What acrylic bath is better to choose


The development of technologies leads to the fact that new materials appear, which for the totality of characteristics, at least not inferior to the old, and sometimes they are also superior. For example, polymers. They appeared not so long ago, but actively enter our lives. And now they make dishes, pipes, packaging, plumbing products, etc. If we talk about the bathroom, the cast iron or steel baths today are increasingly replaced with acrylic. But to choose an acrylic bath and do not regret, you need to know some technological nuances, as well as the rules for handling this material.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Shape acrylic baths can be different

Pros and Cons Acrylic Baths

Even before repair, it is necessary to solve the question of what exactly choose an acrylic bath. To determine it is easier, weighing positive and negative qualities of acrylic baths. Says we will be about the products of good quality, and not about cheap fakes.

Pros of replacement of steel or cast-iron baths on acrylic:

  • Small weight. The acrylic bath of medium sized weighs about 12-15 kg, so one person can carry it. This reduces the shipping cost and facilitates installation.
  • Low heat capacity. Even in the cold season, acrylic feels like warm material. Stand and sit on it more pleasant than on metal, it heats up quickly. Some times faster than steel or cast iron.
  • Plumbing acrylic is a tiny material, but even in a wet state it is not slippery.
  • With a dialing of sound, there is almost no sound.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    In acryl, nozzles for hydro and aero massage are well built

These are positive moments. Now about the shortcomings, they are also serious. In order not to regret the decision taken, choose the acrylic bath you need to realize all the nuances. So disadvantages of acrylic baths:

  • For acrylic, special care is needed. You can use only special non-abrasive tools, wash the tank only with soft rags, do not use graters, rigid washcloths, etc. For washing acrylic baths, it is impossible to use products containing ammonia and chlorine, whitening additives (that is, the washing powders are also undesirable). To launder strong contamination, the special makeup simply leave on the surface for a while, and then wash off.
  • When the load is loaded a little bit, because of what the walls are moving. For this reason, the installation of the acrylic bath is made according to a special algorithm - to regular or additional stops (bricks). The gap between the side or wall closes with a special plinth or tile, but it is necessary to do everything on the recommendations of the manufacturers.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    Acrylic bath is installed on a special framework that supports her form.

  • You need to handle the container carefully - acrylic is scratched. For example, under the basins it is necessary to pretend some kind of fabric, do not become in the bath in shoes, etc. If this is a high-quality plumbing acrylic, scratching shallow and exploitation do not interfere, besides, they can be stamped using special polishing pastes. In cheap composite scratch models remain forever, and they can still cause the detachment of the protective coating.
  • When falling in a bath of something heavy, chips may appear on the surface. They are repaired, but only if it is high-quality acrylic.
  • Acrylic bathroom has thin moving walls. And at least during installation under the board the frame is supplied, it is not possible to fully rely on the edge of the bath. All the more, it is not possible to sit down on her edge. This focus is possible only to people with a slight weight.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    Just sitting on the edge can only a man with a slight weight

All these shortcomings from the field of operation and care, but all these nuances are worth knowing that not when buying should be aware.

How much is a acrylic bath

When choosing an acrylic bath, the issue of cost is invariably. The fact is that the price for the bowl of about the same size may differ in 3-5 times. It's not so much in the "appetites" of manufacturers, but in production technology. Acrylic baths make three ways:

  1. So-called injection baths. The finished shape is filled with acrylic. After his rejection, the facial surface is covered with a layer of fiberglass, poured with epoxy resin. The thickness of the acrylic layer with this method of production is the same - there are no more subtle plots in the places of bends / ignition. Since the sanitary acrylic is expensive, then the baths made on this technology are a lot.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    There is no layers on the cutting bath

  2. From the leist acrylic. In this case, the acrylic leaf is heated above the form until soft, after which, with a vacuum, "sucking" in the form remains in it before cooling. Acrylic baths made according to this technology have different thickness. At the bottom, where the most active wear is coming, the thickness of the acrylic is less, since the stretching of the sheet in this place is maximally. But, with good quality of the source material, the thickness of the acrylic is 3-4 mm, which is quite enough for long-term operation.
  3. Extrusion or composite baths. Strictly speaking, these are not acrylic baths, but many unscrupulous sellers are also called acrylic. A cup of ABS plastic is formed, its facial surface is covered with a layer of acrylic. Usually it is the cheapest products - plastic cheap, acrylic is often used cheap. Despite the low price, these "works" are better not to buy. The fact is that plastic and acrylic have not very good adhesion and different temperature expansion. As a result, during operation, the protective surface is disclosed, the acrylic layer cracks, begins to be washed. It is on this product that there are many negative reviews.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    Very thin white layer - this is a layer of acrylic in this instance

So to choose a acrylic bath of good quality to understand what technology it is made. Determine this "on the eye" is unrealistic. You can try only on indirect features to understand, it is good or not very. The most affordable indicator is the strength of the sides. If they bend and look unreliable, it is better not to take this instance.

