of individual wallpaper. The main sign to which you want to navigate is a special image that looks like a wave in a square. And here there are three varieties:

  • If the wave is one, the moisture resistance in wallpaper is rather weak. In this case, it is necessary to wipe such wallpaper with a neat with a damp cloth, and the use of detergents in principle is not recommended.
  • If the waves are two, then you can wash and with the addition of detergents, although it is still worth handling the wallpaper.
  • If the waves are three, then you can wash quite strongly, subject wallpaper careful processing. You can wash without "fanaticism", but strong enough.
  • If, in addition to the waves, a stylized rowing is drawn, then it is permissible to rub the surface with a brush, or apply the washing vacuum cleaner.

Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpaper and how to do it?

Moisture resistance on wallpaper label

It is important to navigate and on a specific subspecies of vinyl wallpaper, as they may differ in other signs. There are compact vinyl varieties, that is, wallpapers that have a flat surface. They can be brushed and care for them with the use of detergents (except abrasive and acid - it is better to use the usual soap that dissolves in water).

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If wallpapers have a pronounced texture, for example, imitating any material, then you should care carefully, trying not to damage the top layer - this texture can be detached if you resort to something more complicated than a wet rag.

How to wash

To properly wash such wallpapers, it is necessary to take into account a number of important principles. You need to start in order to remove a clear layer of dust from wallpaper. This can be done with a dry cloth, and you can simply swallow the surface dry, it will simplify the task even more. If you do not pre-do this, then you will flock along the wall of the mud streams - and you will spend more time than they could.

Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpaper and how to do it right

All cleaning work must be accurately

It is also necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • It is not necessary to dry the wallpaper with active ventilation, otherwise they can simply move away from the wall;
  • It is not necessary to dry with the help of special devices generating heat, otherwise the surface of the coating can go by waves;
  • Wash the wallpaper quickly - the more they will twist, the worse there will be the final quality of the work;
  • Just in case, have a spare piece of wallpaper with yourself - sometimes it may be so that you simply damage part of the coating or you can not wash, then nothing else will remain other than how to make a dirty or damaged fragment.

If nothing in principle leaves if the dirt does not rub off from wallpaper, but it is not an option to stick them out, then it is not necessary to zealous, you do not need to damage the wallpaper. Just think than you can turn damage - for example, a picture or furniture. And then, if possible, find a piece of suitable material to cross the damaged fragment.

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