What is a film warm floor - device, installation


Today, many try to make their lives more comfortable. Moreover, a large number of new technologies appear on the market. In addition to comfort, many are interested in what can be saved. Today it will be about film warm floor, which can act as an alternative to centralized heating.

Receiving heating bills, many do not understand why such money should give. After all, in the winter season, you have to join the blankets. And judging by the accounts, there should be a temperature not lower than 240 in the apartments. The film warm floor will solve the heating problem and, while the electricity consumption will be small.

Device film floors

What is a film warm floor - device, installation

Despite the fact that these engineering systems appeared on the market not so long ago, they already have positive user feedback. Unlike its predecessors (water and cable warm floors) infrared systems have miniature sizes.

After installing the film system, the floor height will rise slightly. Therefore, you do not have to break your head over how to hide the height difference between adjacent rooms. It will be enough to install a multi-level empty bar at the junction junction.

Infrared floor has a 3-hshl structure. The upper and lower layer is a film. Between the film there is a heating element. The film is absolutely sealed. In addition, it is laminated by a polymer, which is resistant to fire, moisture and atmospheric influences.

In the manufacture of the heating element use copper and silver. These metals are warmly carried out. Copper and silver strips are located, according to which the current starts to go, at a distance of 1.6 cm from each other.

A feature of the system is that if one section is damaged, the remaining system remains operational. No other engineering system has this property. If the heating element of the cable floor or water is damaged, the entire system will be opened.

What is a film warm floor - device, installation

In addition, the film warm floor is not mounted in the screed. Therefore, perform repairs will be much easier. As for other types of warm floors, their repair implies dismantling not only the decorative flooring, but also ties.

When the infrared system is operating, the air indoor is heated evenly. This is confirmed by user feedback. If we talk about a centralized heating system or heaters that were used earlier, their work is based on convection.

The heated air rises, and the cold, respectively, is lowered. It turns out that the system is aimed at forming warm streams under the ceiling. At the bottom of the room there are cold air flows. Film warm floor works quite differently.

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How do infrared warm floors work

What is a film warm floor - device, installation

The system after installation is connected to the electrical network. Between the system and the source of electricity is the thermostat, which makes the system controlled.

Infrared floor works in the same way as the sun. It does not heat the air. After all, the latter is not the best conductor. It warms the objects indoors. And already air warmed up from them. In this case, the temperature of the coolant does not exceed 500. And the temperature of the floor covering is not more than 450.

When the system is running, the current is transformed into thermal energy. Thanks to the foil thermal insulation material, all heat is evenly distributed over the surface of the decorative flooring. Therefore, there are no so-called cold zones on the floor.

To avoid heat loss, it is necessary to install foil thermal insulation material under the film floor. Otherwise, heating not only decorative flooring, but also a rough base.

As for the system efficiency, the consumption of electricity during the operation of the system is an average of 40 W * m2 * h. It is worth notify that this consumption will be in well insulated rooms. If the heat insulation is not equipped in the best way, then, respectively, the electricity consumption will increase.

To date, the consumer is presented two types of infrared floors: film and rod. The first are produced in the form of a roll material. The second in the form of carbon rods connected by the wires. Film floors are greater popularity.

Advantages of infrared floors

What is a film warm floor - device, installation

The first thing you want to mention is the simplicity of installation. An instruction is attached to the system, according to which you can connect the system yourself. It does not need to use special tools and equipment. It is also worth noting the speed of installation of the system.

No need to equip the screed and wait until it dries. Immediately after laying the film, you can start the installation of the decorative floor covering. Moreover, the system is compatible with the most tender floor coatings. You can put the film in a few hours. Customer reviews suggest that the installation of the engineering system will take no more than 5-6 hours.

Air in the room after switching on the system warms up fairly quickly. The system is adjustable. You can set the desired temperature. If floors are installed in several rooms, you can install your thermostat for each room.

There are simple mechanical thermostat, which are not equipped with additional features. They are rather durable. There are also more modern electronic options that have additional features. For example, the room temperature may change if the air temperature on the street has changed.

The use of electronic thermostators allows you to fully automate the system. Having studied customer reviews, it can be concluded that the electronic devices are more convenient to use.

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What is a film warm floor - device, installation

When the system is running, an electromagnetic field is not formed. When the cable floors are working. Air heating occurs due to the formation of long infrared rays and anions. Heated, first of all, the items in the room, and only then heats the air.

