How to repair old doors: Step-by-step instructions


Whatever expensive and high quality entrance or interroom door, after time it will still lose its original characteristics and will need to be renovated or fixed. Repair the entrance door, as well as restore interior doors, you can, with your own hands. We just need to properly prepare for work and in everything follow the instructions.

How to repair old doors: Step-by-step instructions

The most popular methods of small repair and restoration of the doors include its sweeping with further painting, changing the shape or facade of the door leaf, applying the desired stencil.

Preparation for repair and restoration doors

Currently, there are many techniques that will allow you to repair the wooden door with your own hands, as well as return to the former beauty of the canvas from other materials. Among the most popular methods of small repair and restoration can be allocated:

  1. Stripping doors with further painting.
  2. Change the shape of the door canvase.
  3. Changing the facade of the product.
  4. Apply the desired stencil.

How to repair old doors: Step-by-step instructions

Elimination of small wooden door defects.

When choosing a specific solution, it is necessary to take into account first of all the degrees of wear and / or breakage of the door, its functional purpose, material of manufacturing and interior of the room. To repair the door yourself, you need to prepare a number of instruments. The devices are quite simple, and you can immediately master the features of working with them even in the absence of skills. Prepare the following:

  • Grinding machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • several different brushes;
  • paint;
  • plane.

Depending on the nature of the breakdown and features of the restoration, additional tools may be needed.

Step-by-step instructions for repair of interroom wooden doors

Work requires strict compliance with the instructions and phased implementation. First you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the cloth with loops.
  2. Get the glass, if any.
  3. Remove latches, handles and other fittings.

How to repair old doors: Step-by-step instructions

Tools and materials to eliminate rust on a metal door.

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After that, you can move directly to the restoration of the door. Work implies the following operations:

  1. Cleaning the surface from the existing coating.
  2. Elimination of scratches and other defects.
  3. Processing the surface of the door with an antiseptic agent.
  4. Covering canvas with paint, varnish or other composition.

First, old doors are carefully cleaned with grinding machine or sandpaper. It is necessary to carefully eliminate the old coating and close the existing defects. To do this, you can use putty. After it dries, the canvas is processed by an antiseptic. It will prevent the tree damage under the influence of fungi and other pests. In completion, you need to cover the door to paint or varnish. If you wish, you can use a simile or other available compounds.

Selecting a specific composition for finishing depends on the type of door. So, the simplest method of updating the old interior door is a monophonic painting. If you wish, you can wake the door with wallpaper. This will not need a lot of money and time. Wait until the coloring composition is completely dry, return all the accessories in place and install the door back.

More technological restoration options

If you wish, you can use one of the more complex and spectacular according to the final result of the methods of restoration of the wooden interior door. Options are available:

  1. Installing the cover facade.
  2. Restoration with the help of a stencil.
  3. Replacing the facade.

How to repair old doors: Step-by-step instructions

Adjusting PVC doors accessories.

Using the stencil on the door you can apply the desired pattern. To apply the drawing, apply paint more contrasting color than the one that the door is painted directly. You can make stencils yourself or purchase in a specialized store.

Another good and simple option is to decorate the door with the stickers of the vinyl film. You can order such stickers in any company specializing in outdoor advertising.

As for the replacement of the facade, in this case it all depends only on your preferences. The greatest popularity is 2 ways. In accordance with the 1st - in the facade, the holes are cut into the glass, in accordance with the 2nd - these holes are closed. Or you can simply replace the glass to the new one.

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The overhead facades are mounted, as a rule, with the help of PVA glue. All sorts of stencils and various products without particular difficulties and temporary costs are glued to the door of the door with this well-known glue. If you wish, decorate the door with something more solid, you will have to use screws, bolts and nails.

PVC-based doors repair manual

Repair the doors from PVC is quite simple. For example, a self-adhesive film of the desired color can be used to restore such a door. Either the door can be painted by the same technology as a car bumper.

The most simple method of restoration is performed in such a sequence:

  1. The door is covered with a primer designed to work with plastic.
  2. Acrylic paint is applied, composition based on polyurethanacry or nitroemal.

Before using any coloring composition, check how it will look on your door. To do this, apply it to the upper or lower end of the product.

An even simpler feature of the plastic door restoration is the use of self-adhesive film with drawings. The door renovated in this way will look very interesting and attractive. You can choose a drawing that will best be combined with the interior of the room.

Basic methods of glass door restoration

For the restoration of the glass, you can use a simple stained glass film. If desired, the product can be painted in stained in paints. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. First you are inventing the drawing and make a sketch. If you wish, you can order this work in a specialized studio.
  2. Create a stencil.
  3. Buy tassels and paints.
  4. Apply the desired drawing on the glass surface.

At the same time, it is necessary to replace the heads for new ones, because Over time, they are loosened, because of which the glass can fall. On sale are available both absolutely invisible and bright colorful strokes, so you will not have problems with the choice.

Recommendations for the repair of metal doors

The restoration of the metal door is a more complex process than the repair of a wooden or plastic design. One of the most common problems of the metal door is that it throws it. It becomes immediately noticeable, because The twisted door is poorly closed and scratches the threshold. In parallel, its heat-insulating and sound insulation properties are reduced.

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The metal door can turn, firstly, due to the wear of the door loops, secondly, due to the too large mass of the canvas itself. Even high-quality loops can be wary after some time and stop withstanding the weight of the door canvase, especially if it is made of multilayer thick steel. You can cut off your loop and install new products instead. However, with such a repair, not every home master can cope on its own. You can also try to align the door, driven under the foundation of the clinia design.

Another common problem with which you have to deal with many owners of metal doors, is that over time, the material begins to rust. You can eliminate rust with your own hands. First, the door must be prepared for such processing. Remove the seal and accessories. Take a brush for metal and remove the paint and rust. Sand, and then degrease the surface of the product using a special solvent. Treat damaged parts of the canvas with putty. Once again sanding the surface and boil it. It is more convenient to use aerosol primer for this.

Do not forget to paint the door.

Paint is recommended to apply a double layer: the second is applied only after completely drying the previous one.

Wait until the paint dry out completely, and return the removed accessories and the seal.

Thus, simple repairs can be performed independently. You only need to follow the instructions. Especially since there are a lot of ways to restore and decorate doors, there are no difficulties in their small repair. However, if there are too serious and great damage, then in the absence of special skills, it is better not to engage in its repair yourself - high risk finally spoil the cloth. So objectively appreciate your capabilities, prepare the necessary tools, thoroughly think out and proceed to repair. Good job!

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