How to Choke Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: The main stages (video)


Fiberboard is an indispensable material for budget repairs. Such a building material is suitable for creating a variety of partitions, it has a high level of noise insulation, its surface is perfectly smooth. The only disadvantage of fiberboard is the so-called hydrophobia, which can a little limit the scope of this material or requires additional processing, which will fully eliminate the deformation and noticeably increase its life. Fiberboard plates can be painted and saked. Therefore, many apartment owners may have a reasonable question: how to glue wallpaper on Feds.

How to Choke Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: The main stages (video)

Scheme of the order of blending wallpapers on the fiberboard.

Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: List of Stages

The work on the sticker consists of several main stages, each of which should be performed in accurately compliant with the provided technology, it is necessary to clearly comply with the sequence of the main steps:
  • The first stage - preparatory, lies in the primer;
  • Surface putty;
  • The second stage of applying primer;
  • Sticker wallpaper or paper;
  • Special coloring using water-mounted paint.

If this sequence and technology of each stage will be shied well, it will be easily glued, and the required result will be achieved.

Wallpapers for fiberboard: Preparatory stages

How to Choke Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: The main stages (video)

Wallpaper shaping scheme for fiberboard.

DVP has a certain property absorb moisture, therefore, as a primer, a penetrating alkyd liquid or a conventional olive can be used. Olife before applying should be heated to 50 degrees. Applying the primer before the start of applying the adhesive is justified, because otherwise there will be a great consumption of glue before salaling. The connecting areas should be carefully cleaned so that in the future the traces do not appear on the new finish. When gluing a roll material on this building material, there is no need to hurry, otherwise the work will turn out to be unfounded, and it will have to redo it.

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The second stage of preparatory work is the putty of the entire surface of the salary. The role of putty is to equalize the surface, because it is able to align the differences in height (protrusions, depressions) with dimensions up to 15 mm.

With the help of a conventional putty, you can achieve a perfectly smooth surface, which is further much easier to handle and accumulate with wallpaper.

How to Choke Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: The main stages (video)

Required tools for wicked walls by wallpaper.

Now you can buy in a construction store already ready to putty or dry mix to prepare it yourself.

Putty must be applied with a thin layer, otherwise, after drying the thick layer, cracks may appear on the surface. If the thin layer is not enough to completely align all surface drops, then the alignment occurs in several steps (several thin layers of putty). If the technology is not broken, it will become a guarantee that there will not be cracks in the next surface. After applying all the WHP layers needed to equalize the surface, the putty should dry. Only after complete drying can be applied the second layer of primer.

The second layer of primer is applied to the surface to be fully prepared for further processing by old newspapers or paper. To stick the wallpaper on the fiberboard, paper is used that is glued to the surface in advance. It is necessary that the wallpaper is better and more reliable to stick to the walls. Putclone and two layers of primer should make the surface smooth, without visible drops. Upon completion of the three preparatory stages, you can move to basic work, that is, you can hide the Fiberboard with wallpaper.

How to stick a roll material?

How to Choke Wallpaper on the Fiberboard: The main stages (video)

Wallpaper wrapping scheme in corners.

The basic principle of sticking wallpaper on such a building material, as the Fiberboard, is similar to the design of wallpaper on the walls. The glue must be carefully applied not to the roll of wallpaper, but on the surface of the surface, that is, the Fiberboard sheet itself. This fact is associated with the fact that the building material perfectly absorbs moisture, so it needs to be abundantly smeared. An ideal option for such works will be universal glue, which also contains special antifungal additives in its composition, which constantly protect the material from possible rotting. The proportion of water and the mixture is selected depending on the type of wallpaper selected.

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To perform these works, you will need a certain amount of glue that will depend on various factors. Therefore, the glue should be about the reserve, otherwise it may simply not be enough, and it is not worth saving when it is saved. Reaching the corner, you need to clean it thoroughly. In this inconvenient place to glue the wallpaper need a mustle, which is 5 or 6 cm. There is a second way: the clipping method, it is used if the walls wallpaper is very dense. Surplus are neatly removed using a conventional acute blade.

Upon completion of the work, the wallpaper must dry out for two days, at this time the room where the work was carried out should be tightly closed from air intake in it, otherwise it will lead to the fact that the wallpaper can appear and even turn apart. After complete drying, the surface must be specifically covered with a simple waterfront varnish, which prevents the negative external influence.

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