You can still see the thickness of acrylic in the area of ​​the drain hole. It is clear, the thicker than the white layer, the better. Another indirect sign of good quality is a big mass. It happens that the baths of the same manufacturer have the same size, but the difference in weight is about 50%. That that is heavier, usually has a greater number of acrylic. Well, another indicator is the price. Good acrylic baths are not cheap. Sanitary acrylic stands - expensive material. What is more, the more expensive the bath. So "cheap and efficiently" is not about this product.

Since it is impossible to understand what technology is made by one or another bath. Therefore, manufacturers provide their products with passports, which describe how to manufacture, order and installation conditions, care method. Before buying, you need to explore this information and only after that buy. And then if everything suits you.

What's better

As you understand, the most expensive containers made on casting technology. They have a long service life, it is easy to care for them. Some manufacturers give them 10 years warranty (subject to recommendations for installation and care). This is an excellent choice, but not all such baths for pocket. A good option - bowls of the leaf acrylic. They are quite reliable, have a relatively low price. Both options are good in that the formation of scratches or chips can be repaired. Scratches are polished, and chips are flooded with the repair makeup.

Composite baths are the cheapest segment, but they are not repaired. Skoles and scratches will remain forever. There is one more point: when using a cheap acrylic surface, the surface is porous, the dirt is clogged into the pores. It is very difficult to delete it, because it is impossible to use potential tools. So care for such bathrooms is difficult. Even if the acrylic layer does not crack, the appearance of their own is lost quickly.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Claps may appear, but they are repaired

If you want to choose a good quality acrylic bath, do not regret the time, go to the exhibition cents to see and swell the copies of different manufacturers. When inspection, pay attention to the wall thickness. On a cut in the side of the side, it is possible to evaluate how well the container is, the thickness of the acrylic is also visible here. When inspected, pretend how the declared thickness of the acrylic layer corresponds to reality.

If you have chosen several brands, ask for certificates before purchasing. Serious firms provide paper on acrylic, as well as certify their products on European and international standards. The presence of such papers is one of the signs of the severity of the campaign, and their absence is the reason to think: do not fake you are going to buy.

Acrylic baths best manufacturers

There are many unknown and some checked firms on the market. Firms with the name sell their products more expensive. It is most likely due to the fact that unlightened firms, trying to conquer the market, simplify the technology, find ways to save. What does this lead to? Often to problems during operation. Therefore, even with a limited budget, it is desirable to choose an acrylic bath of a well-known brand. In this case, you will know exactly what you pay for.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Forms are very different. There are vested, angular, separately standing

Ravak (Ravak) - good quality

If you need a good quality acrylic bath, pay attention to the products of the Czech company RAVAK. In production, a sanitary leaf acrylic is used. But the technology is finalized in such a way that the heating temperature of the sheet in different zones is different. As a result, the thickness of the acrylic is the same everywhere.

To increase the strength of the tanks, the finished acrylic bath reinforces. Ravak Some models reinforcement with a metal mesh (linsely on the bottom of the finished tanks), but several layers of fiberglass fabric are used more often, which is wetted with water-repellent composition. In any case, the overall thickness of the acrylic bath walls is solid, even with a significant load, they are not very "walking".

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Collection for Little Bathrooms - Ravak Behappy

In the range of this company there is a large number of baths of a classic, asymmetric and unusual form. Since for the tanks of an unusual form to find a curtain is problematic, some models are completed with curtains (glass sliding). Immediately you can get a bath and shower.

To choose the plumbing was easier, the baths are produced as part of the collection. Most often, in addition to the bath, a washbasin is offered. Such a pair is usually perfectly combined by style and form, as being developed together. Also offer support (frame), siphon with a overflow device, headrest and front panel (screen). So the Ravak can not only choose an acrylic bath, but also pick up accessories for mounting and installation.