Engineering system has a long period of operation. It is 15-20 years. Although with gentially, film floors can function and longer. Such a conclusion can be done by studying consumer reviews.

It is also worth noting the mobility of film floors. If you have to move, the film floor can be dismantled and pick up with you.

Air heating in the room occurs evenly. Since there is no convection in the room, there are practically no dust in the air. In addition, the level of humidity remains in the room. Infrared floor not only makes stay in the room comfortable, but also is the prevention of certain diseases. There are consumer reviews about it.

Disadvantages of infrared floors

What is a film warm floor - device, installation

At the moment, they have not yet created the technology that would be ideal. Infrared floor is not exceptional. In addition to the advantages described above, it has disadvantages.

When laying a system, the film can be damaged. Therefore, the installation work must be performed extremely neat.

Since the system runs from the electrical network, there is a possibility of self-burning. The cause of such a phenomenon can be the incorrect operation of film warm floor or its damage.

It is impossible to put heavy furniture on the film. Otherwise, in this place the system will overheat, which may cause the deformation of the decorative flooring, furniture standing on top and the film itself.

The last drawback is the high cost. Since in the manufacture of infrared floors is used expensive copper and silver, the system cannot cost cheaply.

Installation of film floors

First of all, you need to clean the draft floor from dirt and dust. Then, it is necessary to estimate its condition. If there are defects on it, then they should be rid of them. Next, it is necessary to arrange the construction level to determine the differences in the room. Film floors are stacked exclusively on an even base.

Allowed differences of heights of several millimeters. If the floors are uneven, then they need to be aligned. It is better to use special mixtures for alignment that, after frozen, form a smooth surface. The cement-sandy solution to lay exactly enough. Yes, and it is not necessary to prepare it under power not to any master.

The next step is the placement of the room. It is impossible to lay the film back to the walls. It must be at least at a distance of 10 cm from them. Also should be taken into account the location of heavy furniture. Under it, the film also does not fit. The remaining space needs to be sealed.

The next stage is the laying of the foil thermal insulation material. It makes no sense to lay it throughout the perimeter of the room. It will be enough to put thermal insulation only under the film. The foil face of the material should be directed to the infrared film. All joints between the heat-insulation bands need to be glued with adhesive tape.

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What is a film warm floor - device, installation

Next, you need to put the film system. Put the film in such a way that the copper tires "watched" down. If necessary, the film can be cut. But it is necessary to do this in accordance with the markup, which is on the film.

Separate elements of the film system must be combined with each other. For this use wires and clips. Unused wires need to be insulated. Isolation is included in the engineering system.

Then, the thermostat should be installed. For him you need to make a deepening in the wall. It is also necessary to take care that there is a socket nearby. It is advisable to make a separate circuit for a warm floor. Connecting the thermostat, as well as its installation, occurs according to the scheme attached to it.

The last thing you need to do is connect the thermal sensor. It is necessary to do this according to the instructions that are attached to the warm floor. On this installation work can be considered complete.

Before laying the decorative flooring, you need to check the performance of the system. If no problems are detected during the inspection, you can go to the flooring of the floor covering. It is advisable to install a film warm floor under the tile. When laying a system for linoleum, it is advisable on top of the warm floor to lay the sheets of fiberboard.

How to operate infrared sex

First of all, you need to correctly install the system and make all the calculations. In order not to make a mistake in the calculations, you can seek help from the consultants of the construction store, in which you buy a film floor.

You should also familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the operation of the engineering system. It is advisable to explore the reviews of people who have already managed not only to establish, but also to use the system. After all, it is always better to learn from other people's mistakes.

It is impossible to perform installation work in the wet room. It is not necessary to take into account the reviews of people claiming that the system works inefficiently. Most likely, when calculated, an error was made, which led to ineffective system operation. When laying a film you need to act neatly. This will help avoid mechanical damage.

Infrared floors have a number of advantages to which relatively small electricity consumption belongs. Consumer reviews indicate that the engineering system is worth his money.

If the installation works were performed correctly, then the consumption of electricity during the operation of the system will only delight. Choosing a film floor to pay attention to the manufacturer. After reviewing consumer feedback, you can make sure that it is necessary to cooperate solely with those companies that have proven themselves in the market.

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