Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos


No children's holiday costs without demonstrating thematic costumes. At the same time, a new reincarnation is required for every matinee. But any costume will be incomplete if there is no such important attribute like a mask. It is for it that it is easiest to assume what role a child was taken at the festival. As a rule, masks for children are made with their own hands, and the choice of execution technique depends on how the mother has a mom.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Masks may differ in the style of their wearing. Some completely close the face, while others wear instead of a cap.


Bright and colorful felt masks are pleasant to the touch, which is important for the well-being of the kid. If there are colored pieces of felt in stock, create any carnival mask will not be difficult.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

For the felt mask it will be needed:

  • Felt of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Stationery clamps;
  • chalk to transfer patterns;
  • rubber.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Before work, you can use ready-made product templates, or independently depict the character on a piece of paper.

Often, various animals become the guests of children's matinees.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Therefore, a schematic representation of one or another beast, even parents with small skills of artistic skill.

To make a mask acquired a small bulge and "sat well", it is recommended to perform dilators in the top of the head of the head.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Ready drawing is cut along the contour. Eye slotes are carried out. It will be lectured products. The template is superimposed on the felt cloth and will be worked with chalk.

The main part is cut. Separately prepared small parts of the mask from the felt of the corresponding color.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Details are glued to the main fabric of the product. It is desirable to start with flat elements.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

After fixing all flat parts, it should be given a product of a little time on drying. Work turns into bulk parts of the future mask.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

The sections of the pulp alternately are drained and combined with each other. The proclinted parts are fixed using the stationery clamps.

Article on the topic: Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Such work should be done with each sweep. The mask is practically ready. If the product is intended for a girl, you can decorate it with a cute bow.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

On the side of the masks attached ends of the gum.

Similarly, not only masks of animals are performed, but also any other fabulous heroes present in children's theatrical productions.

Only paper

When there is nothing at hand, except for colored paper, should not be upset. Masks are manufactured according to the principle described above, but excluding extortes, because they are difficult to make them on fine paper.

Since this is a low strength material, it is desirable to replace the mount in the form of an elastic band on a paper ribbon in the size of the toddler's head girth.

Paper masks can be volumetric. For example, the visual volume is actually created using crumpled pieces of multi-colored napkins, closely pasted throughout the web product.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

To obtain a convex mask from paper, the technique of Paper-Masha is suitable.

In a simple embodiment, torn pieces of newspaper or paper are fixed with the help of alert on an inflated air balloon. After the imposition of several layers, the workpiece is subject to careful drying. Subsequently, with the help of paints on the surface, a conceived character is depicted.

If you use dense paper, either cardboard, you can form small ottachi and sneak them from the back of the product with an additional strip of paper or tape. Thus, an alternative to felt masks is created.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

On the example of the mask, the goat is shown how the product looks like with paper folds. There are situations where the child categorically refuses to close the face of the mask. In this case, it will help the product, made a little in another style.

The basis of such a mask is the paper strip-bezel, which passes all the details of the conceived hero.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

This kind of masks help and in the case when it is impossible to portray the recognizable face of the character.

For example, the technique of performing a mask on the rim is suitable in the case of the heroes of the theatrical presentation insects.

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Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

The characters here are depicted entirely in order to give a complete picture of the role performed by a child at the festival. Even more difficult if the baby was instructed to depict fruits, berries, vegetables or flowers on the matinee. How to get out of this situation? Create a characteristic hat.

The base of the cap is the same paper tape.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

To keep the top well, it should be supplied with a frame of four crossed paper strips, as shown in the photo.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

The upper part is subjected to a decoration in the style of the desired composition. Used with color or corrugated paper.

Masks for children with their own hands fabulous heroes and animals with photos

The finished structure is put on the head and is mounted with clips or haw-haired rubber band.

Video on the topic

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