Cersanit (cersanit) - worthy quality for a small price

The Cersanit Polish campaign releases porcelain / faience and acrylic equipment. Prices, compared to other European manufacturers, are slightly lower, quality - at height. Pleases the abundance of forms and sizes. There are tanks of a conventional rectangular shape, there are rounded, streamlined. It can be installed at the wall, in the corner, in the center of the room. Separately, it is worth mentioning the CERSANIT PURE line. The surface of these baths is covered with a silver ion content that provide antibacterial protection.

At the enterprises of Cersanit, the bathhouse is molded from the leist acrylic lucite. To give it greater rigidity, in loaded places, the container is amplified by additional plates. In order for the surface in the process, the surface did not lose the brilliance, the inner part is poured with a layer of resin.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Cersanit - good quality, but often there is a "chemical" smell

There are usually no Certifications to the quality of acrylic baths, but there are strong smell in the reviews, which is not destroyed for a long time. If you need an inexpensive but high-quality plumbing, you can choose the acrylic bath of the Polish company Cersanit.

Baths Kolo.

Another Polish company Sanitec releases a plumber under the KOLO brand (Kolo). Acrylic baths of this brand are also made from the leaf acrylic, then enhance with fiberglass. They come in a set with adjustable legs, can be equipped with a drain / overflow system, a screen, accessories - headrest, handles.

If you want to choose an acrylic bath for convenience, look at the products of this company - they have different rules using interesting solutions. For example, the Kolo Komfort line (Kolo Comfort) has a bevelled side, which is convenient to rely on the back when taking a bath. They made anti-slip corrugated bottom, they have large dimensions (in length from 150 to 170 cm). Also, this line can be equipped with a head restraint and seats that are fixed on the sides of a special form.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

Forms - any. There are even double

The Kolo Mirra line is distinguished by the form - they are rectangular outside, and the inside is asymmetric. Also have large dimensions - from 150 cm to 170 cm long. Competed can handles for convenient lifting, head restraints.

Spring series containers are distinguished by an unusual shape with benches inside. These protrusions can also be used as tables or shelves for bath accessories. In the production of this series, high quality acrylic is used.

Appollo - Italian-Chinese Products

Like many European firms, APPOLLO has transferred production to China. The quality of products did not make worse, and the price, due to the cheaper workforce, became more competitive.

Among the products of this company there are interesting models with glass inserts (AT-9050L, AT-9076T, AT-9075T). Watching such fonts are unusual and stylish and enjoy solid demand. Many models provide holes in the sides to install mixers not on the wall, but on board. Moreover, some models are completed not only by the drain system, but also mixers. In others, you can choose an additional fee of the branded mixer of the form you like.

What acrylic bath is better to choose

If you want to choose an acrylic bath of a non-standard species, Appral has with glass inserts

At the request of the font, it is completed with hydromassage, aeromassage, chromotherapy (change of backlight colors in a certain rhythm). The mode of operation of all "additives" is regulated. In the basic configuration, the leg and head restraints are adjustable.

Russian manufacturers

The production of acrylic baths and Russian campaigns did not go around. Their products are mainly located in the middle price segment. They are not so expensive as the products of Europeans, but also the quality is also inferior, although there are campaigns that have good reviews. Here are the most famous firms and a brief description of the products:

  • Aquatek. Acrylic uses good quality, but the walls of the tanks are thin, under load "walk". There is a frame (made of aluminum pipe), which should give them greater rigidity, but according to the respondents there is an insufficient number of slats, so the bottom and board will still be flexing. With proper care acrylic, the color does not change, but it is easy to scratch.
  • Triton. Acrylic is very good - does not change the color, almost not scratching. But with the configuration of the trouble - not a very good frame, the drain / overflow system, which comes in the kit, has a short thread (maybe already changed), therefore it is difficult to install without leakage.

    What acrylic bath is better to choose

    If there is no frame, you can make it yourself

  • 1Marka (1mark). The owners of these acrylic baths complain of a strong smell that stay for a long time. There are complaints on an uneven framework, there are even unwound places, unevenly bent guides for a glass curtain.
  • BAS (bass). If we talk about tanks without additional devices, then our reviews are good: the bottom of the anti-slip (in the sump), it is easy to clean, does not scratch. The disadvantages indicate the disadvantages of the design: the frame is not the best design, in the models with the installation of the mixer on the side of the hose water flows under the bath.

In general, you can also choose the acrylic bath of Russian manufacturers. You may need some improvements when installing, but the containers themselves mainly have good characteristics.

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