Macrame for beginners: basic nodes for weaving


This master class is devoted to the basics of Macrame for beginners. You will learn to determine the right and left-sided nodes, as well as a square node. These are the main nodes of Macrame.

Right-sided flat knot

Take two threads. Attach them to the bar so that you have the four end of the thread. The first and fourth thread - workers, will you perform weaving, the second and third is the basis.

Take the right hand the fourth thread, put it on the basis (threads two and three), the number of number one at the same time is on top.

Left hand Take the first thread, miss the basis (threads two and three), pull out the bottom in the loop between the base and the fourth thread.

This is how the right-sided flat knot looks like:

Left-sided flat knot

Weaving this node is performed similarly, only the work you will start with the first left thread. Take the first thread, put on the basis, while the fourth thread is on top. Right hand take the fourth thread, skip under the base, pull out the bottom in the loop between the base and the first thread.

So the left-sided flat knot looks like:

Square knot

The main node in Macrame is square. It is very easy to weave it: glowness first right-handed left-sided flat nodes to get a square knot.

That's how it looks like:

Now try to apply the chain of square knots, alternating right, and left-sided flat knots.

Levo and right-hand twist chain

Now that you have mastered the main nodes of Macrame for beginners, you can easily weigh the twisted chain.

Secure two threads on the bar, just as they did at the beginning. Start weave right-sided nodes. When you put four knots, notice that the chain begins to twist a little on the left side. Now expand the bar for 180 degrees and gossip four more right-sided nodes. Continue to weave in the same way, until you get a left-sided twisted chain of the length you need.

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In order to perform a right-sided twisted chain, do it all the same, only leafing the left-sided flat knots.

Such chains are used mainly for plowing porridge, shelves, products that you need to hang. Such chains look very original, much better than the shelf hanging on ordinary ropes.

Nodes chain and its types

Now let's try to evan the novel chain. She woves out of two threads. Take one thread, bend in half, attach to the bar - you will get two threads, of which you will weave the nodular chain.

Left-hand tension the first thread, and right take the second, put on the first thread and pull it into the loop from the bottom-up. Similarly, do with the first thread. You will receive nodules that are on both sides.

This is what the weaving of the nodule chain looks like:

You can weave a nodule chain with different methods, for example, two nodes for each side, as in the picture:

And if you try to evan the nodules using only one thread, for example, right, then get a chain that goes on the helix:

Such nodular chains are used in the manufacture of panels and belts, as well as with their help, flies a smooth beautiful edge of any product, giving it a complete view.

Square knotting grid

You already know how to weave the square knot, now try weighing the original grid pattern with it.

Take six threads, secure on the bar, receiving twelve threads. Weaving will be performed from left to right. Divide the threads into three groups, each four threads each.

First row: Of the four filaments, gossip the square node, having received three square nodes in a row.

Second row: Through the threads, take the following four threads and gossip the square node, then another of the following four threads. Two threads in the end remain free.

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Third row: Pleerate the same as the first, having received three square nodes.

Fourth: Pleerate the same as the second, receiving two nodes.

This is what the scheme of weaving mesh from square nodes looks like:

Bump and pico from square knots.

We have already mentioned that the square node in Macrame is the main one. With this node, you can weave the mass of a variety of patterns. For example, the volumetric unit "Cryer". He woves very simple:


Take two threads, secure on the bar, receiving four threads. Welcome a chain that consists of five square nodes. Now take the bottoms of the base (two and three), lift them up and stretch between the base and the first node. See for more details in Figure:

Tighten the bottoms of the base, the fifth knot must lie on the first. Under the "baby", make a square knot to consolidate it. Now gossip some more "cones", having received such a chain as a result:

And from square nodes, you can weigh the original chain with pretty loops along the edges. It is called "Pico":

It is very easy to weave it. Secure the thread on the bar, receiving four. Square knot, and the next knot is gossip 2-3 cm below the first:

The third knot gossip, retreating from the second the same distance you retreat from the first. Pleerate so many nodes, then tighten the nodes tightly up, holding the filament of the base. So you will get these charming loops on the sides. The seatset depends on the distance left between the nodes and the thickness of the threads. Watch the distance to be the same, otherwise the hinges will come out by cryption.

KNOT "Chameleon"

"Chameleon" woves just like a square, only working threads are constantly changing. Secure two threads on the bar, receiving four. Pleerate the square knot (the first and fourth thread workers, threads are two and three - the base), then change the threads in some places - the second and the third become workers, and the first and fourth base - and gossip another square knot.

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This is how "chameleon" looks like:

Node "Frivolit"

This node can be placed from two and four threads. By the way, it is used in many patterns of Macrame.

Knot "Frivyolit", consisting of two threads:

Secure the thread on the bar, receiving two threads. The first thread will be a worker, and the second basis. Put the first thread on the basis and crush the basis from top to bottom, then stretch the working thread into the resulting loop. Pretty tighten the first thread. This is half a node. Now make the first thread for the basis, pull the E1 in the loop between the base and the working thread from the bottom up. Tighten the working thread. You splured the first "Frivolite" knot.

Drawing on the technique of weaving. Drawing will help you:

Knot "Frivolit", consisting of four threads:

Secure the thread on the bar, receiving four. The first and fourth workers you have, the second and third basis. Fourth thread gossip the "Frivolite" knot on the bench's threads, then glowing similarly to the first thread. Welcome a chain further, constantly changing the threads one or four. Read more in the picture.

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