Do it yourself a warm floor in the bathroom


Going out of the shower or bath, I want to keep the feeling of gentle heat to the skin for a long time. But most often it turns into a harsh awakening from the sweet Drema, as soon as your heels touch the cold fail. The exit from this situation will be the appeal to such a miracle of human thought, like a warm floor, which is mounted right under the tile.

If you have it all, and you wish you to start the embodiment of a dream as soon as possible, learn the instructions as you hand to make a warm floor. Pay attention to how to mount it not only in the bathroom. But it is there that he turns out to be the most necessary thing.

Installation of a warm floor

Do it yourself a warm floor in the bathroom

When installing a warm floor in the bathroom, it is worth paying attention to his appearance. You can stay on a water or electric version. Consider in more detail how to equip a warm floor with your own hands in electrical design.

You can independently assemble the equipment kit to make a warm floor in the bathroom, but you can also simplify your life by purchasing ready-made sets. They are sold at the rate of 1 square meter. You can find a set, already calculated on a standard room for standard premises - it will save your money and forces in search of everything you need.

No need to stop at the cheapest options, but also you do not need to climb at the very top of the cost. Select the average option, buying a warm floor for the bathroom, the cost of it in your region you can calculate, looking at the nearest store with finishing and building materials. The average price is about 1,500 rubles for each square meter of the coating.

Due to the fact that rarely there are large bathroom rooms, a warm-alone device will be not so expensive.

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Standard set for a warm floor assembly

Special matsCurved electrical cable, which is fixed on the grid, the width of the element is 45 centimeters
TemoregulatorFixes on the wall in the bathroom at any convenient place so that you can always improve temperature importance
WiresConnecting elements

Kits in different manufacturers may differ insignificantly in detail. The most popular manufacturers of warm floors: Teploux, Thermo, Electrolux, Devi. Here you are free to choose to your taste that they are mounted with your own hands.

Additional, but recommended by Trata is the acquisition of a substrate in the form of foil foam. This material that is stacked directly on the tie foil up, not only will save heat, but will also help you in further significantly save spending on electricity.

Stages of work

Before laying the heating element to the floor, you need to take care of its purity and suitability for work. For this, the floor carefully swept and washed out before starting the finish. If there are some irregularities from the bugs on the floor, they must be cut off with a special typewriter and polish the processed place.

The best base for laying electric heating floor is a concrete screed. If you have wooden floors, it is better to pour them with a special solution. This applies in cases where the floor treatment does not give its result, and the defects will remain too prominent.

Do it yourself a warm floor in the bathroom

In order not to waste time in vain, making the installation with your own hands, select the solutions for filling the floor, which have the property quickly dry. In construction stores, they are presented enough from different manufacturers. The usual sand and cement mixture will be captured for about two weeks.

Requirements for the quality of the floor covering when laying electric heating gear due to safety technique. With constant contact with irregularity, the cable will be lag and bended that. Ultimately, it can lead to damage and breakage of the entire system. This moment will be fatal. Such a malfunction is almost impossible to repair, especially with their own hands. So do not ignore this moment.

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Warm materials

Choosing a warm floor, pay attention to the quality of the materials for its manufacture. The perfect manufacturers of this type of homemade equipment are Germany or Sweden.

You can stay on a two-housing or unwitting cable for the base. The most wear-resistant and safe is the two-housing wire. But for quality and durability will have to pay much more expensive.

Before stabbing the cable, pay attention to where the thermostat will be located on the wall. If necessary, it is worth equipping a separate wiring for a warm floor and make your own exit on the overall distribution shield of the apartment.

Floor laying

Before laying mats with a cable, put the thermal insulation material in the room. The foofol has a thickness of the shielding layer of about 14 microns, and on the reverse side it has a self-adhesive basis. This greatly facilitates the laying of the material, follow the material to the wall and to the edge of the material, especially in the corners, is not less than one centimeter.

Do it yourself a warm floor in the bathroom

The foam is produced in the form of rolls, it must be carefully put on the concrete surface, align, and then glue the assembly tape - this is the best way of fastening.

Then the special mounting tape is sprinkled, folded in the form of a grid, on top of which the electrical cable is stacked. If you bought not a ready-made kit, and separate items - put the cable zigzag on the tape, attaching an assembly tape for a warm floor. The gaps between each turn must make no less than 20-25 centimeters.

The thermal sensor in the warm subject of the interior should be installed so that it is easy to reach it, if necessary, it was easy and quick to get. For this, it is usually hidden in a special corrugated pipe in the room. For the thermostat, you can launch a separate groove to which the electrical cable will be laid. Electricity consumption is calculated by the cross section of the copper wire in the cable.

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Cross section 1.5 squareWithstands the maximum power of 4k W and current 19 A.
Section 2.5 squareWithstands the maximum power of 5.5 kW and current 27 A.

Setting the cable, check it with its performance and make sure that there are no errors when performing work. If everything works well and the end result does not cause any doubts and complaints, you can fill with a cement screed with a thickness of 4 or 5 millimeters. However, it is possible to do without this measure, and immediately begin to lay out the floor tile.

Do it yourself a warm floor in the bathroom

Laying tiles, in principle, no different from the usual process. Just keep in mind that a special tile glue for a warm floor will be required. It is better not to save and choose famous manufacturers. To begin with, place the tile to imagine how it should look after the finish. After that, you can proceed to the process starting from one of the corners.

When tie, do not connect the warm object in the bathroom while this solution does not freeze to the end to prevent deformations and curvatures. Tile glue dries about a day, but it is also desirable to leave it in a state of complete rest until it gains enough power.

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