Basics of Macrame: Weaving Schemes and Patterns for Beginners


The main schemes of Macrame for beginners you have already studied, now you can start weave patterns from these nodes.

Macrame Patterns "Frivolit" with the threaded threads

Take two threads, secure on the bar, receiving four. The second and third you will have workers, and the first and fourth base.

Take the second thread, gossip the "Frivolite" node on the first filament. The third thread is glowing the same node on the fourth main thread. Bind the second and third thread and leave further the "Frivolite" nodes of the third thread on the first main, and the second thread on the fourth main. Continue weaving in a similar way, constantly twisting the second and third thread. You will get a "frevolite" pattern with the threaded threads:

Such macrame schemes you can apply in weaving a variety of belts and chains.

The "Frivolite" pattern with the threaded threads you can weave both on four threads and eight. In this case, the workers will have the first, the fourth, fifth, eighth thread, and the basics - the second, third, sixth, seventh thread. You will bind you to the fourth and fifth working threads. In addition to the instructions like weave nodes, macrame weaving schemes in Figure:

Square nodes rhombus

Take six threads, secure on the bar, receiving twelve. Take four central threads (fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth) and gossip the square knot. In the next row, there are two square knots, the first will be the third, fourth and fifth thread, and the second is the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth. In the third row, we also gossip two nodes from the first, second, third and fourth threads, as well as the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth.

The fourth row will consist only of one square knot in the center of Roma. We are gossiping it from the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth threads, where the workers are the fourth and ninth, and the base is that there will be a thread number 4 and number 9, and the base threads are the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight thread.

Next, learn is similar to 1-3 row, only in reverse order. Such rhombgen patterns are used as the component of larger macrame products.

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Patter "spider".

The pattern is very easy to perform, it looks pretty pretty. This pattern is used in many products Macrame. Take four threads, secure on the bar, receiving eight.

First row: gossip two square nodes. Here everything is clear: threads eight, four threads on the knot.

Second row: gossip one square knot, using central threads - third, fourth, fifth and sixth. At the same time, the third and sixth workers, and the fourth and fifth - the basis.

The third row: gossip in the center. Square knot, using the base threads - the fourth and fifth, and the workers will be the second and seventh.

Fourth row: gossip the square knot, four and five threads, and the workers will be the first and eighth.

This is what happens as a result:

Rhombus from reps (ribbed) nodes

We will continue to consider the nodes of the macrame scheme of weaving. This time you will learn to weave the rhombus from ribbed knots. You will weave this pattern bridged in a given order and direction.

Take five threads, secure on the bar, receiving ten. Watch the thread into two groups of five threads. The basis for the upper sides of the rhombus will be the fifth and sixth thread. First leaf up the top left side of the rhombus.

Take the fifth thread, stretched to the left. Glowing on the fifth thread ribbed knot with the fourth thread. Similarly, we carry out nodes threads three, two and one. You will have the upper left side of the rhombus. The right upper side will have to weeze the same, only the main thread will be the sixth, and the work of the seventh, the eighth, ninth and tenth threads. To do this, take the thread number 5 and shifted it diagonally to the left under the angle we need. Then weave on the thread number five repition (ribbed) node thread number 4. Then, the same is done by the threads number 3, 2 and 1. It turned out the left upper side of our rhombus. Right side weave on the same principle, only on the thread-based number 6 threads number 7, 8, 9 and 10. The upper part of the rhombus is ready.

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Twist the second, third and fourth threads with the seventh, eighth and ninth in checker. Then stretch the fifth main thread down to the center at an angle. It is important that the angle is correct that the rhombus does not get curves. On the fifth thread-based, the ribbed nodes of the first, seventh, eighth and ninth work threads, so you perform the bottom left side of the rhombus. Now gossip the bottom right side. Start the sixth thread-base at an angle to the center and leafing on it the ribbed nodes of the tenth, fourth, third and second threads.

Here is such a diamond with you in the end:

Now it remains to close the rhombus. To do this, gossip ribbed knot fifth and six threads.

Pattern "Quarter Flower".

To weave a four-leaf flower, first make a sketch of cardboard:

Take five threads, secure on the bar, receiving ten. Divide them into two groups of five threads in each. On the pillow under the threads, secure the sketch.

Glowing left top flower petal. The first thread is the basis, on it you will weave the ribbed nodes by working threads, in this case the second, third, fourth and fifth. The lower part of the petal is performed on the second thread-based third, fourth, fifth and first working threads.

Similarly, plenty of the right upper petal, only the upper part you will weave on the tenth thread-based, with the help of the ninth, eighth, seventh and sixth working thread, and the bottom - on the ninth strand, the eighth, seventh, sixth and tenth working thread.

The center of the flower fasten the ribbed knot, with the help of the second and ninth thread.

Lower petals leaf from the center. The upper part of the lower petals is performed on the ninth and second filament, and the lower on the first and tenth.

The execution scheme is more clear in the picture:

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Pattern "Minute"

This pattern woves very quickly and easily. Looks up "minute" like this:

At the plank, secure four threads, having received eight. Divide the thread into two groups, four each.

First row: the basis is the fourth and fifth thread. On the fourth thread on the right on the left, the diagonal brothers of the third, second and first working threads. On the fifth thread, the diagonal brothers left for the right of the sixth, seventh and eighth working threads.

The second row: the base is the third and sixth thread, the bases of the previous row in weaving are not used. In the second row of the left, the two ribbed nodes of the second and first threads, and on the right of the seventh and eighth threads.

The third row: the base is the second and seventh thread. Pleet the ribbed knot on the left of the first thread, and on the right eighth.

To complete the Pattern Connect the working threads that you used in the third row, the ribbed node. Next, continue weaving both in the first, second and third rows, constantly connect the half patterns with the ribbed knot after the third row.

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